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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #2 Begins 1/11/23

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

So Biden's attorneys could destroy documents and no one would ever know that they existed.


Environmental regulations aimed at protecting the delta smelt mean that much of bountiful...

In California it's better for people to suffer & die instead of a fish🐟 

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

No deaths of government employees resulted from the protests inside the Capitol Building. Only death inside the Capitol Building was that of an unarmed woman protester who was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer. If you listen to Trump's speech you will hear him tell people to 'peacefully protest' at the Capitol Building. And why did Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of Washington, D.C. several days before the riot turn down Trump's offer of National Guard protection for the Capitol Building? Could it be because they wanted the riot to take place to stop the legal challenges to the 2020 election results that were taking place in Congress?

Trump hat 2 Reden gehalten. Eine vor dem Aufmarsch, als er die Meute aufforderte für sein Recht zu demonstrieren und eine als der "Krieg" viele Stunden in vollem Gange war. Da hat er gesagt, die Leute sollen nach Hause gehen, was viele nicht verstanden haben. "Diese Geister, welche ich rief, werde ich nicht mehr los". (Zauberlehrling, Goethe)

Hätte Trump seine deutliche Niederlage anerkannt und nicht wie ein kleines unreifes Kind gelogen und gejammert, wäre dieser Skandal nicht passiert. Bis heute haben sich alle seine Vorwürfe wegen angeblichen Betrug vor vielen Gerichten als haltlos herausgestellt.

Als Kopie hat dieser rechte Verbrecher von Bolsenaro in Brasilien das gleiche "Kunststück" fertig bekommen, durch aufgehetzte Meute Parlament und Präsidentensitz zu verwüsten. Trump hat kein gutes Beispiel gegeben.



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4 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Border town residents in Yuma, Arizona, shared their concerns for national security as more...


Das ist in EU und Deutschland nicht anders. Deutschland leidet unter Flüchtlingen aus Afghanistan, Irak, Syrien und andere.

USA ist verantwortlich für Tod und Verbreben im Irak.  USA muss für ihren verbrecherischen Angriffs-Krieg ohne UN-Legitimation gegen Irak und Sadam bezahlen.

US-Überfall auf Irak ist Kopie für Putin auf Krim und Ukraine. Das originäre dumme Arschloch ist Klein-Bush-jun. Ein Arschloch von Rep.


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8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Trump gave 2 speeches. One before the march, when he called on the crowd to demonstrate for his rights and one when the "war" was in full swing for many hours. So he said people should go home, which many didn't understand. "I can't get rid of these spirits that I called up". (Magician's Apprentice, Goethe)

If Trump had acknowledged his clear defeat and not lied and whimpered like a little immature child, this scandal would not have happened. To date, all of his allegations of alleged fraud have been proven unfounded in many courts.

As a copy, this right-wing criminal of Bolsenaro in Brazil managed the same "trick" of devastating parliament and the presidential seat with an incited mob. Trump has not set a good example.



But the 2020 election was not a clear defeat. There were many questions about how votes were counted in several key states. That's what the legal challenges in Congress were about on the day of the riot.

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8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Trump gave 2 speeches. One before the march, when he called on the crowd to demonstrate for his rights and one when the "war" was in full swing for many hours. So he said people should go home, which many didn't understand. "I can't get rid of these spirits that I called up". (Magician's Apprentice, Goethe)

If Trump had acknowledged his clear defeat and not lied and whimpered like a little immature child, this scandal would not have happened. To date, all of his allegations of alleged fraud have been proven unfounded in many courts.

As a copy, this right-wing criminal of Bolsenaro in Brazil managed the same "trick" of devastating parliament and the presidential seat with an incited mob. Trump has not set a good example.



Fact: The current president of Brazil is a convicted criminal.

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10 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday called on special counsels at...


Comment by McConnell was not honest support of fair treatment for Trump. McConnell's statement was made to benefit McConnell, since he knows his future in the U.S. Senate depends upon the support of Trump supporters and MAGA voters in Kentucky. 

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