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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #9 Begins 7/7/22

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15 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Following the supreme court’s abortion decision, urologists say more men are taking charge of...

This should cut down on demon 😈crat having welfare recipients children 

Also, it eliminates the need for an abortion.

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23 hours ago, van the man said:

I didn't realise Autocue could last that long!!!! Biden clearly can't converse without a written prompt!! XI must have pissed himself laughing

The conversation lasted over 2 hours. If "Sleepy Joe" weren't senile they probably would have talked for only 20 minutes.  Hope Joe didn't give Xi the secret codes to the nuclear football.

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22 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

Veterans erupted in anger after Senate Republicans tanked a widely supported measure that would expand medical coverage for millions...


Except that the bill was written in a way that would have allowed the money to be spent for things other than help for the veterans. That's why Republican senators were opposed to the bill. Now they are pushing for a new bill which will guarantee all the money goes to the veterans and not to  Democrat pet projects. 

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2 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

He may have I really don't know.  I never follow that shit as it was not in our neck of the woods.

Wait awhile longer it will be in your neck of the woods also. Liberal progressive socialist/Marxist dictators are never satisfied until they control the lives of everyone.

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