SPYING 1 Posted February 20, 2023 Author Posted February 20, 2023 Can US Mint fix the debt ceiling crisis and conjure up a $1 trillion platinum coin? WWW.FOXNEWS.COM With Congress refusing to raise the statutory debt limit, some are calling on the U.S. Mint to...
StarLight28 Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 4 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said: ‘Incredibly intelligent, highly elusive’: US faces new threat from Canadian ‘super pig’ | US news | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Northern states on alert for invasion of cross-bred pig that threatens flora and fauna – and... Do Canadians eat pigs 🐖 Das ist Spying 1 und seine US-NAZI Familie - wühlen immer nur im Dreck und sind dümmer als wilde Schweine. 😁
SPYING 1 Posted February 20, 2023 Author Posted February 20, 2023 The newest Sidewinders have become 'the weapons of choice' against unidentified objects over the US, top general says WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM The AIM-9X is the latest version of the venerable Sidewinder missile, which has been...
StarLight28 Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 6 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said: ‘Incredibly intelligent, highly elusive’: US faces new threat from Canadian ‘super pig’ | US news | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Northern states on alert for invasion of cross-bred pig that threatens flora and fauna – and... Do Canadians eat pigs 🐖 Das ist Spying 1 und seine US-NAZI Familie - wühlen immer nur im Dreck und sind dümmer als wilde Schweine. 😁
SPYING 1 Posted February 20, 2023 Author Posted February 20, 2023 6 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Das ist Spying 1 und seine US-NAZI Familie - wühlen immer nur im Dreck und sind dümmer als wilde Schweine. 😁 Just a moment... WWW.PNAS.ORG
StarLight28 Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 Nazi-Symbole: Warum sind Hakenkreuze und Heil-Hitler-Rufe in den USA erlaubt? WWW.BERLINER-ZEITUNG.DE In Deutschland machen sich Rechtsradikale mit Nazi-Tätowierungen, Hitlergruß oder „Sieg Heil“-Rufen häufig wegen Volksverhetzung schuldig. In den USA dagegen sind Symbole aus dem... "Volksverhetzung" im Unrechts-Staat USA erlaubt, in Deutschland NICHT. US-NAZI-Staat auf dem Vormarsch. "Heil Trump". 😁 Und kleine dumme Idioten wie Spying 1 und R..... und ..... rennen blind hinterher. Nur Grütze im Kopf.
Ridgerunner Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Why do you always have to politicize. Are "democrats" always to blame? That has little to do with it. The predominant proportion of over 60% of the dead are suicide victims, probably more often in cities than in the country - cross-party. Attached report from 2017 with background information. It has little to do with parties. "Opportunity makes the thief," they say. Unstable people who have a gun kill themselves faster than a person without a gun. US gun laws are pure insanity and stupidity. USA: 109 gun deaths every day WWW.SPIEGEL.DE It's the highest number of gun deaths in twenty years But woke socialist/Marxist are in favor of legalizing suicide. And if someone wants to kill themselves they can hang themselves, overdose, or jump off a bridge or cliff just as easily as shooting themselves. I bring up politics because many of the people who commit murders in the inner cities are career criminals who are repeat offenders. If woke Democrat prosecutors put those people in prison for their crimes they would not have the opportunity to murder anyone.
Ridgerunner Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 10 hours ago, letsdothis said: Someone said, "IMAGINE YOUR HISTORY BEING SO BAD YOU WANT TO BAN PEOPLE FROM LEARNING IT." Marinate on that. If this country is so terrible why do you stay here, and why do millions of immigrants risk their lives to enter the U.S.?
Ridgerunner Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said: True or not true. Americans want to deport refugees to Canada. Reps not ?? No, I want to deport illegal immigrants to their country of origin. Vast majority are not refugees. They voluntarily come to the U.S. looking for employment.
Ridgerunner Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: Poor posture when playing golf. Even as a golf-playing ex-presidential actor, Trump is an absolute loser who always overestimates himself in life. A typical loser who does not recognize when he has lost. "Donald First" ???? hahahaha A laugh - for the carnival. Follow pictures. But he would kick your ass and embarrass you in a round of golf.
StarLight28 Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: No, I want to deport illegal immigrants to their country of origin. Vast majority are not refugees. They voluntarily come to the U.S. looking for employment. "Abschieben von Flüchtlingen" ist nicht einfach - nur mit Zustimmung des Herkunftlandes möglich - und da besteht oft kein Interesse. Gerade Deutschland setzt jedes Jahr 4 Milliarden Euro ein um von den USA verursachte Flüchtlinge aus Afghanistan, Irak und Syrien hier aufzunehmen, Wohnung und Kost zu geben. Sogar kriminell gewordene Flüchtlinge können wir nur selten "abschieben" 4 Mrd Euro / Dollar im Jahr welche wir nicht für Wehrmacht und NATO ausgeben können.
Ridgerunner Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 1 minute ago, StarLight28 said: "Deportation of refugees" is not easy - only possible with the consent of the country of origin - and there is often no interest in it. Germany in particular spends 4 billion euros every year to take in refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria caused by the USA and to provide them with housing and food. Even refugees who have become criminals can only rarely be "deported" 4 billion euros / dollars a year which we cannot spend on the Wehrmacht and NATO. If nations refuse to accept their own citizens then the U.S. needs to stop all foreign aid to those countries.
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