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They found an Off Cam Hidey hole

Guest epoxin

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He got a plan to get -1000 so he got to disagree with everything you say.

That's true.

The negative Karma  is given to him out of  respect  and love. all  you newbies  will come to understand that soon enough. =)

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How do you know they get rent free"  Why do some couples past and present Look like they go to work? If there was a spy  Rocky J. Squirrel would come back and get rid of him.

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He got a plan to get -1000 so he got to disagree with everything you say.

That's true.

The negative Karma  is given to him out of  respect  and love. all  you newbies  will come to understand that soon enough. =)

Okay Mr. Junior Member...by the way, you misspelled "raisin".

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He got a plan to get -1000 so he got to disagree with everything you say.

That's true.

The negative Karma  is given to him out of  respect  and love. all  you newbies  will come to understand that soon enough. =)

Okay Mr. Junior Member...by the way, you misspelled "raisin".

so I did... thank you for pointing that out.  oopsie doopsie.  Thank god i at least know how to spell Head and banger  correctly.

In all seriousness, i did not mean any offense to  my above comment about the karma.  My apologies.

No... fuck that... I shouldn't have to apologize. Yea I'm a junior member, but I'm a junior member  that has the back  of anyone that i feel is getting harassed. Nij didn't deserve that wall of shit by movado earlier, and he certainly is not an asshole, as proclaimed by you, the "master of irony", earlier.

I'm getting sick of the conspiracy theory bullshit.... especially by newer members that  have just started posting in the past few weeks.  STOP OVER THINKING SHIT!!! 

/rant off.

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Wow, soooo much to say now lol. Prepare for another wall of text but I'll clearly separate it to respond to everyone that needs a response if you don't want to read it all. First I'll thank Joshie, hollywood and themightyrasin (holy shit with that post lol). I may come off as brash but I'm not above being thankful.

Having said that, movado, you know what's funny? After your response in Leora's thread, I was actually gonna let that shit go because I find your immaturity amusing. Squirrel even gave you props for "standing up to me" (although there was really nothing to stand up to). But you insist on pushing me with your baseless claim so now I'm going to fucking push back... hard.

And as for that bitch "NIJ" I'm sorry that my sentences aren't perfect for you buddy next time i'll write the sentences on my nuts with whip cream and put the periods on my balls so that you can read a perfect sentence that ends with all the periods you want ok mr. english teacher ,why aren't you teaching class then instead of being on this website critiquing people's writing,we are not here to read perfect sentences as long as everyone on here at least tries their best to let everyone else understand what they are trying to say we are all good. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)  And a side note make sure you clean the chalkboard when you are done reading lmaooo.!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sentences on your nuts with whip cream huh? Such an awesome comeback, and only two steps up from sticking your tongue out or calling me poopie-head.

Am I really here critiquing peoples' (and it's PEOPLES') writing OR did I make a suggestion that maybe you'll want to write at least on a 2nd grade level if you want the RLC higher ups to take you seriously? Maybe you haven't noticed but we have numerous people on here that don't speak/write English as their 1st language. I get it, and if I was some grammar Nazi as you claim, then I would be correcting EVERY post that needed correcting. Do I do this? No. Do I even have a desire to do this? No. But even those that don't speak proper English at least know the very basic principle of punctuation. Me correcting you was only a suggestion since you wanted to complain to RLC, but if it's that important to you, keep writing like a 7 year old like I give a shit.

I think that the person with the username "NIJ" is working for RLC, if everyone goes back and look at past threads, every time these couples hide themselves or have something in front of the camera to block our view, I've noticed that when anyone of us bitch about it like I did when leora had that plant in front of the camera, this fucking NIJ dude keep saying that we shouldn't say shit about it because they can do whatever they want I don't think so we are paying for their rent and If we are paying for a website to see people interact and do regular things all of us do that don't have cameras in our homes why the fuck should I pay to only hear them or look at a fucking plant in front of leora,I think "NIJ' is an undercover agent for RLC.

A spy huh? I can't even be insulted because this claim is just too fucking stupid to take seriously.

If you used even a fraction of standard brain power you'll see that I'm not even the only one that says that your complaints are ridiculous. I wasn't even the first person that said something to you about complaining about that plant. And when people wanted to complain to RLC about the new couple spending the majority of their time on the balcony, I wasn't even the only person that said they should stop complaining. But I guess I'm still the spy and others aren't right? Go fuck yourself.

And the reason why we say that their complaints are meaningless is not because we're spies, it's because they're fucking meaningless. You say you pay to see people interact and shit like that. I agree but RLC cannot and should not interfere with how they interact and as a customer, you have ZERO say as to how they interact. It's because voyeurism is about watching, not controlling. If one paying customer could control what they did and how they did shit, then another paying customer could want something totally different. Then it really wouldn't be real life would it? It would be couples just taking orders from people. If you want to pay to tell people what to do, then go join a fucking cam site. But just go ahead and ignore me and make your complaints to RLC. They will totally take you seriously.

One other thing, how the fuck could I be a spy when I've posted pictures before? RLC wants to do everything it can to STOP people from posting pictures/videos. I guess it was part of my plan huh; I'll post a few pictures so throw people off from discovering that I'm a RLC agent. I thought I was being clever but I have no choice but to admire you for foiling my plans.  ::)

It all boils down to this movado, you're either a buffoon or a child. Or maybe both? In any case you are not someone to be taken seriously. But please respond and tell me I'm this-or-that or call me this-name-or-that-name.  I don't have enough respect for your intelligence to be fearful of anything you may say about me that can't be rebutted rather easily.

