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US Domestic Polititics (2023) # 12 (04/09/23)

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17 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

         Should someone start mentioning kraut concentration and deathcamps that the nazis were actually responsble for since they committed such atrocities and crimes of humanity to millions of innocent peolple ? As I mentioned earlier, 🖕 kraut propagandist. 

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Vor 18 Minuten sagte Nicholas:

         Sollte jemand beginnen, Krautkonzentrations- und Todeslager zu erwähnen, für die die Nazis tatsächlich verantwortlich waren, da sie solche Gräueltaten an Millionen unschuldiger Menschen begangen haben? Wie ich bereits erwähnt habe,🖕Kraut-Propagandist. 



Es ist eine Tatsache, keine Analyse, nicht einmal eine Meinung - die seit 1945 von den Vereinigten Staaten vorangetriebene "freie und offene internationale Ordnung" hat weltweit 20 bis 30 Millionen Menschen...

Noch Fragen - dummer Ami-Quatschkopf ???? Werfe nicht mit Steinen, wenn Du selber im Glashaus sitzt und Leichen im Keller hast. Schäme Dich fiese US-Ratte.


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16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



It's a fact, not an analysis, not even an opinion - the "free and open international order" promoted by the United States since 1945 has 20 to 30 million people worldwide...


        🤣 I could give a shit in regards to the so called "free and international order" since the only ones in the U.S. who have believed in such bullshit were some of the very same leftist nutjobs who continuously advocated for the U.S. to not get involved in what had already became a World Conflict, known as World War II, because of two countries who so called leaders, thought they should be able to rule the rest of the countries of the world. Well, those two countries, being the country where you are from, as well as japan, were made to realize quite differently nearly five years later after millions of innocent lives were lost because of the bullshit that was spawned from your country as well as japan. Free world order my ass, that is something that is only believed by those on the fickle minded left who allowed that World Confict to  escalate into as much of a World Conflict as it did and in the process, caused many millions of inncocent people to lose their lives.

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Vor 25 Minuten sagte Nicholas:

        🤣Ich könnte einen Scheiß auf die sogenannte „freie und internationale Ordnung“ geben, da die einzige in den USA, die an solchen Bullshit geglaubt haben, einige der gleichen Spinner waren, die dafür ständig eintraten, dass sich die USA nicht in das einmischen, was sie hatte bereits zu einem weltweiten Konflikt, bekannt als Zweiter Weltkrieg, weil zwei Länder, die sogenannten Führer, gedacht, sie sollten in der Lage sein, den Rest der Länder der Welt zu regieren. Nun, diese beiden Länder, sowohl das Land, aus dem Sie stammen, als auch Japan, wurden fast fünf Jahre später zu einer ganz anderen Erkenntnis gebracht, nachdem Millionen von unschuldigen Leben aufgrund des Bullshits verloren gegangen sind, der sowohl aus Ihrem Land als auch aus Japan hervorgebracht wurde. Freie Weltordnung meinen Arsch,


Es geht hier nicht um Deutschland oder Japan, sondern um DEINE USA, welche seit 1945 durch diverse ekelhafte Kriege mit Napalm und anderen mörderischen Waffenversuchen an Menschen begangen haben und 20 bis 30 Millionen von unschuldigen Menschen ermordet haben – das ist weit mehr als widerliche NAZIs verheizt haben . Geht das in Dein kleines Gehirn hinein??? Hasse nicht Deutschland allein und diffamiere mein Land, wenn überhaupt dann hasse auch DEINE USA wegen ihres Verbrechens. Von den mehr als 100 Millionen toten Indianern in Nordamerika will ich hier gar nicht reden. Erst informieren, dann denken, dann relativieren - und erst dann das Maul aufreißen, wenn überhaupt noch nötig.

Du machst das umgekehrt , reißt erst Deine dumme Fresse auf und beleidigst im Rundschlag, hast aber keine Ahnung von Tatsachen. Schäme Dich für Dein Land und beleidige weder mich noch mein Land.

