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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 11 (04/03/23)

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19 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

New video appears to show a migrant child drifting down the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass...

The migrant must have seen The Ten Commandments and duplicated the event when Moses mother sent him down the Nile to be rescued by the daughter of an Egyptian Pharoah.   

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6 minutes ago, happyone said:

The migrant must have seen The Ten Commandments and duplicated the event when Moses mother sent him down the Nile to be rescued by the daughter of an Egyptian Pharoah.   

But instead the American taxpayers will have too pay a lifetime of welfare 

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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Wer interessiert sich noch für dieses korrupte Milliardär-Arschloch von Trump ??? Trump ist Flop und US-Geschichte. Der ist so dumm, das er Bürgerkrieg in den USA erzeugen kann - das Feuer dazu schwelt schon lange in dem Staat der Ungerechtigkeit - seit 1789 ! Gut, das ich in Europa weit weg wohne. 😁


The US has been a state of injustice since 1789????  As much as you demean the USA in most all of your posts, I too am glad that you live far away in Europe and not close to this proud American--me. 

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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

The former president appeared in court on Tuesday afternoon to face the unprecedented charges for the first time.

Now everyone can read all 16 pages of legal jargon to find out all of the indictment and charges.   Or you can do as most of our Congressmen do,---don't read any of it like the bills they pass---just vote or go along party lines. 

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14 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

He'll be shitting his drawers when they slap a gag order on him before the day is done. 😁 

A gag order on a presidential candidate? That sounds like something Trudeau would do to a political opponent in Canada. And you think it's funny? Are you that how shallow and shortsighted you are?

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14 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

That's good because North America doesn't really need this guy.  Take your towel and fly away.

Tell me that later on when everything you buy in the store doubles in price because of the increase in energy prices. Do you ever think farther than the end of your nose?

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10 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Sorry you don't know anything, but always tear your mouth wide open. Angela Merkel was Federal Chairman of the right-wing conservative CDU  from 2000 to 2018 and Chancellor of the CDU for 16 years. She grew up in the GDR, but that doesn't change the fact that she's a conservative politician !

With you and your auxiliaries ALL who disagree with you are socialists, communists and marxists. You lack perception of reality. Well, the cerebellum is just too small. 😁




Calling yourself conservative doesn't make you a conservative. In the U.S. based upon her policies she would be considered a liberal Democrat. Actions speak louder than words and labels.

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10 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


This is YOUR perception. The older people get, the more conservative they become in general - this is not new. This Republican Party represents economics and "predator capitalism" with a bang. Democratic Party advocates more social justice , equalization between rich and poor and between black and white with better conditions for "your" "working class" .     Selfish rich who want to keep their advantages are fighting this party, that's for sure. Here, too, these scumbags from the CDU and FDP are fighting the SPD and the Greens with stupid and false claims - they are trying to scare peoplebefore the red danger. But these trench warfare are not as extreme in Germany as in the USA.


Yeah, the Democrats' plan for "equalization between rich and poor" is to make everyone poor except for the ruling class elite.

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5 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Are you that stupid or are you just pretending?? This is President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. If you could have read the report, you would know that. There's no harm in learning.



What does that have to do with U.S. Domestic Politics?

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4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Radical Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for protests in New York. But there are also Republicans who are no longer fans of Trump.


Civil war in the US is long overdue. Trump's idiot is just the trigger for it. 

USA is in moral decline. Biden tried to stop it - but rep jerks will destroy this ailing state. Bye bye USA.


Radical Marjorie Taylor Greene? She is a member on the U.S. Congress. But German news media is not biased?

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