Hedbanga, Serg69, Aubrey

I don't mind that you guys think I'm an asshole. There are definitely people on here that I don't like (two in particular). But if you're going to call me an asshole, the very least you can do is get your facts straight.

Do you think I'm an asshole because I disagree with "EVERYTHING" or I only want to argue? Does this include all the posts that I've 'liked?' I've made a total over 1376 posts and I've liked a total of 1316 posts. Can't really disagree with EVERYTHING if I'm also liking just as much shit too. Does this also include all the posts I've quoted and responded with a '+1' or 'qft' (for those that don't know, qft stands for "quoted for truth). At the end of the day, I just have no problems being vocal about shit. If somebody says something I like or agree with, I have no problems stating that. And if someone says something I think is fucking stupid, I have no problems saying that either, regardless of who it is. Now in the past, I may have been more brash than I needed to be, especially with newer members and I'm making an effort to quell that. But I will never apologize for being opinionated. Ever. And if someone wants to pick apart things I say and attempt to call me out on anything, then feel free. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong on something, like I was with the whole Diana/Efim scandal, just like I have no problems being thankful when someone defends or says something nice about me, despite the fact that I don't need it nor do I ask for it.

Do you think I'm an asshole because I want -1000? Well think about this for a second; Squirrel is without question the nicest and one of, if not the most intelligent person on this board and he has close to -500. If and when he sees this, I'm sure he'll have no problems admitting to wanting more. Do you think he's an asshole? If you do then you need your head examined. The whole negative karma thing has been explained to death and beyond. I'm not going to explain it now. Themightyrasin has already acknowledged part of it anyway. All I'll say is know your history.

And finally, relying on others to post pictures and videos? I'll admit to wanting to see at least one picture of Katya/Ruslan's epic sex session the other day because the idea of them, a couple notorious of going weeks without doing anything, having intense sex just totally blew my mind. Prior to that, show me one instance when I've begged for pictures of videos within the past few months. Go ahead, I'll wait. You have jackasses like jjs posting in EVERY board about wanting to change the names of the picture/video thread because people aren't posting enough pics/vids for him, but yeah I'm the one relying on pics/vids. Oceane likes to say the guys here think with their dicks (as if she isn't as interested in watching sex as everyone else), and I'll agree that that statement applies to probably the majority of the guys here, but I have VERY OPENLY defended RLC about not being a porn site, nor do I pine over women like most guys do, NOR do I find some arbitrary reason to male bash because they're not having sex with their girlfriends. That is not very hard to see.

P.S: My name has never been Pirate. My original name was 'Nij30.' I removed the 30 because it was fucking stupid.

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Oh you really want to push back hard huh lol, well lets go at it then since I ain't got nothing better to do anyways because RLC has become kinda boring lately so let us entertain everyone on CC by going at it back and forth,if it's ok with you "Mr. Numbskull Insignificant Jackass'.. NIJ for short lmaooo!! ok your turn lol. 

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Sentences on your nuts with whip cream huh? Such an awesome comeback, and only two steps up from sticking your tongue out or calling me poopie-head.

Am I really here critiquing peoples' (and it's PEOPLES') writing OR did I make a suggestion that maybe you'll want to write at least on a 2nd grade level if you want the RLC higher ups to take you seriously? Maybe you haven't noticed but we have numerous people on here that don't speak/write English as their 1st language. I get it, and if I was some grammar Nazi as you claim, then I would be correcting EVERY post that needed correcting. Do I do this? No. Do I even have a desire to do this? No. But even those that don't speak proper English at least know the very basic principle of punctuation. Me correcting you was only a suggestion since you wanted to complain to RLC, but if it's that important to you, keep writing like a 7 year old like I give a shit.

Now I know you are a fucking Idiot that can't read or understand the english language, do you know why people use apostrophes with certain words huh? Your english lesson for today is the word (PEOPLE'S ) you know the apostrophe in it ('S) means ownership which means mine or other people's typing, When you are going to correct or talk shit please pick up a dictionary and learn how to read or write please thank you ... looking forward to hearing from yousoon lmaooo!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Fuck. I just had to read four goddamn pages of this minor bar brawl. It took some time. I could have better spent the time burying my nuts in some RLC girls.

Keep it up; RLC still bores the hell out of little squirrel, so I guess this will have to do.

A shot for everyone over at Old Dude's! On the squirrel!

And don't destroy the saloon doors when you get thrown out...that pisses off tbg150 big time...afterall, we're running a respectable operation here, you cheap bastards!

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LOL don't worry squirrel I'm not taking anything he says seriously this all just entertainment for a otherwise slow day, because no matter what i say he still does not get it, I don't want to control the tenants and tell them what to do, but anyone on this forum with half a brain cell can agree with me that we don't want to stare at empty apartments or potted plants or any other insignificant object all day we actually want to see the people themselves do something a little interesting apart from trying to hide from us, In his logic (NIJ) we should just put up with whatever they give us, I guess he is one of those guys that let his woman beat him and tell him to turn off the tv and go to bed lmaoo!! I don't put up with shit if I'm paying for it and none of us should either, You probably don't remember that me and you mr. squirrel went at it a little while back but neither of us took any of what the other person said seriously, you laughed at my jokes and i laughed at yours and we kept it moving why can't most people be like us?  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :D :D

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