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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #2 Begins 1/11/23

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8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Sorry Ridge, unfortunately that's not true. Trump has not won in any of the many lawsuits for false counting and other things despite Rep.-infected courts. Trump is a loser because he didn't find the point to admit "I lost the election" and "openly congratulated" the successor. So Trump is and will always be a "weakling". Trump is a coward and NO man of honor.

Trump could still have challenged individual elections in court afterwards. With this howling farce, Trump exposed himself as an unworthy baby. Pooh devil. Nobody wants such a loser!!!!

And that Bolsenaro is the same disgusting asshole!!!



Do you really believe any judge would allow facts to be shown in court that would bring into question the results of the 2020 election. The establishment would destroy that judge. Almost all the challenges to the election were not allowed to be presented in court before a jury. Before COVID the U.S. was in great shape because of the Trump presidency. If not for COVID, Trump would have been reelected in a landslide. Changes to voting laws because of COVID, such as added voting days and mail in ballots, allowed Democrats to harvest votes from people who normally don't vote. Changes to the voting laws also made cheating easier. Even with COVID, Trump received 11 million more votes in 2020 than he received in 2016. 

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8 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

Don't think Trump has very many supporters left.   The MAGA crowd has dissipated immensely.

You watch too much liberal news media. You accept their propaganda as real news.  Wait and see what happens when the 2024 election campaign actually begins. 

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4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

The fact is. USA is an important country. USA deserves better than Trump or DeSantis - 2 imbeciles. No thank you. America is big - these candidates Mini.


So says the brilliant German who loves the government of Cuba and actually believes Joe Biden is a good president. 

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6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Do you really believe any judge would allow facts to be shown in court that would bring into question the results of the 2020 election. The establishment would destroy that judge. Almost all the challenges to the election were not allowed to be presented in court before a jury. Before COVID the U.S. was in great shape because of the Trump presidency. If not for COVID, Trump would have been reelected in a landslide. Changes to voting laws because of COVID, such as added voting days and mail in ballots, allowed Democrats to harvest votes from people who normally don't vote. Changes to the voting laws also made cheating easier. Even with COVID, Trump received 11 million more votes in 2020 than he received in 2016. 

Ich bin bisher davon ausgegangen das diese Justiz in den USA von der Politik UNABHÄNGIG ist. Trump hat bisher immer nur von Beweisen geredet aber nie welche vorgelegt. Also kann ein Richter auch nichts öffentlich zeigen was er nicht bekommen hat: Beweise.

Wenn jemand wie Trump immer von Beweisen redet aber keine vorlegen kann dann ist das ein Lügner.

Die Wahlbeteiligung war bei der letzten Wahl höher als zuvor. Ich weiß nicht was daran schlecht sein soll? Deshalb hat Trump auch mehr Stimmen als bei der Wahl zuvor erhalten - und es dennoch nur zu Platz 2 gereicht, weil Biden flächendeckend deutlich mehr Stimmen erhalten hat. 

Im Idealfall gehen alle Menschen die wählen dürfen auch tatsächlich wählen, dann wäre die Wahlbeteiligung 100%. Natürlich hat Trump die Wahl zu einem guten Teil wegen COVID verloren. Aber nicht wegen Deinen Argumenten, sondern weil Trump eine miserable Politik des Zauderns, des Leugnens und der falschen Ratschläge betrieben hat. Trump war ein schlechter Krisenmanager. Menschen starben in Mengen und Trump war Golf spielen - so etwas mögen viele Menschen nicht - zu viele wie man sah.

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6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

So says the brilliant German who loves the government of Cuba and actually believes Joe Biden is a good president. 

Im Vergleich zu Trump ist Joe Biden in der Tat ein guter Präsident. Biden hat das von Trump zerschlagene internationale Porzellan wieder gekittet und das Ansehen der USA in der Welt wieder hergestellt.

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