FrankZabba Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 1 minute ago, ddhm said: For you , NOBODY SHOULD BE HERE 😁😁 , which ultimately brings the next conclusion , what you will do and where you would be spending your time if NOBODY SHOULD BE HERE ? Of course it is your opinion and it is a respected one , but , HONESTLY , can you PLEASE name the people that for you SHOULD BE HERE and provide the reasons why should they be in comparison to my opinion which is my belief for you that you WANT NOBODY HERE .. Conclusion .. Please name the tenants that should be there and why . Please name the tenants that shouldn’t be there and why . i can't name the tenants that should be there because they would be new tenants and not recycles. i know you love the recycled garbage that rlc seems to not live without but i and others would prefer to see new tenants every time rlc replaces someone. i don't see why this is so hard for you! 1
ddhm Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 Just now, FrankZabba said: i can't name the tenants that should be there because they would be new tenants and not recycles. i know you love the recycled garbage that rlc seems to not live without but i and others would prefer to see new tenants every time rlc replaces someone. i don't see why this is so hard for you! Let’s start . B1 . Shantal B2 . Liza , Ari B4 . Aziza , Azura , Tani , Wendy B7 . Gloria , Ashley 9 new tenants plus 2 who were fired nearly 10 days ago or so . What is it exactly that you mean and perhaps it is good always to ha railed experienced ones ( repeaters ) so as to make the adjustment to the new ones easier . You didn’t answer the question by the way with names but just with a general “ Frank Zabba “ personal opinion .
FrankZabba Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 8 minutes ago, ddhm said: Let’s start . B1 . Shantal B2 . Liza , Ari B4 . Aziza , Azura , Tani , Wendy B7 . Gloria , Ashley 9 new tenants plus 2 who were fired nearly 10 days ago or so . What is it exactly that you mean and perhaps it is good always to ha railed experienced ones ( repeaters ) so as to make the adjustment to the new ones easier . You didn’t answer the question by the way with names but just with a general “ Frank Zabba “ personal opinion . i didn't answer your question because it was a stupid question. you like repeaters and think they are necessary for the success of rlc, where i she them as a detriment to rlc.
FrankZabba Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 Just now, FrankZabba said: i didn't answer your question because it was a stupid question. you like repeaters and think they are necessary for the success of rlc, where i she them as a detriment to rlc. just like seeing the ones that can't seem to keep away from rlc even though their time has long since been up. to me that is piss poor management on rlc's part. you have your reasons for what you would like to see just like i do. so in the future, do not ask me anymore questions as i will not answer them. you can continue to try and impress other people with your words but i am not one of them!
ddhm Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 23 minutes ago, FrankZabba said: i didn't answer your question because it was a stupid question. you like repeaters and think they are necessary for the success of rlc, where i she them as a detriment to rlc. Stupid question 😂🤣😂🤣 you are criticizing and characterizing again I see … Well then , it was a stupid question because it was created based on a stupid opinion that you have 😂🤣 1
ddhm Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 32 minutes ago, FrankZabba said: just like seeing the ones that can't seem to keep away from rlc even though their time has long since been up. to me that is piss poor management on rlc's part. you have your reasons for what you would like to see just like i do. so in the future, do not ask me anymore questions as i will not answer them. you can continue to try and impress other people with your words but i am not one of them! I am not trying to impress anyone , what’s the point to do so ? I am only pointing out your CONTINUOUS NEGATIVITY for RLC and why you are here posting opinions and characterizing forum members opinions and tenants in a continuous degrading and negative way when you hate what’s been broadcasted on a site THAT YOU DON’T even watch so as to have an opinion of what really goes on and what these people are , how they look like and their daily decisions on what to do and how to live their lives . I am bringing out your hate publicly and I made a very normal and innocent question on your CONTINUOUS posts like “ they should not be here “ , “ they went out to fuck off cameras “ , “ they are hiding and it is ridiculous that you pay “ , which are opinions that reflect YOURSELF AND YOU ONLY and aren’t applied to the mind of others . I will continue asking you stupid questions when I read stupid opinions that you express , since it is a forum that engages chats , it’s up to you obviously to use the ignore button to avoid any interaction with back and forth Q&A and it is up to me to try and figure out why the hate towards RLC and its people when THEY DO ABSOLUTELY NO HARM AT YOU AT ALL . 1
