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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 13 (04/13/23)

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Der Konflikt über das Waffenrecht spaltet die USA. South Dakotas Gouverneurin Kristi Noem erzählte auf einer Veranstaltung der Waffenlobby NRA offenbar voller Stolz, wie das Thema in ihrer Familie...


Einer noch nicht einmal 2-jährigen Enkelin Waffen zu geben - so unendlich dumm sein kann nur eine Republikanerin. 😁       Und sie ist noch stolz darauf - doppelt dumm.


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14 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


I understand you want to get rid of me. To Mars or Saturn, I would like to do that, because I'm a courageous person, unlike you, the US coward in the Vietnam mission. but maybe that's just a lie too, like all the nonsense that this tramp tells every day.

Unfortunately, I'm too old for this Saturn campaign, so I'll have to annoy you on earth for a while longer. Who gives up first? Who buries your body? I hold back there.


More rantings from an unhinged Hun.

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15 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


I've seen Biden give free speeches without a teleprompter in Northern Ireland and Ireland. That's stupid lie of yours. Biden was top in Ireland, no visit from relatives, but state visit from the USA,

Watching the fuck trump stutter like that makes me sick. Go practice golf baby.


I also saw Biden in Ireland where he took questions from children and his criminal son Hunter had to interpret the questions for his senile father before Joe Biden could answer them. :sad:

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47 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

I also saw Biden in Ireland where he took questions from children and his criminal son Hunter had to interpret the questions for his senile father before Joe Biden could answer them. :sad:

Scary isn'it!

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