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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 24 (06/20/23)

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8 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And since you are a German citizen you also have nothing to do with " U.S. General Domestic Politics." 


Und wieder täuscht Du Dich.  Ich bin hier das Regulativ von kritiklosen Trump-Wichsern und zeige außenstehenden Usern, das Wahrheit dazwischen, neben dummer Hetze von "Kleingeistern" liegt. Ich weiß nicht alles, ok  - aber immer noch mehr als Ihr in Eurer Verblendung. Aber das verstehst gerade DU als enttäuschter und verbitterter Veteran sicher nicht.


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2 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

If that guy was in my store I would've put my foot up his ass so deep he would need a proctoligest to have my foot removed 😤 

Since theft is no longer a crime, the people in the store need top rob the robber. Take everything from him including all his clothes and allow him to leave the store completely naked with nothing.:tongue:

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8 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

More likely the Indian prime minister is ensnaring the U.S. in trade deals that with negatively impact the lives of working class Americans.:sad:


Du redest immer und immer wieder von der "Amerikanischen Arbeiterklasse".   Toll, ich finde das gut,  Doch warum unterstützt DU dann einen (noch) US-Milliardär, der seine reiche Clique unterstützt, welche für ihn spenden und dem "deine Arbeiterklasse" außer Propaganda ein Dreck wert ist. Seine sozialistischen Subventionen haben Großfirmen geholfen Gewinne zu maximieren  -  und Arbeiterklasse sind immer noch Hungerleider.  Wache auf Ridge - bevor es mit dem Faschisten zu spät ist.


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16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Are there still "whites" in the immigration country USA??? USA is a people of mixed race with whites, Indians, negroes, SS people, Vietnamese, Koreans and and and . And there these US half-breeds are screaming when Asians and Spanish refugees enrich the US heritage. Better than those flat country inbred US regions - favorite voters of dimwitted TRUMP.


So why then do Blacks and Democrats still keep complaining about "White privilege" if there are no longer any "whites" in America?

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Are YOU really sure what kind of hate you are spreading here? With this you encourage people with little sense to continue spreading hate speech here in the forum. You had a function in the forum and wanted or should be a role model. I'm disappointed.   

Think about why you were eliminated from the forum. Moderation means balancing and mediating. But you can't, your heart is full of hatred like other little fools here. Too bad - missed chance.


think about yourself I don't like a lot of things either, but hate and violence don't change anything. It's important to act intelligently -- and Americans seem to have a big problem with that. Based on the 200 year long bloody Wild West history ???

And no one in this forum has more hatred in his heart for the USA and American citizens than you.:angry:

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3 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Hitler kam in einer Zeit wirtschaftlicher und politischer Instabilität in Deutschland an die Macht. Lernen...



SPYING-Wichser träumt wieder.  Das ist eindeutig dieser schwachköpfige Faschist von TRUMP ohne seine blonde Perücke. Salutiere mit "Heil Trump" und onaniere vor dem Bild und Spiegel in Deinem Kinderzimmer.      Schwanz ab.



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17 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


And again you are wrong. Here I am the regulator of uncritical Trump wankers and show outside users that truth lies in between, next to stupid agitation by "small minds". I don't know everything, ok - but still more than you in your delusion. But YOU, as a disappointed and bitter veteran, certainly don't understand that.


Vietnam was such a minor part of my life that I forgot about it many years ago. Save your psychoanalysis for you own disturbed sick mind.

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1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said:

The latest round of test scores from the NAEP shows achievement in reading and...

This is what the demon 😈 crats liberal socialist communist regime want, the youth to be as dumb & ignorant as possible 


Sorry  -  und ich dachte dümmeres als Familie SPYING gibt es in den USA nicht mehr.    Eigentlich wollte ich auf diese Replik verzichten, doch das kleine Arschloch von    SPYING    hört nicht auf.     Nächste Tour zur Titanic ist für Dich reserviert !!!     Dann haben Tiefseefische wenigstens etwas zu fressen  -  mehr kannst Du US-NAZI-Wichser in diesem Leben nicht erreichen.   :biggrin:



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14 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

So why then do Blacks and Democrats still keep complaining about "White privilege" if there are no longer any "whites" in America?


Weil flächendeckend in USA keine "Gen-Untersuchungen" durchgeführt werden. Was "weiß" aussieht ist nicht immer "weiß". Was meinst DU brauner ??


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