darkman Posted September 21, 2014 Author Posted September 21, 2014 larga conversacion de patri con un amigo que parece el hijo de (quim monzo) el chaval le esta explicando su vida familiar con todos los detalles , lo que yo no consentiria es que mi novia estubiera abierta de piernas con unos legins hablando con un tio en el sofa , estan repartiendose la herencia del padre .
Guest norafan77 Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 Once again, instead of a topic being discussed and contributed too, we fall into a language dispute, which seems to please those who are multi-lingual no end and frustrate those who only speak or read their mother tongue. So instead of all openly discussing RLC we have a hierarchy of multilinguals, and some paid members thumbing their noses at the rest of us. May I remind you all, this is a voyeur site, nothing to feel superior about, so stop postuering and dicuss for all to enjoy. 'Nuff said
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted September 23, 2014 Posted September 23, 2014 Darkman speaks in a dialect that lies somewhere between Catalan and Spanish. Most internet translators cannot handle it properly, so the listener must work to understand. I believe Darkman to have genuinely good information, so I welcome his posts. --- Darkman habla en un dialecto que se encuentra en algún lugar entre el catalán y el español. La mayoría de los traductores de internet no pueden manejar la situación adecuadamente, por lo que el oyente debe trabajar para entender. Creo Darkman tener realmente buena información, así que bienvenida a sus mensajes.
Pilz-E Posted September 23, 2014 Posted September 23, 2014 Trying to control threads with CamCaps members is worse than herding cats. Or squirrels... ;D http://youtu.be/m_MaJDK3VNE
albacore Posted September 23, 2014 Posted September 23, 2014 Darkman speaks in a dialect that lies somewhere between Catalan and Spanish. Most internet translators cannot handle it properly, so the listener must work to understand. I believe Darkman to have genuinely good information, so I welcome his posts. So ... you understand these? If so please help me understand them too. I have reread them but they just do not make sense to me once translated to english. Not saying they are now "good information" just don't know what it means.
darkman Posted September 23, 2014 Author Posted September 23, 2014 Darkman speaks in a dialect that lies somewhere between Catalan and Spanish. Most internet translators cannot handle it properly, so the listener must work to understand. I believe Darkman to have genuinely good information, so I welcome his posts. So ... you understand these? If so please help me understand them too. I have reread them but they just do not make sense to me once translated to english. Not saying they are now "good information" just don't know what it means. en españa se habla el castellano ( español ) en sus diferentes provincias se hablan otras modalidades ( dialectos ) todos ellos del latin menos el vasco o vascuence (euskera) tenemos el catalan en cataluña ( barcelona , lerida , tarragona , gerona ) cada uno de ellos a su vez tiene sus particularidades , lo mismo pasa con las provincias limítrofes , ( valencia ) se habla el valencia que es un catalan parecido , las islas baleares igual , cada uno tiene su acento diferente , igual pasa en galicia con el gallego y el asturiano o el español de salamanca y el que se habla en sevilla son diferentes cada uno tiene sus acentos y sus modismos , pero eso si s,e entiende todo , imagino que el ingles que se habla en new york no es el mismo que se habla en londres ni el que se habla en sydney . en barcelona ( mi tierra ) pasa una cosa , es tierra de inmigrantes aqui conviven andaluces , extremeños , vascos , gallegos etc etc , los hijos de estos ( yo ) digamos que tenemos el corazon dividido , yo soy hijo de un catalan y una granadina lo que aqui se llama en tono peyorativo ( UN CHARNEGO ) por eso mezclamos las palabras seria como un Spanglish esto seria un spacatalinsh jeje . pero vamos que lo yo escribo esta escrito en perfecto castellano , no entiendo por que no entiende el traductor intenten traducir un texto en español pero en opciones elijan frances por ejem el texto en español opciones del traductor traducir del frances al ingles , a mi me funciona bien .
