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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 13 (04/13/23)

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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


What are these accusations? Huns were Mongols, north of China - I have nothing to do with that, so insult. Apparently misunderstandings caused by the translation program - American is not English, sorry for you. 

USA lost the Vietnam War with millions of victims - so did you. "Trample" is a pseudonym for "Trump". In German Trump is spoken with "u" in American with "a", since Trample is obvious, isn't it?

What's your excitement? You and your auxiliaries insult me here without end - and now you have thin skin ??? Distribute blows, but be sensitive yourself ??? Not with me. Learn verbal decency yourself first. I'm willing to engage in a factual dispute. If you insult me, I'll hit back. Understood??.


So will I. 

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

At least 20 teenagers have been shot dead at a birthday party in a small US town. Four people died. The motive for the crime is still unclear.


When can President Joe Biden's reason finally prevail against the unreasonableness of the US Republicans on the subject of gun restrictions in the USA ????? Reference to 1793 is intellectual garbage.


I'm more in favor of crime and violence restrictions. 

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:



Former US President Donald Trump is also present at the annual meeting of the firearms lobby NRA. He does what he likes best.

How stupid does a Republican man have to be who has ambitions as US President? Schools as arenas for gun wars ?? A Republican governor is even proud that her granddaughter, who is not yet 2 years old, has sharp weapons. Republicans are increasingly unable to govern. !!! 


Not true. States with Republican governors are in much better shape than states with Democrat governors. You are just upset that Republican governors don't govern the way you liberal progressive socialist/Marxist want things done.

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:



He is the first US President in history to face impeachment. This does not only have disadvantages for Donald Trump, as can be seen from his now published finances. The accusation...


A flash in the pan by mindless people. US citizens are certainly smarter in a crowd.


The ignorant German news media doesn't even know the difference between an indictment and impeachment.

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:



US President Joe Biden has repeatedly announced that he will soon announce his candidacy for 2024. He keeps waiting for the right time.


As forgetful as "Manchurian Joe" is he'll probably announce sometime in 2025.:tongue:

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5 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

A massive mob of rowdy teenagers clashed with Chicago cops Saturday night, just one...



In the Alabama shooting and Chicago shooting the news media fails to reveal that the teens doing the shootings and the people shot were Black.

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4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


What are these accusations? Huns were Mongols, north of China - I have nothing to do with that, so insult. Apparently misunderstandings caused by the translation program - American is not English, sorry for you. 

USA lost the Vietnam War with millions of victims - so did you. "Trample" is a pseudonym for "Trump". In German Trump is spoken with "u" in American with "a", since Trample is obvious, isn't it?

What's your excitement? You and your auxiliaries insult me here without end - and now you have thin skin ??? Distribute blows, but be sensitive yourself ??? Not with me. Learn verbal decency yourself first. I'm willing to engage in a factual dispute. If you insult me, I'll hit back. Understood??.


An obnoxious loudmouth German comes onto a forum entitled "U.S. Domestic Politics" and continually rants about how terrible a country the U.S. is, and then wonders why Americans on this forum insult him? Are you really that naive?:huh:

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35 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Not true. States with Republican governors are in much better shape than states with Democrat governors. You are just upset that Republican governors don't govern the way you liberal progressive socialist/Marxist want things done.

Das ist Deine Meinung, ok - faktisch nicht richtig. Diese Rep-Gouverneurin, welche Kindern unter 2 Jahren Feuerwaffen gibt ist doch im Hirn total Krank und völlig unfähig, Sorry.


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37 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Die ignoranten deutschen Nachrichtenmedien kennen nicht einmal den Unterschied zwischen Anklage und Amtsenthebung.


Wer spricht von "Amts-Enthebung" ???? Ich Denke der kriminelle Trump wird nie mehr ein öffentliches Amt erhalten - und das ist gut so !!!       Vielleicht Sponsor von seinem regionalen Tennis-Club, das reicht.


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44 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

As forgetful as "Manchurian Joe" is he'll probably announce sometime in 2025.:tongue:


Ich mag ihn, weil er viele der "Trump-Scherben" gut zusammen gefegt hat und Deine USA wieder zu internationaler Anerkennung in der Welt gebracht hat. USA ist nun wieder "Great-again"    Doch ICH würde ihm raten NICHT zu kandidieren, sondern seinen Lebens-Abend einfach ohne Politik zu genießen.


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33 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

In the Alabama shooting and Chicago shooting the news media fails to reveal that the teens doing the shootings and the people shot were Black.


Das ist doch völlig egal - es waren Amerikaner mit US-Pass. 😁        In US-Kriegen werden überproportional viele schwarze US-Bürger verheizt - und ohne schwarze Amerikaner sehen Deine USA bei Olympia und Weltmeisterschaften ganz ganz schlecht aus - noch hinter Kenia.


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