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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #9 (Starts 3/19/23)

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5 minutes ago, TBG 150 said:

Then what do you do? Cower in a corner and let the dirtbags rape your wife, steal your booze, wear your clothes and live in your house? Come on, give me a break and your brain. You trespass on my property uninvited and try to enter my house? You are dead, simple as that. I own the house, I pay the bills. You come to take what is mine and you are dead. Simple as that.  

If you believe otherwise and can say in your heart that is the truth, you have a serious mental disability. You need to open your eyes to the rest of the world and not just your little 'out in the country' town. It's a vicious, cruel world out there. Just ask the Ukrainian peasants that just want to live in peace.


Sorry, Ihre Beschreibung ist offenbar Alltag in "Wildwest-USA" und vielleicht in Kanada. Hier in Deutschland, in einem zivilisierten Land ist vieles anders. Gut, ich habe auch Probleme mit meiner Mieterin. Doch mit Waffe das Problem lösen ??? Das ist nur Sache für Idioten - und nicht für Menschen in einem freien sozialen Staat. USA gehört nicht dazu, leider. US-Raubtier-Kapitalismus ala Rep ist nur dumm und 100 Jahre zurück.


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56 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



In the US state of Tennessee, a woman shot dead at least three children and three adults on Monday. The incident occurred in a private


Which piece of SPYING 1 - American shit legalizes weapons to kill people???

Does CC have a mode from STOP to incitement to crime?? Well, USA is not a legal state, still a 19th century cowboy state. Discussion with idiots is apparently useless  😁


So you are saying CC incited this shooting in Tennessee?:huh:  Weapons don't kill people by themselves. Crazy evil people kill people. They use guns, knives, clubs, etc. The problem is the killer not the weapon they use.

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6 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Sorry, your description is obviously everyday life in " Wild West USA" and maybe in Canada. Here in Germany, in a civilized country, many things are different. Well, I have problems with my tenant too. But solve the problem with a gun ??? This is only for idiots - and not for people in a free social state . USA is not one of them, unfortunately. US predatory capitalism ala Rep is just stupid and 100 years back.


Such stupid Marxist rhetoric.

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Vor 1 Stunde sagte Ridgerunner:

Wer in diesem Thread lobt Kriminelle? :huh:     Es sind liberale progressive demokratische Staatsanwälte, die sich weigern, gewalttätige Wiederholungstäter zu verfolgen und einzusperren.   


Bubi Du bist krank. Du erkennst das Problem nicht. Waffen legal für Niemand. Jeder Mensch mit Waffe ist ein potentieller Mörder. Siehe Nachrichten von SPYING 1, ein potenzieller Gewalttäter und Mörder. Pfui


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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:


B ubi you are ill. You don't see the problem. Guns legal for nobody. Anyone with a gun is a potential murderer. See news from SPYING 1, a potential violent criminal and murderer. Pooh


Keep your socialist authoritarian government for Germany, we don't want that in the U.S. We don't want a country where only government officials are allowed to own weapons. Especially when our government is becoming so corrupt.

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5 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

So you are saying CC incited this shooting in Tennessee?:huh:  Weapons don't kill people by themselves. Crazy evil people kill people. They use guns, knives, clubs, etc. The problem is the killer not the weapon they use.


Du bist ein Dussel. Natürlich kann ich Dich als ehemaliger Boxer auch mit bloser Faust in die Fresse töten. Dazu brauche ich keine Waffe. Doch schwache Feiglinge, wie SPYING 1 sind schwach und Feiglinge und brauchen Feuerwaffen um sich zu verteidigen.

In einem Rechtsstaat wie Deutschland brauche ich keine Waffen - Ich habe Vertrauen in deutsche humane Polizei - brauche keine widerlichen US-Rambo-Idioten in Polizei-Uniform.

USA, lernt endlich Demokratie und Rechtsstaat ohne Polizei-Gewalt. Europa ist Euch da weit voran !!


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4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


you are a dumbass Of course, as a former boxer, I can also kill you in the face with my bare fist. I don't need a weapon for that. But weak cowards like SPYING 1 are weak and cowards and need firearms to defend themselves.

In a constitutional state like Germany, I don't need weapons - I have faith in German humane police - don't need disgusting US Rambo idiots in police uniforms.

USA, finally learning democracy and the rule of law without police violence. Europe is way ahead of you !!


And if Germany ever ends up with another Hitler you might wish the people had weapons.  

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18 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

So eine dumme marxistische Rhetorik.

Dummkopf. Erkläre "was ist marxistisch" ?? Was ist "liberal", was ist "sozialistisch" .... Ihr US-Dummköpfe hat doch keine Ahnung von Politik und politischen Richtungen. Du und Arschloch von SPYING 1 verbreitet hier im CC-Forum doch ls politische Idioten doch nur UNSINN



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