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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 22 (06/08/23)

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17 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

There is evidence that the explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines were caused by Ukrainians. US secret documents should now show how much who knew.


Ukraine will probably have to pay compensation - that too is an international crime!


No way could Ukraine have carried out the sabotage without the assistance of other western nations. There was most likely assistance if not direct involvement by the Biden Administration. Previous to the explosion Biden had bragged that Nord Stream would be taken out.

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The connections made between the the ice melts and man-made global warming are pure speculation by "scientists." No way to prove  cause and effect relationships. Much more likely that ice melts are caused by activity on the sun than anything that man is doing. But these so called "climate experts" are so convinced that global warming is man-made that they totally ignore what is happening on the sun.

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16 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

The ponzi schemes are starting to fall.   John Candy Lol GIF

Biggest ponzi scheme of all is the belief that the U.S. government can forever continue to print money and add to the national debt without any dire consequences for the U.S.and world economies. U.S. politicians and the U.S. news media become frantic and hysterical when there is a delay in raising the debt ceiling every year, but seem totally unconcerned about a $32 trillion national debt. Such shortsighted fools. :sad:

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8 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges related to...



No surprise. Jack Smith had already made the decision t indict before the Special Counsel ever started his investigation. The sham investigation was done to give some credibility to the bogus indictment. The indictment was a totally political move by the Biden Administration to eliminate the Republican's leading candidate for the 2024 presidential election. 


6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


I kind of agree with paragraph 2 - especially since a meaningful discussion is not possible here!

I have my doubts about the first part. One person alone cannot change our world, that is clear. The big problem is that people have been damaging our environment to the highest degree for far too long thoughtlessly or, much worse, negligently for profit, making our earth uninhabitable. With such climate denier idiots at the top of the state like Bolsenaro or Trump, the goat is turned into a gardener.

Maybe animals are smarter than humans. Animals would never think of systematically destroying their livelihoods. Man is probably the dumbest animal on earth and NOT "the crowning glory of creation" as naive people believe !! Humans create this idiocy. Anyone who is indifferent to shared responsibility for the environment acts according to the phrase "After me, the deluge" - and that's not enough for "intelligent people". With human creativity it is possible to be economically successful and still be careful with "our environment"!


The biggest polluter of the world's climate right now is the Communist run nation of China which is exempt from the World Climate Accords. 

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12 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

The connections made between the the ice melts and man-made global warming are pure speculation by "scientists." No way to prove  cause and effect relationships. Much more likely that ice melts are caused by activity on the sun than anything that man is doing. But these so called "climate experts" are so convinced that global warming is man-made that they totally ignore what is happening on the sun.


Sonnenaktivitäten werden seit über 100 Jahren regelmäßig gründlich beobachtet und mit immer besseren technischen Mitteln bewertet. Fakt ist, das daraus keine Kongruenz zum Geschehen auf der Erde abzuleiten ist. Es werden zum anderen auch Daten aus der Atmosphäre und von Millionen Wetterstationen weltweit seit Beginn der Industrialisierung aufgenommen, gespeichert und verrechnet. Und da gibt es in den vielen realen Rechenmodellen direkte Zusammenhänge und zunehmend bessere Prognosen. Sonnenaktivitäten sind nur eine Entschuldigung untätig zu sein - alles "Gott gegeben" - um sich weiterhin als "Umwelt-Schwein" verhalten zu können.


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13 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

AMAZON shoppers can pick up a two-story shed that can be turned into a tiny home for...

Look a cheap home for the demon 😈 crats 

Wonder if the Obamas will give up their mansions in Hawaii and Martha's Vinyard to live in one of those houses?:tongue:

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

The ex-president faces criminal charges for the second time in a row. Already on Tuesday he has to appear before a court in Florida – all backgrounds at a glance.


Nothing more than another political prosecution by the Democrats to eliminate a presidential candidate for the 2024 election. Democrats know that Biden cannot beat Trump in the election so they need to eliminate Trump as a candidate.  This bogus indictment has officially made the U.S. a banana republic.

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

No surprise. Jack Smith had already made the decision t indict before the Special Counsel ever started his investigation. The sham investigation was done to give some credibility to the bogus indictment. The indictment was a totally political move by the Biden Administration to eliminate the Republican's leading candidate for the 2024 presidential election. 


