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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #2 Begins 1/11/23

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

A lot of noise about nothing. 3sat is a broadcaster from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. No interest in being one-sided - also maximally neutral. I'm neutral there too, I don't want to demonize anyone. But the original scenes, in which right-wing terrorists smash windows with violence to gain access to the Capitol, "the holiest part of US democracy" and systematically attack police officers, is just disgusting.

Swiss, Austrians or Germans have no interest in presenting this disgusting story one-sidedly, why should they. Americans left, right, red, black can stalk and kill each other. Europe was sad, a step backwards into anarchy. That was the result of 4 years of stupid Trump politics with agitation and destruction of US politics worldwide. Because of Trump, the USA was isolated internationally - NATO, OSCE, climate, WHA, Unizef ...... USA on the way to being an international laughingstock, insignificant in the world. 

President Joe Biden passed first 17 Trump stupidities on day 1 as president with 17 decrees. Thanks to President Biden, this United States is now back in the world and a respected partner worldwide.

"America First" by the Trump jerk was about to destroy the United States.

140 police officers injured, whether one is dead or not, it doesn't matter - Trump is a criminal through demagogy and election lie-lie and is responsible for injured and dead people - an overbearing self-centered idiot. 1,000 slaps on the ass from that bad golfer "presidential actor".

Want to see more of this dirty right wing pro-Trump mob??? Pooh devil!!!



Your media is so far left wing that you and they no longer know what neutral is. Did the video you watched show people just walking around inside the Capitol Building like tourists taking selfies? Did it show videos of protesters peacefully talking to police officers? Yes, there were violent protesters in the crowd, but the vast majority were peaceful on Jan.6. Did the video you watched show a Capitol police officer shooting an unarmed woman protester?

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

Viel Lärm um nichts. 3sat ist ein Sender aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Kein Interesse einseitig zu sein - auch maximal neutral. Ich bin da auch neutral, will niemand verteufeln. Doch die Originalszenen, in denen rechte Terroristenscheiben mit Gewalt einschlagen um den Zutritt zum Kapitol „das Heiligste der US-Demokratie“ zu erreichen und systematisch Polizisten angreifen, ist nur widerlich.

Schweizer, Österreicher oder Deutsche haben null Interesse haben kein Interesse diese widerliche Geschichte einseitig dar zu stellen, warum auch. Amerikaner links, rechts, rot, schwarz können sich gegenseitig verfolgen und umbringen. Europa war traurig, ein Rückschritt in Anarchie. Das war Folge von 4 Jahren Trump-Dummen-Politik mit Hetze und Zerstörung von US-Politik weltweit. Durch Trump war USA international isoliert - NATO, OSZE, Klima, WHA, Unizef ...... USA auf dem Weg internationale Lachnummer zu sein, unbedeutend in der Welt. 

Präsident Joe Biden hat am 1. Tag als Präsident mit 17 Dekreten erste 17 Trump-Dummheiten verabschiedet. Dank Präsident Biden ist diese USA mittlerweile wieder in der Welt und Partner weltweit angesehen.

"Amerika first" von dem Trump-Idioten war kurz davor die USA zu vernichten.

140 verletzte Polizisten, ob nun einer tot oder nicht, egal - Trump ist durch Demagogie und Wahllüge-Lüge Verbrecher und ist verantwortlich für verletzte und tote Menschen - ein überheblicher egozentrischer Idiot. 1.000 Hiebe auf den Arsch von diesem schlechten Golfspieler-"Präsidenten-Schauspieler".

Willst Du mehr sehen von diesem dreckigen rechten Pro-Trump-Mob ??? Pfui Teufel !!!



Did the documentary tell you that U.S. Intel had knowledge of a planned protest at the U.S. Capitol Building weeks before Jan.6?  Did it also tell you that President Trump several days before the riot had offered to Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of Washington, D.C. up to 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the Capitol on Jan.6?  And did the documentary tell you that both Nancy Pelosi and the mayor turned down the offer?