Gerald Knauft Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 7 minutes ago, ddhm said: Ich versuche nicht, irgendjemanden zu beeindrucken, wozu soll ich das tun? Ich weise nur auf Ihre KONTINUIERLICHE NEGATIVITÄT gegenüber RLC hin und warum Sie hier Meinungen posten und die Meinungen von Forumsmitgliedern und Mietern auf eine kontinuierliche erniedrigende und negative Weise charakterisieren, wenn Sie hassen, was auf einer Website ausgestrahlt wird, DIE SIE NICHT einmal ansehen, um es zu sehen eine Meinung darüber haben , was wirklich vor sich geht und was diese Menschen sind , wie sie aussehen und wie sie täglich entscheiden , was sie tun und wie sie ihr Leben leben . Ich bringe deinen Hass öffentlich zum Ausdruck und ich habe eine ganz normale und unschuldige Frage zu deinen KONTINUIERLICHEN Posts gestellt, wie „Sie sollten nicht hier sein“, „Sie sind rausgegangen, um Kameras zu verpissen“, „Sie verstecken sich und es ist lächerlich, dass du bezahlst “ , das sind Meinungen, die NUR SIE SELBST und SIE widerspiegeln und sich nicht auf die Meinung anderer beziehen. Ich werde Ihnen weiterhin dumme Fragen stellen, wenn ich dumme Meinungen lese, die Sie äußern, da es sich um ein Forum handelt, in dem Chats stattfinden, liegt es natürlich an Ihnen, den Ignorieren-Button zu verwenden, um jede Interaktion mit Hin- und Her-Fragen und Antworten zu vermeiden, und es liegt an mir zu versuchen und herauszufinden, warum der Hass gegenüber RLC und seinen Leuten, wenn SIE IHNEN ABSOLUT KEINEN SCHADEN TUN. Leute ! Dreht doch bitte die Eskalationsschraube einige Umdrehungen zurück ! Kritik hier im Forum , sei es an den Mädchen und den zweifelhaften männlichen Teilnehmern, an RLC, an den sehr unterschiedlichen Meinungen und Vorstellungen der Abonnenten usw. ist doch notwendig und normal. Aber diese Diskussionen nehmen nach meiner Beobachtung an unangemessener Schärfe und teilweise persönlichen Beleidigungen der Poster zu. Das ist schlechter Stil, wenn sich Menschen die sich in der Regel nicht persönlich kennen in einer solchen Weise miteinander umgehen. Das stößt viele Abonnenten, auch mich, ziemlich ab und sie überlegen dreimal ob sie einen Beitrag ihres Interesses posten sollen. Das schadet der Vielfalt des Forums gewiss und kostet auch in gewisser Weise Abonnenten die sich letztendlich von dem ganzen Projekt abgestoßen fühlen. Und weniger Abonnenten bedeutet auch weniger finanzielle Mittel für positive Veränderungen ( teurere ( bessere?) Akteurinnen und Akteure, aber auch an der materiellen Ausstattung . 1 1 1
FrankZabba Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 2 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said: People ! Please turn the escalation screw back a few turns! Criticism here in the forum, be it the girls and the dubious male participants, RLC, the very different opinions and ideas of the subscribers, etc. is necessary and normal. But these discussions are increasing in my observation of inappropriate sharpness and sometimes personal insults to the posters. It's bad form when people who don't usually know each other personally treat each other in this way. This repels many subscribers, including me, and they think twice about posting a post of their interest. This certainly harms the diversity of the forum and in a certain way also costs subscribers who ultimately feel repelled by the whole project. if he would stop coming at me because he doesn't agree with or like what i have to say, everything would be fine. however, he just can't help himself! 1
ddhm Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 1 hour ago, FrankZabba said: if he would stop coming at me because he doesn't agree with or like what i have to say, everything would be fine. however, he just can't help himself! 😂🤣😂🤣 good night
FrankZabba Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 5 minutes ago, ddhm said: 😂🤣😂🤣 good night sleep well
HotWivesRock Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 On 5/5/2023 at 11:09 PM, Not Frank Zabba said: My free cams were out for 2 weeks ?? but today they came back Have you tried using Chrome Incognito?
NOT MYSELF Posted May 7, 2023 Posted May 7, 2023 37 minutes ago, HotWivesRock said: Have you tried using Chrome Incognito? oh! no never knew such a thing.. I try not to get attached to it all .. but for some reason its back on now so I can be satisfied with it as is for now . .. I waste enough time as it is many thanks for the tip ..
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