The biggest polluter of the world's climate right now is the Communist run nation of China which is exempt from the World Climate Accords. 


Stimmt auf den ersten Blick, stimmt aber nur teilweise. Alle Industriestaaten, auch USA !!, lassen billig in China ihre Produkte produzieren und haben fast nur noch "Handelsunternehmen" und wenig produzierendes Gewerbe.

Würde dieser Riesen-Anteil, den China als verlängerte Werkbank für Industriestaaten produziert, von Klimabilanz Chinas abgezogen und den Industriestaaten zugerechnet, dann würde eine ehrliche Bilanz völlig anders aussehen. Ich verkenne dabei nicht das China in Sachen Umweltschutz und Abgas-Reinigung noch viel Arbeit leisten muß - wie übrigens Deine USA auch, welche da noch "Entwicklungsland" sind, gegenüber der EU..


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27 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


For more than 100 years, solar activities have been regularly and thoroughly observed and evaluated with ever-improving technical means. The fact is that no congruence to events on earth can be derived from this. On the other hand, data from the atmosphere and from millions of weather stations worldwide has been recorded, stored and processed since the beginning of industrialization. And there are direct connections and increasingly better forecasts in the many real calculation models. Solar activity is just an excuse to be inactive - all "God given" - to continue being an "environmental pig".


Not possible to prove cause and effect relationship with correlational studies. Making a connection between the two events is pure speculation by "scientific experts."  And those speculations have been biased by the fact that those studies are primarily funded by people who promote the theory of man-made climate change. If you are a scientist who questions the validity of man-made climate change you receive no money to conduct your studies. Promoting man-made climate change theories is where the money is for these research scientists. 

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4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Nothing more than another political prosecution by the Democrats to eliminate a presidential candidate for the 2024 election. Democrats know that Biden cannot beat Trump in the election so they need to eliminate Trump as a candidate.  This bogus indictment has officially made the U.S. a banana republic.


Unsinn ! Trump als Person ist völlig unwichtig. Trump hat nie kooperiert, hat gelogen und uneidliche Falschaussagen gemacht, er habe keine Unterlagen mehr. Bei der Durchsuchung sind dann trotzdem viele Kisten Voll mit  Dokumenten mit höchster Geheimstufe gefunden worden, deren Herausgabe Trump verweigert hat. Dadurch hat er nicht nur massiv gelogen sondern auch Ermittlungsbehörden behindert. Und er hat durch Tonbandaufnehmen geheime Fakten an "Nicht-Geheimnisträger" weiter gegeben. Das ist ein Staatsverbrechen.

Lese doch erst alle Erkenntnisse bevor Du hier Pro-Trump-Schwachsinn erzählst. Trump kann auch aus dem Gefängnis Wahlkampf machen. Kommt nun noch Anklage wegen der Vorfälle vom 06.01.2021 hinzu, dann geht es um "Hoch-Verrat" und dann ist allerdings kein öffentliches Amt mehr möglich !!    😁


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26 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Sonnenaktivitäten werden seit über 100 Jahren regelmäßig gründlich beobachtet und mit immer besseren technischen Mitteln bewertet. Fakt ist, das daraus keine Kongruenz zum Geschehen auf der Erde abzuleiten ist. Es werden zum anderen auch Daten aus der Atmosphäre und von Millionen Wetterstationen weltweit seit Beginn der Industrialisierung aufgenommen, gespeichert und verrechnet. Und da gibt es in den vielen realen Rechenmodellen direkte Zusammenhänge und zunehmend bessere Prognosen. Sonnenaktivitäten sind nur eine Entschuldigung untätig zu sein - alles "Gott gegeben" - um sich weiterhin als "Umwelt-Schwein" verhalten zu können.


Let me educate you 😤 when the dinosaurs 🦕 ruled the earth 🌎 the earth's temperature was 130* so how in the fuck is it now global warming 

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16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


This is true at first glance, but only partially true. All industrialized countries, including the USA !!, have their products produced cheaply in China and have almost only "trading companies" and little manufacturing industry.

If this huge proportion, which China produces as an extended workbench for industrialized countries, were subtracted from China's climate balance sheet and added to the industrialized countries, then an honest balance sheet would look completely different. I do not ignore the fact that China still has a lot of work to do in terms of environmental protection and exhaust gas cleaning - as does your USA, which is still a "developing country", compared to the EU..


More propaganda and distortions by you.

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