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27 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Your media is so far left wing that you and they no longer know what neutral is. Did the video you watched show people just walking around inside the Capitol Building like tourists taking selfies? Did it show videos of protesters peacefully talking to police officers? Yes, there were violent protesters in the crowd, but the vast majority were peaceful on Jan.6. Did the video you watched show a Capitol police officer shooting an unarmed woman protester?

Ja, dieses Video zeigt alle Bilder welche verfügbar sind plus Privat-Videos von Mobiltelefonen. Keine Garantie auf Vollständigkeit.

Du kannst darauf vertrauen das dieser Bericht soweit wie nur möglich unabhängig ist - neutral. Hier hat keiner Interesse pro oder kontra links oder rechts USA. Bei 1.000 US-Privat-TV ist das anders.

Es gab bei der Aktion natürlich auch trump-freundliche Polizisten, welche naiv Türen öffneten. Doch bedenke: "Das war kein Tag der offenen Tür, an dem Touristen Fotos machten - sondern GEWALTAKTION" Und Jeder nur halb intelligente Mensch musste das wissen - und ist damit beteiligter Verbrecher.

So viel naive -dumme Menschen kann es in einem so tollen Staat wie USA doch nicht geben - sollte man meinen. 15.000 verführte Idioten ?? Arme USA !!!


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Übrigens: Das war nur der aktuelle Bericht, den ich von diesem kriminellen Akt gesehen habe. Viele in ARD und ZDF davor - mit deutschen Journalisten vor Ort und eigenen Videos. Knapp mit dem Leben davon gekommen - vor Deinen Touristen - dem widerlichen und aggressiven Mob.  😁 Aufgestachelt von einem verdammten LOOSER !


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39 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Yes, this video shows all the pictures available plus home videos from mobile phones. No guarantee of completeness.

You can trust that this report is as independent as possible - neutral. Nobody here has any interest for or against left or right USA. It's different with 1,000 US private TVs.

Of course, there were also Trump-friendly police officers who naively opened doors. But consider: "It wasn't an open day where tourists took photos - it was VIOLENT ACTION" And everyone who was only semi-intelligent had to know that - and is therefore a criminal involved.

There can't be that many naive, stupid people in a country as great as the USA - one would think so. 15,000 seduced idiots ?? Poor USA!!!


Vast majority of protesters were not violent.

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13 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Vast majority of protesters were not violent.

Wer oder was ist "überwiegend" ??? Das glaube ich Dir sogar !! Doch wenn von 15.000 Demonstranten 1.000 kriminelle gewalttätige Terroristen sind welche Sicherheitskräfte - Vertreter des Staates - angreifen und scher verletzen, mit Todesfolge - dann hört jeder "Spaß" auf. Das ist hoch kriminell - und der Wichser von Trump hat Menschen zu "demonstrieren" animiert. Wenn das nicht ein totales hirnloses Arschloch ist, dann musste dieser Idiot wissen, das Chaos folgt. Trump ist initialer Verbrecher und SCHULDIG.

Ich habe RECHT studiert, da kenne ich mich aus. Hoffe nur diese US-Justiz, trotz Rep.-Hintergrund, spricht Recht. Meine Hoffnung ist nicht groß - leider.


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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

Who or what is "predominantly"??? I even believe you! But when out of 15,000 demonstrators 1,000 are criminal violent terrorists who attack security forces - representatives of the state - and severely injure them, resulting in death - then all "fun" stops. This is highly criminal - and Trump's wanker encouraged people to "demonstrate". If this isn't a total brainless asshole, then this idiot must have known chaos ensued. Trump is an initial criminal and GUILTY.

I studied LAW, I know my way around. Hope only this US judiciary, despite Rep. background, is right. My hope is not high - unfortunately.


No deaths of government employees resulted from the protests inside the Capitol Building. Only death inside the Capitol Building was that of an unarmed woman protester who was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer. If you listen to Trump's speech you will hear him tell people to 'peacefully protest' at the Capitol Building. And why did Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of Washington, D.C. several days before the riot turn down Trump's offer of National Guard protection for the Capitol Building? Could it be because they wanted the riot to take place to stop the legal challenges to the 2020 election results that were taking place in Congress?

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