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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 16 (04/25/23)

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16 minutes ago, happyone said:

This fucker should have been locked up for being deported then reentering the country illegally on several occasions--deportation just did not seem to work.

      Would your referral of several occasions be anything close to five h.o. ? Me thinks not. But that is what happens when you have seriously mentally disturbed individuals being so called appointed or elected to public offices of so called leadership they never should have been, since some of them were actually installed rather than actually elected. In other words, puppets like the mentally deficient clown at the top of the heap of all such mentally disturbed assholes.

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1 hour ago, happyone said:

Bildergebnis für Wild-West-GIF


Auch mit Waffengewalt werden Sie meinen Tatsachenbericht nicht außer Kraft setzen können. Das sind einfach nur FAKTEN. Amerikaner können dies aus "Betriebs-Blindheit" wohl nicht ehrlich erkennen.


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15 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

Oropesa was caught hiding underneath laundry in his home days after allegedly shooting...



The shooter had been deported four times from the U.S. during the Obama Administration. When he returned to the U.S. after the first deportation he could have been prosecuted for a federal crime, confined to a federal prison, and this shooting would have never happened.

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27 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Faschistenverehrer SPYING 1 seine Vorlage zum masturbieren in seinem Kinderzimmer.


Once again you prove that you are nothing more than a mentally disturbed leftist ideological, socialist/marxist, and likely communist leftist indoctrinated kraut who is nothing more than a propagandist. Fuck you and any other mentally disturbed leftists such as yourself. When the next world conflict starts because of you and your kind, we will make it a point to fuck you and your kind this time for good since there will be no rebuilding the next time, but instead total anniliation of that country, to make sure that those with such disturbed mentallities, are eliminated once and for all !🖕

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3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

Not any longer he's not.   

The 2023 Forbes List of the World's Billionaires features a new name at the top. French luxury goods magnate Bernard Arnault has officially surpassed Tesla CEO Elon Musk to take the title of world's richest billionaire.

And where are you on that list?

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

That's what continual use of amphetamines will do to a personality. Becoming a grumpy, belligerent old man.

      Not just that, but he is a sorry no good for nothing excuse of humanity that has actually been constantly worrying if enough information gets leaked to the pubic regarding his families corruption that has been actually occuring for many years now. He is a highly corrupt leftist whose family has made millions from companies tied to the the CCP of china, along with corrupt countries with significantly corrupt goverments such as Ukraine as well as others, who is a sorry excuse piece of shit leftist puppet that was assisted in being installed by the the CCP of china, rather than actually traditionally elected all because of a bug, also referred to as a virus, that was intentionally released from a so called virology lab in a place called whuan, china where so called U.S. financial donations had been given to even though the military of the CCP had been controlling that so called viriogy lab . Anyone who believes that there were those on the left in U.S. who had nothing to do with such b.s. that killed over 20 million worldwide, are as full of shit as they come., or rather ones that just try to cover for such sorry assed leftist ideological bullshit.

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