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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #8 (Starts 3/07/23)

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41 minutes ago, pulo filipe said:

Der frühere Präsident und CEO von SVB, Greg Becker, verkaufte Aktien seines Unternehmens im Wert von über 3,5 Millionen US-Dollar...




Das sind diese Lumpen welche mit Insider-Wissen ihre "eigene" Bank gegen eine Wand fahren um noch Geschäft zu machen. Nicht immer nur mit Finger auf Politiker und Regierung zeigen. Diese "Raubtier-Kapitalisten" welche Ihren Rachen nicht voll genug bekommen gehören bildlich an diese Wand und hart bestraft, sie schaden bewusst Staat und Volk.


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Er werde am Dienstag verhaftet, verbreitet der frühere amerikanische Präsident Donald Trump. Belege dafür liefert er allerdings nicht. Seine Anhänger fordert er auf: „Holt euch unsere Nation zurück!“


Dieser Schaumschäger kann es nicht lassen. Schon wieder ruft er seinen Mob zu "Protesten" auch, nur weil er als Verbrecher angeklagt werden wird. Trump der 1. kriminelle Präsident der USA ?


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18 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Not sooo stupid like Fox News . Soft German media are corrupt?? Who knows exactly where Trump got his billions of USD from? How much from Putin ??

Where are 100 state gifts that Trump did not register - that is, stole ?


Hunter Biden probably stole them and hid them in Joe's garage with the Corvette and classified documents. :biggrin:

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18 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


I was never a "professional politician" - when does that go into your soft pear??? I was a citizen-elected member of a small town council, honorary, a parliament that decides the budget, zoning plan, zoning and building projects - not the executive. At the same time we checked the work of the city administration and mayors. There was a few DM per attendance fee, nothing more. To earn money, I had a good job as a qualified engineer in sales of medical systems and large devices.

How corrupt is your savior Trump???


So you are someone just like Bernie Sanders who made lots of money in a Capitalist economy, but now embraces socialism and Marxism.

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13 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


These are these scoundrels who, with insider knowledge , drive their “own” bank against a wall in order to still do business. Don't always just point fingers at politicians and the government. These " predatory capitalists " who don't get their throats full enough belong figuratively on this wall and are severely punished , they deliberately harm the state and the people.


But they're not all bad. SVB donated millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter, supported LGBTQ causes, made ESG investments, and contributed millions of dollars to Democrat candidates. :tongue:

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9 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



Former US President Donald Trump said he would be arrested on Tuesday. However, he does not provide any evidence for this. He calls on his followers: "Take back our nation!"


This foam brawler can't help it. Again, he's calling his mob to " protest " too, just because he's going to be charged as a criminal. Trump the 1st criminal President of the USA?


Charged by a George Soros' Democrat political hack  New York prosecutor. Action is very similar to how Stalin and Putin used the Soviet and Russian legal systems to get rid of their political rivals. 

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25 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Hunter Biden probably stole them and hid them in Joe's garage with the Corvette and classified documents. :biggrin:


Narr ! Es geht um Geschenke welche Dein krimineller Heiland TRUMP als US-Präsident erhalten und gestohlen / veruntreut hat. Gegenstände über eine Grenze von USD 410 gehören dem Staat und müssen angemeldet werden. Das hat Trump verweigert - und auch das ist strafbar - mit Gefängnis. (Diebstahl, Betrug, Unterschlagung ......)

Was hat Hunter Biden damit zu tun ? Du bist offensichtlich krank im Geiste, wie Dein Manitou, bist selber blind und siehst Biden als General-Feind - Schwachkopf, gehe zum Psychiater, Du wirst gemeingefährlich. 😁


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