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  1. ... Or maybe, just maybe, we need to leave this whole culture of shame & shaming behind us, once and for all?... (Edit: there'd be a lot more to see, too...)
  2. You can also piss in the pool when wearing a swimsuit. Swimming naked has nothing to do with it. In fact, people should do that more often (swimming naked, not peeing in the pool 😉 ). Until the 19th century, people just swam naked & swimsuits didn't exist. Then suddenly religious mores considered that "improper" and decided people should wear clothing for swimming for "modesty". The swimsuits got a lot smaller in the meantime, but it's still a very unnatural way to swim while wearing them.
  3. Has anyone ever seen Esenia smile?...
  4. I thought I saw her before indeed. Though I don't think I saw the young guy before. Regular guests often receive nicknames on the forum here. Does she have one? If she doesn't, what about Roxy (or Roxy2), now that the original Roxy is called Medusa since she became a tenant? But maybe an original name is better. I think she has something cat-like, so what about: Tigra? Felina? Pantera? Puma? Gata? Cougar (as the boy she was with seemed younger than her, though she doesn't seem old enough to be an actual 'Cougar')? Other suggestions?
  5. Is there a forum nick for the guest girl? Or is she an ex-tenant? She is not shy, in any case. 🙂
  6. I notice she changed into night clothes and so will probably spend the night. I missed her changing though, and have no replay. Did anyone notice whether she was cam shy while changing or not? Should we devise a nickname for her if she becomes a regular guest? Any suggestions?
  7. A professor in psychology who practices pseudo-science? As astrology is not scientifically sound at all, I doubt there is any university in the world that offers courses in it. I think the reputation of the professor in question among peers/colleagues/superiors would suffer if this side job became known... There exists no scientifically proven link between birthplace/birthdate and personality. It's true there are some very religious universities (in the US and some islamic countries I think, maybe Israel too) that err on the non-scientific side, but these tend to be not fond of astrology either as they consider it pagan. So I wonder which university that professor worked at... I agree that astrology charts & books, card readings etc can offer some insight in one's life & personality, especially if the person doing it has good human knowledge / people skills or knows the person well, but that insight would come regardless of the actual cards being drawn or the actual birthdate and -place: whatever comes up, something will 'resonate' with the life situation or personality of the person and form a starting point to think & talk about. So they can be a good way to get started, but should not be taken seriously by themselves.
  8. Guest girl (in Karma's room) isn't shy. Seems she likes to walk around naked. 🙂
  9. I missed it, and have no replay... 😕 If someone sent me a cap or vid, I'd be very grateful. The same goes for the curly haired tattooed guest girl at a party several weeks ago who apparently jumped into the pool naked. Those who sent me stuff in the past will know I am discreet about those things and don't distribute it any further, so no chance of getting banned by RLC. Thanks in advance!
  10. She might be rather intellectual (and/or have a beef with Christianity/paternalism) : Hypatia was a pagan female philosopher during late Antiquity, and was lynched by a mob of early Christians in Alexandria in 415. Anyway, interesting choice of a nickname. Hypatia - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  11. If anyone captured Vesna's first shower: I'd be very grateful for pics or a vid (as I have no replay). Those who sent me stuff before know I'm discreet about those things. Thanks in advance!
  12. As I have no replay, and missed the guest girl naked/topless, I'd be very grateful if someone could send me a pic or vid by PM. Those who sent me stuff in the past know I am discrete about that stuff and don't share it any further, so you'd have no chance of being banned by RLC. Thanks in advance!
  13. They're taking their time... And still no bath running... Pity, the guest girl seems hot, though not quite sure because of her baggy clothes... She certainly has a pretty face.
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