See Posted August 13, 2014 Posted August 13, 2014 I'm sure that boy is not yet 18. Either one brother or relative came to eat ice cream and play PlayStation.
Guest Doct19 Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 RLC is classified as a site for adults see here: What does a child under the age of 16 in this apartment?
1337nl Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 Did any of you see his personal card with his day of birth? Maybe the boy is already 20 but looking young.
Guest Doct19 Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 Did any of you see his personal card with his day of birth? Maybe the boy is already 20 but looking young. I see your personal card and I read that you are blind
1337nl Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 Im glad you noticed i am blind, it explains why i was thinking your comment was alright but it could be crap to. It aint easy being blind.
thomas Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 if you mean to the visitor who is now at their apartment, then he do looks young but i assume he is older than 18y.. he looks like he could be ruslan's brother
darkman Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 el visitante parece mas hermano de ella , si fuera hermano de el ella se taparia un poco mas creo yo , por que ayer en la cama estaba abierta de piernas se le veian las bragas y el salva slip , si es hermano de el se esta matando a pajas el niño seguro , lo que tiene que hacer es irse ya con la madre que lo pario , no veas la cara de ruso que tiene , es que no hay peluqueros en rusia o que pasa .
woodworker Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 The 'boy' as he has been referred to is probably twenty five years old in reality. But that just show's you some of the negative affects Chernobyl has had on some of the nearby residence there. Stunted growth, hairless body, little pee pee. And yes, that is probably a toupee' he is wearing. Yet people still insist on having their little weekend picnics there, despite all the warnings.
darkman Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 The 'boy' as he has been referred to is probably twenty five years old in reality. But that just show's you some of the negative affects Chernobyl has had on some of the nearby residence there. Stunted growth, hairless body, little pee pee. And yes, that is probably a toupee' he is wearing. Yet people still insist on having their little weekend picnics there, despite all the warnings. If he should suddenly make a grab for Katya's ass, when Ruslan isn't around, then you will know that I am right. Seguro si que coje El Niño un katya le mete Una comida de coño de Como dios manda Cosa Que ruslan no ha echo todabia, estaria Muy bien Que follaran jajajajaja seria el no va mas de rlf, no lo superaria ni la depilacion de la amiga (POR Cierto Desaparecida) Con lo buena Que estába.
woodworker Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 Sorry, I don't understand what was just said to me?
darkman Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 Sorry, I don't understand what was just said to me? si pudiera el niño ; seguro follaria mejor a katya que ruslan . eso mas o menos quise decir .
Cho Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 RLC is classified as a site for adults see here: What does a child under the age of 16 in this apartment? If he was 20, he would have a beard... Stop your bullshit with Chernobyl. He is a teenager. About conditions RLC, they apply to the rest of us voyeurs, not to invited guests in the apartments. Do not mix everything !
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