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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #7 (Starts 2/25/23)

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18 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Still no reports of results of a cognitive test. In time amphetamines won't help "Sleepy Joe" that much anymore. 


Biden ist 80, uns beiden fehlt dazu auch nicht mehr viel - sind doch ein Jahrgang. Dafür ist Biden im Geiste noch erstaunlich wach, körperlich lässt das einfach nach. ICH würde Biden persönlich dennoch NICHT empfehlen erneut zu kandidieren, es gibt noch viel schönere Seiten des Lebens als sich für andere Menschen den "Arsch auf zu reißen" und dann noch beschimpft zu werden.

Trump ist nur wenig jünger aber geistig ein Wrack. Sehe immer noch Bilder wie er nazistisch selbstverliebt wie ein Idiot ins Unendliche schaut und dabei Unsinn redet. Dem würde ich auch empfehlen sich nicht länger lächerlich zu machen. Ich meine das gut !!!



Trump b.jpg

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Auf dem größten Treffen der US-Rechtskonservativen wird Donald Trump verehrt. Sein Konkurrent Ron DeSantis bleibt dem Spektakel erstmals fern – und entzieht sich damit einer Konfrontation.


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4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Biden is 80, and we're not missing much - we're born after all. But Biden is still surprisingly awake in spirit, physically it's just going away. Personally, I would NOT recommend Biden to run again, there are much nicer sides of life than "tearing your ass off" for other people and then being insulted.

Trump is only a little younger but mentally a wreck. I still see pictures of him staring into infinity like a nazi narcissistic self-absorbed idiot while talking nonsense. I would also recommend that they stop making themselves look ridiculous. I mean well!!!


You must be watching a different Joe Biden then I am watching. The truth is that Biden is running nothing. The staff of the White House is making presidential decisions and setting policy.  Biden is nothing more than a figure head. Joe Biden is just a useful idiot for the "woke" people who are running his presidency.

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6 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



Donald Trump is honored at the largest meeting of the US right-wing conservatives. His competitor Ron DeSantis stays away from the spectacle for the first time - and thus avoids a confrontation.


Did HANDELSBLATT show the results of the CPAC poll?  Maybe that's why DeSantis stayed away. :rolleyes:

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

You must be watching a different Joe Biden then I am watching. The truth is that Biden is running nothing. The staff of the White House is making presidential decisions and setting policy.  Biden is nothing more than a figure head. Joe Biden is just a useful idiot for the "woke" people who are running his presidency.


Es ist doch schön, das dies jeder anders sehen kann - Biden persönlich ist immer noch Chef im Ring. Es ist doch gut und vernünftig wenn er noch Wasserträger um sich herum hat. Jene können ihm trotz Alter nicht das Wasser reichen, wie man so sagt.


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4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Did HANDELSBLATT show the results of the CPAC poll?  Maybe that's why DeSantis stayed away. :rolleyes:


Warum DiSantis nicht da ist ? Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten dazu, alles wäre Spekulation. Denke DiSantis will eigenen Wahlkampf machen als eigenständiger Kandidat und da wäre Trump nur schädlich für sein Image.


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5 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


It's nice that everyone can see this differently - Biden personally is still the boss in the ring. It is good and reasonable if he still has water carriers around him. Despite his age, they can't hold a candle to him, as they say.


Thanks for the joke. One of the funniest comments I've heard all week. :biggrin: LMAO

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2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Why isn't DiSantis there? There are many ways to do this, all would be speculation. I think DiSantis wants to campaign as an independent candidate and Trump would only damage his image.


DeSantis is just Trump policies with a different face. Without Trump there would have been no DeSantis. DeSantis just promoted popular policies originated by Trump.

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