Wie ich bereits sagte, möchte ich von Dir nie mehr eine dumme Antwort auf einen meiner Beiträge erhalten, sonst kann ich sehr unangenehm werden. Ich kenne "die IP-Adresse Deines Computers".

Hast DU mich verstanden?? NIE mehr - fertig.   😁




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47 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

FacebookTwitterWe should all be appalled at the lack of fiscal responsibility from our politicians. The incoming Democratic Mayor...


And the areas of Chicago that have the highest crime rates are where most of Alvin Bragg's votes came from. As has been said many times before, "You can't fix stupid."  Guess those people enjoy being shot and beat up.

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26 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

        🤣 I could give a shit in regards to the so called "free and international order" since the only ones in the U.S. who have believed in such bullshit were some of the very same leftist nutjobs who continuously advocated for the U.S. to not get involved in what had already became a World Conflict, known as World War II, because of two countries who so called leaders, thought they should be able to rule the rest of the countries of the world. Well, those two countries, being the country where you are from, as well as japan, were made to realize quite differently nearly five years later after millions of innocent lives were lost because of the bullshit that was spawned from your country as well as japan. Free world order my ass, that is something that is only believed by those on the fickle minded left who allowed that World Confict to  escalate into as much of a World Conflict as it did and in the process, caused many millions of inncocent people to lose their lives.

The "free and international order" is the reason China now dominates the world. U.S. leaders previous to Trump have sold the U.S. out to China, and Joe Biden has restarted those policies because China owns him and his family.:angry: 

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33 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


It's not about Germany or Japan, but about YOUR USA, which since 1945 has carried out various disgusting wars with napalm and other murderous weapons on people and has murdered 20 to 30 million innocent people - that's far more than disgusting NAZIs have burned . Does that get into your little brain??? Don't hate Germany alone and defame my country, if anything then also hate YOUR USA because of their crimes. I don't even want to talk about the more than 100 million dead Indians in North America. First inform, then think, then put things into perspective - and only then open your mouth, if at all still necessary.

You do it the other way around , first open your stupid face and insult all over the place, but have no idea of the facts. Be ashamed of your country and do not insult me or my country.

As I said before, I never want to get a stupid reply from you again to any of my posts, otherwise I can become very awkward. Do you understand me ?? NEVER - done.   😁




But you don't get to determine what people talk about on this thread, Mr. wanna be dictator of CC.  

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13 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

The "free and international order" is the reason China now dominates the world. U.S. leaders previous to Trump have sold the U.S. out to China, and Joe Biden has restarted those policies because China owns him and his family.:angry: 


Demagogie, was sonst. Frage besser in welchen US-Firmen und Konzernen steckt inzwischen KEIN chinesisches Geld ??? Welche US-Firma lässt nicht (billig) in China, Korea, Singapur, Malaysia, Honkong produzieren ???  Das ist hier nicht anders. Vertriebsfirmen mit Deutschen Markennamen und schaust Du genau, 90% Made in China. 

Produktion in USA oder Deutschland ist von den Lohnkosten sehr teuer, in China bei geringen Umweltauflagen noch sehr billig. China ist verlängerte Werkbank der Industrie-Länder. Für unsere Länder wird dort billig produziert und auch Schmutz verursacht, der eigentlich uns zugerechnet werden müsste und nicht China. (Umweltverschmutzer Nr. 1 in der Welt)

Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, dann gehört den Chinesen nicht nur USA sondern 80% der Welt - Biden und Trump sind da ein Nichts.



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14 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


demagogy, what else . Question better in which US companies and corporations is now NO Chinese money??? Which US company doesn't produce (cheaply) in China, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong??? It's no different here. Distribution companies with German brand names and if you look closely, 90% Made in China. 

Production in the USA or Germany is very expensive in terms of labor costs , in China it is still very cheap with low environmental regulations. China is the extended workbench of the industrialized countries . For our countries, production is cheap there and dirt is also caused that should actually be attributed to us and not China. (No. 1 polluter in the world)

It's only a matter of time before the Chinese not only own the USA but 80% of the world - Biden and Trump are nothing.



Finally, I agree with you, except for your saying there is no difference between Trump and Biden policies towards China.

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