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Premium Membership

Guest observer1

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Don't talk bullshit. The idea is good, but if RLC share videos to members, those are immediately here and no one wants to pay any more. There are no way to share videos so that only paid members are allowed to see them. RLC knows that and we all know that very well.

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Thank you hollywoodmogul21 for the review, it was very helpful, great job!

Don't talk bullshit. The idea is good, but if RLC share videos to members, those are immediately here and no one wants to pay any more. There are no way to share videos so that only paid members are allowed to see them. RLC knows that and we all know that very well.

I beg to differ on this.  How many videos are now being shared on CC? Almost none at this point.  RLC is exercising their DMCA rights with extreme prejudice.  So, how would it be any different if they made videos available in a members only section versus the way it it is now?  As long as the videos were posted on their site that you have to log into with your valid RLC membership, they are not going to take the videos down.  If anything this could possibly increase their membership.  I know I would pay extra if I had access to a "Premium Feature" like this.

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I am no techy but they seem to be doing a good job restricting access and distribution by the use of the braille code. If access to view is given with no ability to download then they can stay in control.

If the idea is reasonable then with a bit more thinking it could turn into a good idea!!!

It never makes good business sense to upset a customer. It is never good business practice to discourage a customer. It is however good business sense to find a solution to a customer problem. That problem is time. Time zone issues. Most rich (rich enough to afford to pay the subscription) are 'money rich, time poor'.

Fancy toys and clever gizmos on the site are all well and good but they do not solve the problem.

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I wrote maybe too quickly without thinking carefully enough. This DMCA thing is true, and things have changed for the better in recent times. It might work if those recorded videos braille code would be visible all the time. This would prevent sharing of screen captures.

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frens how i see video RLC any body tel me ,,im make accont dat ,,ho i see new video i have only fre cam nt see all i love this RLC ,,,I WAT SEE y tynm video or pics

now motherles nt wroking i cant fin new vieo ny one help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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You all are welcome.  Just doing my part.  Like many of you, I want a better RLC site and a community that I can share this common interest with.

Also, a member's only message board is possible (not that I do not like this one or the other one), but there are other adult sites that utilize them.  It is to RLC's and the members' benefit to create a member's only message board.

Here are the advantages of RLC creating a members only message board.

1. Reduces the number of incoming and outgoing emails for RLC. (i.e. Troubleshooting can be communicated through the boards)

2. Members should be allowed to post pics and vids "only" to the RLC member's only message board.  Little work should be required by RLC (like playing a role of Admin) as members will do the work through posting.

3. RLC can use the discussions on the boards to gain information and insight on how to improve the site...thus allowing RLC to meet members' demands more quickly (i.e. Request for more couples, English speaking couples, etc.)

4. As RLC's content is shared freely through the members only message board, members will not have a need to share it outside with non-members or if shared outside the members only board, then immediate ban still takes place. Overall, this will reduce the sharing of RLC's intellectual property. (Let's face it, we know this could work.  Just look at how many people are sharing videos now.  It's not a complete solution, but it will have impact.)

5. Members will get to see what they have missed, thus reducing membership cancellations.

6. Members will not be disturbed or hassled by non-members for content or passwords.

7. A members only message board will begin to benefit both RLC and members immediately.

This is a win-win for RLC and paying members.

Sadly, it will most likely hurt existing fan boards.

But, RLC will most likely see a spike in their revenue and members should see their demands being met in a timely manner after requests have been made.

By the way, I have already sent this request to RLC last night after having those crazy issues and missing Sofia & Roman and Diana & Efim.  I shouldn't have to have those issues when I am a "premium" member now.  (And, I know that being a premium member doesn't do anything more than give me access to more options.  If RLC gets screwed up, then it will naturally affect anyone or everyone).

If there is only one other request that I have, it would be for RLC to forgive any banned, past paying members' actions in sharing their content and possibly allow them another opportunity to become members now that a members only board will be in place.  Again, more revenue for RLC and less ex-members trying to find new ways to hack into the site and illegal share RLC content.

Anyway, just my thoughts on the last request.

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Do any of you think RLC cares or even reads CC.  There is a post not sure by who or were it is posed but maybe this is some type of experiment.  The poster brought up some real good points.  I hope he or someone will post the  link.  He could very will be right.

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Do any of you think RLC cares or even reads CC.  There is a post not sure by who or were it is posed but maybe this is some type of experiment.  The poster brought up some real good points.  I hope he or someone will post the  link.  He could very will be right.

I don't know if RLC reads our posts, but I believe that they check for posted videos or has someone who does that for them. But, I do hope that the email I sent them gets to the right person who makes the decisions.

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Do any of you think RLC cares or even reads CC.  There is a post not sure by who or were it is posed but maybe this is some type of experiment.  The poster brought up some real good points.  I hope he or someone will post the  link.  He could very will be right.

I don't know if RLC reads our posts, but I believe that they check for posted videos or has someone who does that for them. But, I do hope that the email I sent them gets to the right person who makes the decisions.

It is inconceivable that RLC would not monitor CamCaps, or that tenants themselves have never checked out their fan group. In fact, previous data suggests that RLC is here. Often.

Of all existing sites on the Internet, CamCaps is the single greatest source of raw data for RLC's marketing strategy besides their own hit count. There is no way they could resist.

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I am reading this topic and most of you are not happy with the price.

I think it is a lot to, but still.... is it worth my money to see all those camera's.

With the timezone problem and not all couples that active, I do not know for sure if i should buy a account on rlc.

Would love to get some tips.

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