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1 hour ago, pajero said:

tant qu'elle sera sous l'influence des 2 vieilles mégères (lor et amira)elle ne sera plus comme avant ????                                                                                    regardez la cam2.9 a20h41 on dirait qu'elle va a l'abatoir .amira lui dit quelque chose? et elle répond un petit 'da'                   

They went to that nice restaurant that they like so much. Great shows there.

Not the ones that you are thinking of.

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37 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

Ils sont allés dans ce bon restaurant qu'ils aiment tant. Grands spectacles là-bas.

Pas ceux auxquels vous pensez.

alors on ne doit pas manger a sa faim dans ce restaurant ,en rentrant elle ont mis une pizza au four 

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2 hours ago, Epikouros said:

And 1 or 2 min later she's under the sheets...😕 

She was on her phone. Does she read the comments here?...🤔

Don't know if she reads the comments here but she proved one thing tonight.  She does not need to wear panties or a top for that matter, when she goes to bed. She has lovely tits and a beautiful pussy, much like Leora's.  They need to be seen, since it's one of the reasons she's being paid to be there. 

Update:  Looks like she woke up and put on panties and a shirt. What a shame.

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