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Guest observer1

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I thought we covered that.  HMFIC stands for,.. Homeless, Must Fuck In Car

And please don't pick on HMFIC concerning his sentence structure.  He's had a hard time since his stroke, but I know for a fact with regards to myself, He can still say FUCK YOU very clearly.

He's a good guy, as I'm sure somewhere's down deep inside you are.

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I thought we covered that.  HMFIC stands for,.. Homeless, Must Fuck In Car

And please don't pick on HMFIC concerning his sentence structure.  He's had a hard time since his stroke, but I know for a fact with regards to myself, He can still say FUCK YOU very clearly.

He's a good guy, as I'm sure somewhere's down deep inside you are.

Thank's Woody.    ;)

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I don't ready ever post, Gents. Just ones that are readable.

Please excuse me: "don't ready ever post" is a short phrase, but it makes little sense in English, and therefore is not Strunk & White. But thank you for your brevity.

I hope you like white wine instead of red.

That's all the wine that is left at Old Dudes.


Bring your girl friends.

They like white wine.

We might even like your girls.  :)

Then you and I will argue about the best IPA.

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Guest ww_watcher

Personally I prefer Stouts and Porters...and a slingshot so I can shoot un-shelled pecans at the canes of old people who walk past my porch. Every now and then I score a hit and knock the cane sideways just enough so that they list a bit to starboard and sail right into the curb. Why Pecans you ask? So I can blame it on Foamy T. of course. BTW. I was cleaning out the man cave for yard sale fodder and came across a VHS tape of

The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle...and it stills plays. Anyone jealous yet?

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I should have proofread my post first.  :-\

It should be that I don't read every post. After a few choice IPA's the fingers react slower than the mind. So I'm human. Shoot me. It's not like I do every sentence in every post this way.

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Guest ww_watcher

If you misbehave then you by the beer for the rest of the night and I like Samuel Smith's Taddy Porter... and I can drink let a dry sponge.

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