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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #7 (Starts 2/25/23)

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80% of the American people believe all the video of the Jan. 6 riot should be made public. Wonder why members of the U.S. government and the mainstream news media don't want the video made public?  Could it be because the American people will see Capitol Police Officers opening doors and inviting people into the Capitol Building? Or could it be because they are afraid the American people will see undercover FBI agents inciting people to storm the Capitol Building?

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14 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Du bist so voller Bullshit, dass es aus deinem Kopf herauskommt. Wenn die Bullen Trump verklagen, handelt es sich um eine Zivilklage, also wären die einzigen beteiligten Parteien Trump und seine Anwälte, die Bullen und ihre Anwälte und das Gericht. Das DOJ hätte absolut keinen Anteil an dem Prozess. Diese vom DOJ herausgegebene Erklärung war nur die Meinung eines Trump hassenden Anwalts innerhalb des DOJ. Die Meinung bedeutet absolut nichts rechtlich. Ein Richter wird entscheiden, ob die Bullen Präsident Trump verklagen können, nicht irgendjemanden im DOJ. Da das DOJ will, dass die Bullen Trump verklagen, sagt mir das, dass das DOJ weiß, dass es nicht über die Beweise verfügt, um die Anklage gegen Trump wegen des Verbrechens der Anstiftung zu einem Aufruhr zu rechtfertigen.


Warten wir es doch einfach ab. Mein Vertrauen in das US-Rechts-System ist nicht sehr groß, das weißt Du. "Kleine" hängen, "große" lässt man laufen. Ich habe ein Stück Hoffnung noch nicht aufgegeben.


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49 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



A visit by Olaf Scholz to US President Biden is primarily about the Ukraine war. What they discuss remains mostly secret.


Of course it's secret. Biden wouldn't want Americans to know that he is giving their tax dollars and jobs to Europe. :cry:

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14 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

80% of the American people believe all the video of the Jan. 6 riot should be made public. Wonder why members of the U.S. government and the mainstream news media don't want the video made public?  Could it be because the American people will see Capitol Police Officers opening doors and inviting people into the Capitol Building? Or could it be because they are afraid the American people will see undercover FBI agents inciting people to storm the Capitol Building?


Hast Du dafür Belege ?? Das FBI macht vieles möglich. In der Dokumentation von 1 Stunde habe ich keinen Menschen in Uniform gesehen der freiwillig Türen geöffnet hat. Ich bin auch dafür alles Material und alle Videos (auch private) offen zu legen.


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52 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



Donald Trump was long considered the undisputed leader of the Republicans. He has already confirmed his candidacy for the 2024 election. But in his party, approval is crumbling. self faithful...


Trump is as good as finished, politically and financially. 😁


More propaganda from an intellectually and corrupt German news media. All they do is parrot the left wing media of America.  In the latest poll Trump was far ahead of any other potential candidate in the Republican Party.  Wonder if WELT will reveal the results of this weekend's CPAC poll? Or will they hide the poll because it doesn't fit their Trump hating agenda?

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9 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Of course it's secret. Biden wouldn't want Americans to know that he is giving their tax dollars and jobs to Europe. :cry:


Das ist Unsinn. Siehe meine Erläuterung oben. Noch nicht verstanden ? Drittes mal lesen !


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4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Do you have evidence for this? The FBI makes many things possible. In the 1 hour documentary I didn't see anyone in uniform voluntarily opening doors. I am also in favor of disclosing all material and videos (including private ones).


That's because the video was edited by the Jan.6 Committee in order to present  the version of Jan.6 that they wanted the American people and the world to see. That's why Nancy Pelosi only allowed Trump hating members of Congress to be on the committee.

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

More propaganda from an intellectually and corrupt German news media. All they do is parrot the left wing media of America.  In the latest poll Trump was far ahead of any other potential candidate in the Republican Party.  Wonder if WELT will reveal the results of this weekend's CPAC poll? Or will they hide the poll because it doesn't fit their Trump hating agenda?


BILD-Zeitung ist Schaumschläger-Regenbogen-Zeitung, ok. Alle anderen Tageszeitungen und Magazine sind korrekt und neutral und keineswegs "korrupt", wie Du sagst. Bei Rechtstreitigkeiten haben diese Medien bisher immer gewonnen. Jede Zeitung oder TV-Anstalt haben eigene Leute vor Ort welche Nachrichten überprüfen - ein hoher Standard.


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19 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Let's just wait and see. I don't have much faith in the US legal system, you know that. "Small ones" hang, "big ones" are allowed to run. I haven't given up hope yet.


Hoping the legal system will put an innocent man in prison just because you don't like him ? That doesn't sound very just.  Is that how things are done in Germany?

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