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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 13 (04/13/23)

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6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


I don't understand your excitement. You complained that your US has a trade deficit of over $250 billion a year with Europe and China. I have tried to explain why this is so. US products are not attractive and too expensive. We can only buy peanuts, semiconductors and weapons while America is far from self-sufficient. USA needs imports. "America first" is nonsense, as is isolation through high tariffs.

Wars are expensive and America has invested a great deal of money in them since 1945 - without any income. This leads to the impoverishment of the state and people. NATO as a transatlantic pact was created after 1945 to keep Russia/USSR in check. Taiwan is not a NATO member and thus has no protection from NATO countries. If this USA assures Taiwan protection then bilaterally alone. If China attacks the American motherland (not a ship or a US base), then that's a NATO case, otherwise not. Taiwan is known to be located in the Pacific and not in the Atlantic.

And don't keep talking about "working class" and "liberal progressive socialists/Marxists", that's just nonsense. I have already commented on this in detail before, I do not want to repeat myself. No matter how many times you repeat these phrases, they don't become any truer.


You are what is nonsense. I know how much better things were in this country when Trump was president, and that is a reality that your phony words will never change. If not for the fucking Chinese caused pandemic Trump would still be president and the U.S. would be in great shape. Save your empty rhetoric for Europeans who are dumb enough to believe you.

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6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



In Dublin, the American President conjures up the same “values” and “concerns”. This is also a sign to the local voters.


The U.S.and world is falling apart and Biden spends a week in Ireland with his family on a vacation paid for by American taxpayers.:dodgy:

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5 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



The Supreme Court has now intervened in the dispute over the approval of mifepristone in the USA. The judges want to maintain access to the abortion pill - for the time being.


 Drug was not removed from market for ideological reasons about abortion. It was removed from market because of drug safety questions. Apparently in 2016 the FDA did not follow proper safety guidelines in approving the drug.

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The U.S. should totally remove itself from NATO,bring all U.S. troops home from Europe, and make the backstabbing EU totally provide for it's own defense. We should then use the money we save from that to rebuild our military at home and in the Pacific region.

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7 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is currently Donald Trump's most dangerous opponent. Now a lobby group is helping the ex-president with a campaign video that takes DeSantis hard - with...



In latest polls Trump has over 30 percentage point lead over DeSantis.  Ad just points out previous votes by Desantis on Social Security and Medicare when Desantis was a member of U.S. Congress. that's the kind of things political campaigns should be about.:cool:

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