pulo filipe Posted April 15, 2023 Posted April 15, 2023 Anheuser-Busch CEO offers flat apology following Bud Light's Dylan... NYPOST.COM “We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO... And now how are going to get out of this
Ridgerunner Posted April 15, 2023 Posted April 15, 2023 1 hour ago, pulo filipe said: Anheuser-Busch CEO offers flat apology following Bud Light's Dylan... NYPOST.COM “We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO... And now how are going to get out of this Make her become a man again.
StarLight28 Posted April 15, 2023 Author Posted April 15, 2023 5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: You are what is nonsense. I know how much better things were in this country when Trump was president, and that is a reality that your phony words will never change. If not for the fucking Chinese caused pandemic Trump would still be president and the U.S. would be in great shape. Save your empty rhetoric for Europeans who are dumb enough to believe you. Du siehst das aus Deiner "Frosch-Perspektive" mitten aus dem Tümpel voll Schlamm. Von außen ist Eure missliche Situation viel besser und umfassender zu beurteilen. Zumal Du Dein Gehirn nur mit rechtsradikalen US-Medien-Schrott wie "Fox News" und "New York Post" fütterst. Man muss über den Rand des Tellers auch hinaus blicken. Lese Dir meine Erläuterungen gerne noch einmal in Ruhe durch, dann wirst Du erkennen das meine Lesart tatsächliche Abläufe sehr gut trifft. Das Trump bester US-Präsident aller Zeiten sein soll kann ich ich Dir in Deiner Verfassung nicht ausreden, klar, ich behaupte an vielen konkreten Beispielen das genaue Gegenteil - tut mir leid. 😁
StarLight28 Posted April 15, 2023 Author Posted April 15, 2023 5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: The U.S. should totally remove itself from NATO,bring all U.S. troops home from Europe, and make the backstabbing EU totally provide for it's own defense. We should then use the money we save from that to rebuild our military at home and in the Pacific region. Das werden Amerikaner nie tun - sie brauchen überall in der Welt militärische US-Stützpunkte um ihre Rolle als selbsternannter Welt-Polizist auszuüben. Unter Trump wurde 1 Stützpunkt von 15 geräumt, als Alibi und um Druck zu erzeugen.
StarLight28 Posted April 15, 2023 Author Posted April 15, 2023 5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: In aktuellen Umfragen hat Trump über 30 Prozentpunkte Vorsprung auf DeSantis. Ad weist lediglich auf frühere Abstimmungen von Desantis zu Sozialversicherung und Medicare hin, als Desantis Mitglied des US-Kongresses war. Das ist die Art von Dingen, um die es in politischen Kampagnen gehen sollte. Umfragen sind Schall und Rauch. "Sage mir welches Ergebnis Du haben willst und ich stelle passende Fragen dazu." 😁
StarLight28 Posted April 15, 2023 Author Posted April 15, 2023 4 hours ago, pulo filipe said: Victim of brutal anti-Semitic attack in NYC will testify in House... NYPOST.COM The hearing will examine how DA Bragg’s “pro-crime, anti-victim policies have led to an increase... Das ist ganz offensichtlich ein politischer Vorgang um zu versuchen Staatsanwalt Bragg zu diskreditieren - weil der Trump anklagt. Retourkutsche, ein böses Foul der Republikaner. Bragg hat Gründe vorgelegt warum er 1 Mitglied der Schläger-Gruppe milder bestrafen will als andere. Im wesentlichen war der 24 Jährige Mitläufer verbal beteiligt. ALLE gleich hart zu bestrafen wäre Unrecht - es zählt immer der Einzelfall.
StarLight28 Posted April 15, 2023 Author Posted April 15, 2023 Juice mission launches to explore Jupiter's icy ocean worlds | CNN EDITION.CNN.COM The European Space Agency is sending a spacecraft to explore Jupiter and three of its largest and most intriguing moons. The Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer mission, or Juice, launched on Friday at 8:14 a.m ET.
pulo filipe Posted April 15, 2023 Posted April 15, 2023 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: Juice mission launches to explore Jupiter's icy ocean worlds | CNN EDITION.CNN.COM The European Space Agency is sending a spacecraft to explore Jupiter and three of its largest and most intriguing moons. The Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer mission, or Juice, launched on Friday at 8:14 a.m ET. Where will the footage be
StarLight28 Posted April 15, 2023 Author Posted April 15, 2023 1 hour ago, pulo filipe said: Where will the footage be Diese Sonde benötigt 8 Jahre Flug bis zum Jupiter. Bilder werden dann Monate benötigen und von der Leitstelle in Darmstadt -Deutschland empfangen und verarbeitet. Also Geduld ist notwendig.
Ridgerunner Posted April 15, 2023 Posted April 15, 2023 So why can I no longer answer someone else's comments?
Ridgerunner Posted April 15, 2023 Posted April 15, 2023 6 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Americans will never do that - they need US military bases around the world to carry out their role as the self-proclaimed world policeman . Under Trump, 1 base in 15 was cleared as an alibi and to create pressure. Americans are more and more beginning to feel that way. EU needs to take care of it's own defense. China is a bigger threat to America than is Russia. Putin and Russia are bigger a concern for Europe than for the U.S. If you and your EU is so damn much better than America then you should be able to protect yourself from Putin without our help. If you believe American made equipment is junk then the EU needs to build more of it's own military equipment. That would help solve an American problem and EU problem at the same time.
Ridgerunner Posted April 15, 2023 Posted April 15, 2023 6 hours ago, StarLight28 said: This is obviously a political move to try and discredit DA Bragg for impeaching Trump. Retaliation, a nasty Republican foul. Bragg has presented reasons why he wants 1 member of the thug group to be punished lighter than others. Essentially, the 24-year-old fellow traveler was verbally involved. It would be wrong to punish EVERYONE equally severely - it is always the individual case that counts. All the lawsuits against Trump are political moves done to prevent him from running for president in 2024, and the American people are aware of that fact. Alvin Bragg and Alecia James are both small minded ignorant New York Democrat political hacks disguised as prosecutors. You are a pompous loudmouth know nothing. Your supposed knowledge of the crime problem in New York City and the U.S. legal process are laughable. DA Bragg is not "impeaching" Trump. He has no legal authority to "impeach" anyone.
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