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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 23 (06/14/23)

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Kamala Harris condemned the legality of "assault weapons" in civil society, and numerous gun advocates on Twitter responded by...


Kamala hat völlig Recht.


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Anfang Juni kündigt eine Neonazigruppe aus den USA im Internet einen Ableger in Deutschland an. Einem Medienbericht zufolge nennt dieser...


Und          SPYING 1 und 2    (N .........)     sind mittendrin.        😁


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Mark Dicara träumte davon, einen Einbrecher zu erschießen, traf dabei aber sich selbst. Nun soll er dafür ins Gefängnis.

Trump bekommt Gesellschaft im Gefängnis.   :biggrin:      Beide haben schlechte Träume.



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8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Kamala Harris condemned the legality of "assault weapons" in civil society, and numerous gun advocates on Twitter responded by...


Kamala is absolutely right.


Kamala Harris can't even define what is an assault weapon. It's just a term Democrat politicians throw around to frighten people.

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23 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


She is personally "friends" with Trump, as they say. And when his "girlfriend" "plays judge" against Trump, that's a "collision of interests." She had ruled pro-Trump in the case before, and the verdict was then quashed on appeal.


That is total bullshit. You know nothing, you fucking fool.

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19 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

David Pressman delivered a speech critical of the government at the Pride launch in Budapest. Meanwhile, Hungarian media are shooting at...


Europeans are just upset with the Hungarian government because they aren't a bunch of socialists like the nations of the EU.

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