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Carla & Yanai (2022) #2

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2 hours ago, isidore57 said:

De toutes les façons, tout le monde sait qu'elle s'est faite baiser à genoux sur le balcon et que lui , il la tromper aussi, ils sont quittes , c'est leur histoire ..

Mais je suis au regret de dire que RLC et Carla m'ont volé hier soir . 

Merci et bonne journée à tous.


When did she get fucked on the balcony?

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à l’instant, rlcdude69 a dit :

Quand s'est-elle fait baiser sur le balcon ?

Ce matin, par le gars qui a passé la soirée et la nuit avec elle ( et qui n'était pas Yanaï bien sur )

tu peux lire tous les commentaires sur CC depuis la page 15 jusqu'à celle de maintenant 19 je crois,   et entendre la baise sur les caméras 2 du salon 

et Noldus a mis un replay car sur la caméra 4 , du couloir, on pouvait apercevoir un filet de l'opération.

Bonne lecture 

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29 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

This morning, by the guy who spent the evening and the night with her (and who was not Yanaï of course)

you can read all comments on CC from page 15 to now page 19 I believe and hear the fuck on 2 cameras in the living room 

and Noldus put on a replay because on camera 4, from the corridor, you could see a trickle of the operation.

Good reading 

cam 4 from around 5;20am

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I tried zooming, I hear the fuck noise and  some moaning, but I really cannot see from my eyes that they were fucking.

I would not renew just for that.


BTW, Just tired to be fucked by RLC… Why can’t they put a Balcony cam like at Leora’s??? I know it doesn’t prevent from blind spots but still…

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1 minute ago, clelio85 said:

I tried zooming, I hear the fuck noise and  some moaning, but I really cannot see from my eyes that they were fucking.

I would not renew just for that.


BTW, Just tired to be fucked by RLC… Why can’t they put a Balcony cam like at Leora’s??? I know it doesn’t prevent from blind spots but still…

I totally agree with you about RLC not giving a fuck about their customers,but ther was ALOT of movement on the balcony whenever the curtain moved,I'd put my money on them fucking!!!

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1 hour ago, clelio85 said:

Why can’t they put a Balcony cam like at Leora’s??? I know it doesn’t prevent from blind spots but still…

Probably because there is no suitable location to mount it, also it may give away the building location in the only suitable position

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