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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 14 (04/13/23)

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21 hours ago, happyone said:

A CNN host expressed skepticism that Biden can viably run for reelection when so many American citizen are skeptical of America's future on its current course.

CNN isn't always left like some in here indicated---they can also report the truth.

      That pic is but one of many that shows that the p.o.s. corrupt as hell installed puppet known as biden, is definitiely mentally unstable. Furthermore, CNN has always been a leftist supporting and cover for organization, ever since it's inception by none other than Ted Turner who he himself for the most part was a leftist ideological and financial supporter and who also married another fickle minded leftist nutjob once known as Hanoi Jane, aka, Jane Fonda who supported communists of Vietnam rather than our own troops, many thousands of which lost their lives there, who were trying to keep communism from taking over another country there, known as Vietnam.

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Texas is going too far with this law.  Prayer in schools should be allowed, but making it mandatory for only the 10 Commandments to be posted and visible is radical thinking.  If the 10 Commandments is allowed, then every other religion that has similar laws should be posted as well.  Even though Christianity was the predominant religion in the USA colonies, Judiasm was also practiced.  Today, as we know, other religions have followers in the US, so laws should not favor one over the other.  


One bill would allow time for students and staff to pray at school. The other would require the Ten Commandments to be posted in every public school classroom.


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15 minutes ago, happyone said:

Texas is going too far with this law.  Prayer in schools should be allowed, but making it mandatory for only the 10 Commandments to be posted and visible is radical thinking.  If the 10 Commandments is allowed, then every other religion that has similar laws should be posted as well.  Even though Christianity was the predominant religion in the USA colonies, Judiasm was also practiced.  Today, as we know, other religions have followers in the US, so laws should not favor one over the other.  


One bill would allow time for students and staff to pray at school. The other would require the Ten Commandments to be posted in every public school classroom.


         Texas is Texas, known as The Lone Star State for a reason. Elected officials have put forward bills that they believe a majority of their constituents would agree with. Whether it gets passed into law or not there, is yet to be revealed. That's democracy the way it was intended to be. Not the coverup b.s. that's been being perpetuated by leftists for far too long in this country such as the indoctrination of younger minds as far as so called racial division issue claims along with attempting to twist and warp younger minds and even minds of children into so called sexual indentity or so called gender issues.

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14 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

         Texas is Texas, known as The Lone Star State for a reason. Elected officials have put forward bills that they believe a majority of their constituents would agree with. Whether it gets passed into law or not there, is yet to be revealed. That's democracy the way it was intended to be. Not the coverup b.s. that's been being perpetuated by leftists for far too long in this country.

This is not true Democracy and is contrary to the Constitution regarding separation of church and state.  Elected officials-politicians- are not paying attention to their constituents, but rather using their power to further their own agendas.  

While it’s too soon to tell how far this bill will go, Rice University political science professor Mark Jones explained what Republican identity politics look like.

“Just as we have identity politics in the Democratic party that tends to revolve around ethnicity, race, gender and sexual orientation, on the Republican side, we’re seeing identity politics related to religion and going back to reinforce the Judeo-Christian origins of the United States,” Jones said.

This has even played out in rhetoric on the national political stage.

Last year, during her campaign, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) said, “The church is supposed to direct the government.”

And more recently, New York City Mayor Eric Adams received some criticism for his speech during an interfaith breakfast event in which he said, “State is the body, church is the heart … you can’t take the heart out of the body.”

However, Americans United for Separation of Church and State said the government should not endorse any certain faith. And the American Civil Liberties Union said the Constitution expressly prohibits the entanglement of church and state.

“The U.S. Constitution expressly prohibits the entanglement of church and state, and the Texas Constitution guarantees the freedom of worship,” David Donatti, an attorney with the ACLU of Texas said. “This bill [SB 1515], which would require every classroom to display the Ten Commandments, is a great example of failed priorities and failed leadership.  Whether we celebrate Ramadan, Easter, Passover or nothing at all, people of all faiths and creeds should together resist the State’s endorsement of one particular religion.”

Also, a Pew research study from 2021 showed more than two-thirds of respondents do not want the government to declare an official religion.

Here is a link to the entire article



Supporters say the Ten Commandments are part of U.S. history, while opponents say it would violate religious freedoms.


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