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When Baghdad Falls ....


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Not even close.  Obama will not be anybody's "lapdog."  No, it will veto everything that  comes across its desk, using the "pocket veto" more than any real President ever has.  It will fly all over the U.S. raising funds for nothing in particular, take a few bribes here and there to pardon some people who got caught fighting the good fight on its behalf, like Lois Lerner, or some drug gang lords and gun runners.  Who knows: maybe he will just throw open the gates at Gitmo and have all those guys show up in New York one day: Free at Last, Free at Last.  Yuck yuck yuck.

I have to disagree with you, though maybe "lapdog" was a bit harsh.

The thing is, Obama is driven by political considerations.  That's all.  Right...wrong...moral...immoral...constitutional...unconstitutional...he cares about none of those things.

The Republicans will gain control of Congress because of two reasons:  The People are fricken tired of the Democrat Senate blocking everything and the People are tired of Obama and his shenanigans.  That will send a message to Obama that he cannot ignore.

Obama has had a Democrat Congress...or a Democrat Senate, at least...to run interference for him for as long as he's been in Office.  That mean he can...and he has...blamed Congress when it has suited him.  But he won't have anyone to run interference for him and I don't think he has the balls to stand up to his convictions against a Republican Congress.  Oh, he'll go on camera and spout his rhetoric but he knows the people aren't buying that stuff anymore.  When push comes to shove, he'll cave in to the Republicans.  Then, he'll try to make it look like it was all HIS idea.  Anything to make him and his Democrat buddies look good politically.

If he doesn't.  If he vetoes everything the Republicans send him, he will be doing irreparable harm to the Democratic Party...and he knows it.

No...I think we are going to see a whole new side of Obama early next year.

btw, some of those other things you said he will do...yeah, no doubt.  He'll spend his last year in Office just like he's spend every other year...trying to raise money.  He won't be campaigning because whoever ends up being the Democratic nominee for President will tell him to stay the fuck away.

I expect Obama to try his Executive Order tactics... he knows that's the only effective thing he's been able to do on his own since 2009.  But Congress can minimize some of that stuff simply by passing laws that tie his hands.  He'll resist that, but then we get back to the veto thing.

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Oh how I wish you were right.  It doesn't give a shit about the Democrat party.  It's a hater, pure and simple.  It's anti-American and proud of it.  It will veto ALL bills sent his way.  Trust me on this one.

The Democrat Party and its liberal agenda is the ONLY thing Obama cares about.

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I liked it better when American presidents would at least try to be on my side and the side of its allies.

North Africa and the Middle East are now in the hands of a more unified governmental system, and none of it is civilized. Nice going, Barry Hussein Sotelo. Any chance for stability is now officially dust, and the innocent people who live their are left with no choice but to fall in like with the war-lords who wield the most force.

Nice going, Barry Hussein Sotelo.

Putin ought to clean up nicely, too, since the CIC is going be there for another couple years, regardless of Congressional elections.

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I liked it better when American presidents would at least try to be on my side and the side of its allies.

North Africa and the Middle East are now in the hands of a more unified governmental system, and none of it is civilized. Nice going, Barry Hussein Sotelo. Any chance for stability is now officially dust, and the innocent people who live their are left with no choice but to fall in like with the war-lords who wield the most force.

Nice going, Barry Hussein Sotelo.

Putin ought to clean up nicely, too, since the CIC is going be there for another couple years, regardless of Congressional elections.

People are so lazy.

I read both of Barack Obama's books (they are actually very good).  Anybody who is shocked to learn that he is.... strike that ..... WAS a Muslim simply hasn't been paying attention. 

People make a mistake when they say that Obama isn't an American.  He is.  He was born in Hawaii.  That's fine.  The problem is not that he isn't an American.  The problem is that he is anti-American.

We need a REAL president.  Not a Muslim, not a post-menopausal recovering dyke. 

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