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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #7 (Starts 2/25/23)

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26 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

The Supreme Court is not deciding education policy with this case. The Supreme Court is deciding whether or not the President of the United States has the legal authority to unilaterally forgive a contracted debt. If the Supreme Court approves this policy then the doors are open for the president to forgive whatever debts he feels like forgiving.


Falsch.  Diese US-Courd-Beamten-Wichser haben keinen Verstand. Was bei Trump gut war, ist bei Biden falsch?? Diskussion über Halbierung von Pensionen von Beamten wäre wichtiger. Diese Wichser verbrauchen jährlich steigend den Großteil des Staatshaushalts - bis zum Ruin des Staates. Neid-Debatte von Scheiß-Beamten - hier wie dort.


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11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


I get that. In fact, "The Supreme Court" doesn't understand our new world and appears to be a collection of IDIOTS, rather than intelligent public officials of free judgment.

It's no different in Germany. Judges at the Federal Constitutional Court are OFFICIALS, live at the expense of the state and receive pensions without a penny on their pension, which is twice as high as that of people who have paid contributions to the pension insurance all their lives. These official wankers of the Supreme Court are financially stupid parasites who don't speak RIGHT, but want to profit themselves. 

That's how it is here, in the USA and probably everywhere. This perverse state of Israel now wants to reverse decisions of the Supreme Court with simple majority decisions of Parliament. What sense do these Israel idiots have for democracy and the rule of law??? Zero. A special people ??? No thanks - betrayed Palestinians ahead.


Fuck your new socialist world. The Supreme Court is suppose to decide cases based upon the U.S. Constitution and the law, not based upon the personal ideological beliefs of a Justice. 

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11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Incorrect. These US Court official motherfuckers have no brains. What was good about Trump is wrong about Biden? Discussion about halving civil servant pensions would be more important. These wankers use up the majority of the national budget every year - until the state is ruined. Envy debate of shit officials - here and there.


Now you sound like a complete and total idiot.

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The embattled Democrat, who has been dogged by persistent crime in the city, failed to get enough votes to advance to an April runoff election.

But it seems that the persons left in a run off for the new mayor are still Democrats, so nothing will change in Chicago.

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8 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

how are we going to get rid of guns 


There is no need to get rid of guns.  Guns don't shoot themselves.  99.5% of Law abiding citizens do not commit crimes. There is a need in the US to properly charge, determine bail if any and sentence to the extent of the crime/law required.  More police are needed although the police usually show up after the crime has been committed.

There is also a need to address mental health issues.  When I was young we had mental institutions for those mentally ill.  They have since been closed and the mentally ill walk among us.

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Former President Trump is leading Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in a new Yahoo News-YouGov poll, after trailing the Florida governor in a hypothetical one-on-one matchup for the last three months. In a...

But DeSantis has yet to declare his bid for the nomination, so the polling at this point is not that important.   What is important is that both Trump and Desantis would beat Biden in the election.  We desperately need new young Republicans to emerge as leaders of this party and run for President, win and again lead this country to come together as a nation and to greatness as did President Reagan.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Fuck your new socialist world. The Supreme Court is suppose to decide cases based upon the U.S. Constitution and the law, not based upon the personal ideological beliefs of a Justice. 

Completely agree.  The Supreme court decides cases as Ridge stated based upon the U.S. Constitution and the law.  The reason Roe V Wade was overturned was due to abortion not being addressed in the Constitution period.

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15 minutes ago, happyone said:

The embattled Democrat, who has been dogged by persistent crime in the city, failed to get enough votes to advance to an April runoff election.

But it seems that the persons left in a run off for the new mayor are still Democrats, so nothing will change in Chicago.

Soo true!

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Are we finally going to get a resolution to the corruption of the Bidens??????


Congressional investigator Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) has called on whistleblowers to come forward following the arrest of Gal Luft, co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security.


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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Scheiß auf deine neue sozialistische Welt. Der Oberste Gerichtshof soll Fälle auf der Grundlage der US-Verfassung und des Gesetzes entscheiden, nicht auf der Grundlage der persönlichen ideologischen Überzeugungen eines Richters. 


Scheiß auf diesen Rep-majorisierten US-Prime-Gerichtshof. Der Wichser von Trump hat US-Ger.ichtsbarkeit durch Einsetzung von Richter- Idioten seiner Colour total gestört.

Genau so wie diese widerliche kriminelle Drecksau von Netanjahu nun in Israel eine "Rechtsreform" einführen will in der das Parlament mit einfacher Mehrheit Entscheidungen des obersten Gerichts überstimmen kann.

Wann wird USA endlich Rechtsstaat werden ? Und nicht dumme minderwertige Bananen-Rambo-Republik mit Selbstjustiz und Waffenfreiheit ??? Da scheiße ich drauf. Im 21. Jahrhundert immer noch Wilder Westen in USA !! Pfui Teufel. Dazu Burger-Fraß von McDonalds, Burger-King und Rinder-Steaks welche über 15.000 Liter Wasser für 1 kg Fleisch verbrauchen und Unmengen Methan erzeugen. Ein Land als Vorbild ??? Nein, ganz sicher nicht.


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Vor 13 Stunden sagte Ridgerunner:

Tut mir leid, aber ich habe keine republikanischen Unruhen in den USA, die gegen Bidens Einwanderungspolitik protestierten. Ich glaube, deutsche Journalisten haben halluziniert.


Weil Du blind bist und taub und nur Foxnews schaust , den US-Idiotensender.


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