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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 16 (04/25/23)

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17 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


You fascist supporters are still dreaming about Santa Claus. "Your wish" that the USA should withdraw from Europe will not take place. As long as the US wants to be a world leader, US military locations around the world will be retained and even expanded. Finally take note of this, I have explained this to you before. Below is a list of USA bases worldwide. If you don't just want polemics but want to argue objectively, then I recommend that you work with the report.

Promotional closure of locations by Trump relocated soldiers only to Poland and not to your border in Mexico. 😁   I can't understand the fear of refugees in the USA. The United States is traditionally an immigration country. 99% of Americans have a migration background themselves, their ancestors themselves came to the country as foreigners, mostly from Europe. This is pure food envy.

You are mixing up the terms social, socialist, Marxist and you obviously have no idea what they mean. There is no socialist or Marxist economy in the Europe of the EU. We have "free social market economy", I have already explained that here. This is free market economy in the field of framework laws to avoid social hardship. Dismissal Protection Act, Labor Protection Act, Accident Protection Act, Minimum Wage Act and others. Almost all companies are run privately, there are no purely state-owned companies. Railway, post office, hospitals, aviation companies were already privatized 30 years ago. However, there is no misanthropic, unregulated predatory capitalism here. One reason why the "working class" is doing relatively well here. US problems are self-inflicted and have nothing to do with EU system. This is wrong assignment of blame to distract from one's own mistakes and inability to be able to.



Blah, blah,blah. More rantings by a fool.

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15 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Almost three-quarters of millennials are living paycheck to paycheck, notably higher than...


Good. Millenials are the idiots who help to keep Democrats in power. Glad to see they are getting all the misery they voted for. And they are so stupid that they will vote for even more of it.:cool:

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Vor 7 Stunden sagte Ridgerunner:

Bla bla bla. Noch mehr Geschrei von einem Narren.


Ist das alles was Du zu meinen sachlich fundierten Anmerkungen  mit Belegen zu sagen hast?? Dann tust Du mir herzlich leid. Du redest Unsinn und phantasierst und bist nicht bereit über Deinen Unfug nachzudenken - und wirst auch noch frech. Da kann ich nur sagen, Dumm geboren und nichts dazu gelernt - Du bist unfähig dazu.


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4 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

In einer trockenen Tasche im ländlichen Südwesten von Arizona fressen durstige Büschel von Luzerne unbegrenzte Mengen ...




Genau so baute US-Tesla in einer Wasser-armen Gegend in Brandenburg eine E-Auto-Fabrik und verbraucht Millionen Liter von kostbarem Trinkwasser.


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