darkman Posted September 23, 2014 Author Posted September 23, 2014 YOU ARE SO BAD !!! du bla bla alors qu'il n'y a rien a voir , mes quelques notions d'espagnol et d'anglais me SUFFISE (!) vos notion de français à vous ... je vais ettudier francais jusque 6 anys , a l,ecole , prescque je ne ecris pas bien se verite que vous compren prefectament cest frase nèst pa . si yo entiendo castellano , catalan , en peu de francais , y entiendo el traductor en ingles/español , creo que el problema son ustedes
Cho Posted September 24, 2014 Posted September 24, 2014 YOU ARE SO BAD !!! du bla bla alors qu'il n'y a rien a voir , mes quelques notions d'espagnol et d'anglais me SUFFISE (!) vos notion de français à vous ... je vais ettudier francais jusque 6 anys , a l,ecole , prescque je ne ecris pas bien se verite que vous compren prefectament cest frase nèst pa . si yo entiendo castellano , catalan , en peu de francais , y entiendo el traductor en ingles/español , creo que el problema son ustedes Chez moi c'est encore pire que Snoop, je ne parle pas un mot d'espagnol. Cela ne m'empêche pas de te comprendre lorsque tu écris. Bien sûr il faut faire des efforts auxquels les anglophones ne sont pas habitués. ---------------- Al país és fins i tot pitjor que Snoop, jo no parlo ni una paraula d'espanyol. Això no m'impedeix entendre que quan vostè escriu. Per descomptat que es necessita esforç perquè l'anglès no s'utilitzen. (google translation) ;)
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted September 24, 2014 Posted September 24, 2014 History lesson for English speakers and writers: Spanish was based upon different regional tribal languages. Once conquered by Islam, they retained their tribal languages; and once the Arabs were kicked out, most of the regions resorted to their traditional language, though it was highly influenced by Arab words and the dominate Kingdom of Castile. This occurred before the invention of the printing press. In contrast, the English colonies were formed by the H.M. Royal Navy AFTER the invention of the printing press, so written English is STANDARDIZED. Grammatical structure is the same. There are differences in spelling, slang, and pronunciation, but if a literate Aussie, North American, Indian, Scot, Irish, or Brit writes something, I will be able to read and understand it. I studied Castilian Spanish as a boy because that is what they taught us in school. Then the schools changed to Mexican Spanish, and I could not help my children with their Spanish homework at all. The dialects of the Iberian Peninsula and its resulting colonies are very different, not only as spoken, but as written. (This belongs in the language thread of Old Dude's, but who am I to adhere to customs? Maybe I'll change my name to Foamy the Off-Topic...)
darkman Posted September 24, 2014 Author Posted September 24, 2014 History lesson for English speakers and writers: Spanish was based upon different regional tribal languages. Once conquered by Islam, they retained their tribal languages; and once the Arabs were kicked out, most of the regions resorted to their traditional language, though it was highly influenced by Arab words and the dominate Kingdom of Castile. This occurred before the invention of the printing press. In contrast, the English colonies were formed by the H.M. Royal Navy AFTER the invention of the printing press, so written English is STANDARDIZED. Grammatical structure is the same. There are differences in spelling, slang, and pronunciation, but if a literate Aussie, North American, Indian, Scot, Irish, or Brit writes something, I will be able to read and understand it. I studied Castilian Spanish as a boy because that is what they taught us in school. Then the schools changed to Mexican Spanish, and I could not help my children with their Spanish homework at all. The dialects of the Iberian Peninsula and its resulting colonies are very different, not only as spoken, but as written. (This belongs in the language thread of Old Dude's, but who am I to adhere to customs? Maybe I'll change my name to Foamy the Off-Topic...) solo existe un español escrito el que dice la ( http://www.rae.es/ ) otra cosa no es español y si escriben igual que hablan esta mal escrito . si no sale en el diccionario español no es español .
Cho Posted September 24, 2014 Posted September 24, 2014 "I studied Castilian Spanish as a boy because that is what they taught us in school. " GREAT NEWS ! FT.Squirrel will be able to translate Darkman for his countrymen. No more remarks about non english writer. :)
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted September 24, 2014 Posted September 24, 2014 F.T. Squirrel works his little furry ass offto translate everything that Darkman says. Some of his phrases are in Castile, some in Catalan; I don't care what he writes, but it's in idiomatic phrases or in slang, and translate.google.com was developed with Mexican Spanish as the target. I think. Squirrel is not a fucking polyglot. And Squirrel doesn't speak French, either, though his recent ancestors did. There's a little bit of French squirrel in everybody. So where the fuck is Ocean? I rather enjoyed her, whether she was genuine or not. The problem with French is that it cannot transform, it is locked to what "the experts" have decided. English doesn't work that way. It's living, and it moves. I'm certain it's a pain in the ass to learn. You wanna fuck-up translate.google.com? I can do that, and I can do that in English, and thou wilst naught knoweth of such things I speake.
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