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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #4 Begins 1/31/23

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10 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Only if the American people enjoy misery. 41% of Americans say that they are worse off economically now than they were before Biden became president.:sad:


An allem ist Biden Schuld ????  Du hast vergessen das Putin seit 1 Jahr blutigen Krieg führt und dadurch Energie-und Lebensmittel-Preise in aller Welt, nicht nur den USA, drastisch gestiegen sind ??? 

Alle Regierungen in der Welt erhalten dadurch Gegenwind, das ist völlig normal.


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( Sent from WSVN )

Why does the government permits evil 😈 wicked demon-crats to get away with breaking the laws, in the good old days the owner of house 🏠 would've just given those fucking disgrace of the human race no good squatters worthless demon-crats a good old fashioned beating and once they wake up from the coma in the intensive care unit they would never break in to someone home again 

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12 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


And you prove again and again that YOU know nothing about "professional politicians", as you call professionals in politics. You prefer political greenhorns and career changers like this idiot from Trump, who has led your USA to the abyss through his political ignorance. For you the savior. Trump never recognized that although this USA is a large and economically important country, it is only one piece of the puzzle in world affairs with responsibility. "America first" was the greatest nonsense - arrogance and overconfidence.

USA is not self-sufficient, without trading partners in the world this USA is not viable!


Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!   In fact, Trump negotiated numerous trade agreements when he was president. But  in contrast to presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, Donald Trump negotiated trade agreements that did not sell out middle class Americans for the benefit of other nations and the wealthy of America.                                                And the one thing I do know about career "professional politicians" is that they are liars who are only concerned about furthering their political careers and don't give a damn about the people they are suppose to represent.

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9 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!   In fact, Trump negotiated numerous trade agreements when he was president. But  in contrast to presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, Donald Trump negotiated trade agreements that did not sell out middle class Americans for the benefit of other nations and the wealthy of America.                                                And the one thing I do know about career "professional politicians" is that they are liars who are only concerned about furthering their political careers and don't give a damn about the people they are suppose to represent.

He didn't negotiate anything.  He postured for his base and fooled them all 

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12 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Biden is to blame for everything ???? You forgot that Putin has been waging a bloody war for 1 year and as a result energy and food prices have risen drastically all over the world , not just in the USA??? 

All governments in the world are getting headwinds from this, it's perfectly normal.


And if Trump had been elected there would have been no war in Ukraine. There is a war in Ukraine because Putin saw Biden as weak and incompetent.

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