StarLight28 Posted June 22, 2023 Author Posted June 22, 2023 25 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: If Germany had not invaded other European countries the U.S. would not have needed to invade Germany. Deutschland technologisch und in Sache Kunst zu plündern war lange vor Einmarsch Deutscher Truppen Wunsch der USA. Daher auch heimliche massive Unterstützung von England um Kriegserklärung von Deutschland zu provozieren. 😁 Ridge, Du musst noch viel lernen.
StarLight28 Posted June 22, 2023 Author Posted June 22, 2023 25 minutes ago, happyone said: Absolutely you are wrong---you cannot expatriate genetics and say these people are no longer German. They are ancestors. International citizenship does not negate genetics--genetics determines ancestors---sorry Unsinn !! Genetik, was soll das ?? Ausgebürgert heißt kein Angehöriger des Landes mehr. Das heißt keine Rücknahme mehr, keine Verantwortung für Strafrecht. Ihre Genetik hat nichts mit Völkerrecht zu tun, das kann allenfalls für medizinische Forscher oder Archäologen interessant sein.
happyone Posted June 22, 2023 Posted June 22, 2023 9 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: False! Germany as a state did not exist until 1871, and various kingdoms and duchies did not give a damn about America. "German states" have had enough to do with defending themselves against raids and "pillaging" by the French. There was never any German influence in the adventurer country of America. If former Germans became criminals there, then on their own as future "Americans". USA, which was founded by criminals - a disgrace to this day. 😁 On the other hand, the "so-called 3rd Reich" is a mosquito in history - only Americans do not confess to their bloody history. And they even deny these 20 to 30 million deaths in 37 countries since 1945 - a manageable period of time. And undisputed deaths caused by the United States That is totally wrong--you have a lot to learn about American history--or your denial and mischaracterization or the downright attempt to rewrite history to your ideology is obscene. The highlighted red is soundly proved untrue by this accurate accounting of German influence in America The Germans Come to North America (
happyone Posted June 22, 2023 Posted June 22, 2023 9 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: False! Germany as a state did not exist until 1871, and various kingdoms and duchies did not give a damn about America. "German states" have had enough to do with defending themselves against raids and "pillaging" by the French. There was never any German influence in the adventurer country of America. If former Germans became criminals there, then on their own as future "Americans". USA, which was founded by criminals - a disgrace to this day. 😁 On the other hand, the "so-called 3rd Reich" is a mosquito in history - only Americans do not confess to their bloody history. And they even deny these 20 to 30 million deaths in 37 countries since 1945 - a manageable period of time. And undisputed deaths caused by the United States That is totally wrong--you have a lot to learn about American history--or your denial and mischaracterization or the downright attempt to rewrite history to your ideology is obscene. The highlighted red is soundly proved untrue by this accurate accounting of German influence in America The Germans Come to North America ANABAPTISTS.ORG Anabaptists | Germans Come to North America -- Migrants from Germany: Amish, Mennonites, Pietists, Swiss Brethren
StarLight28 Posted June 22, 2023 Author Posted June 22, 2023 49 minutes ago, TBG 150 said: Starlight hates when you try to tell him the truth. It would go against his aim to sound like the only crazy one here. Falsch !! Er mag es nicht wenn man ihm Unsinn als "Wahrheit" verkaufen will !!
StarLight28 Posted June 22, 2023 Author Posted June 22, 2023 54 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: But then you blame the USA for all atrocities that took place in the Western World previous to our break with British control in 1776. You are such a hypocrite. Einigt Euch mit den Briten, wer größeren Anteil an Verbrechen der Ausrottung von Indianern hat. Von den kriminellen Briten hört man in Sachen von Mord und Totschlag in ihren Kolonien sehr wenig. Das müssen wir ändern.
Ridgerunner Posted June 22, 2023 Posted June 22, 2023 41 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Incorrect ! Germany as a state didn't exist until 1871, and various kingdoms and duchies didn't give a damn about America. "German countries" had enough to do to defend themselves against raids and "pillages" by the French. There was never any German influence in the adventure country of America. If former Germans became criminals there, they did it on their own as future "Americans". USA, which was founded by criminals - a disgrace to this day. 😁 On the other hand, the "so-called 3rd Reich" is a mosquito shit in history - only Americans don't admit to their bloody history. And they even deny that 20 to 30 million deaths in 37 countries since 1945 - a reasonable period of time. I said nothing about Germany in my comment that you quoted. I said the people who conquered the Western World were directly under the control of European governments. And that is a fact.
StarLight28 Posted June 22, 2023 Author Posted June 22, 2023 59 minutes ago, happyone said: Sie liegen absolut falsch – Sie können die Genetik nicht auswandern und sagen, diese Leute seien keine Deutschen mehr . Sie sind Vorfahren. Die internationale Staatsbürgerschaft negiert nicht die Genetik – die Genetik bestimmt die Vorfahren – sorry Das ist blanker Unsinn !! Lesen Sie meinen Beitrag zum Thema Völkerrecht und Staatsbürgerrecht noch einmal genau.. Es gibt verstoßene Staatenlose, für welche KEIN Staat mehr zuständig ist. Genetik ist hier völlig ohne Relevanz. Es gibt tatsächlich Menschen aus deutschen Ländern welche nach 1790 regulär in USA eingewandert sind, eine Mehrheit ist das nicht.
happyone Posted June 22, 2023 Posted June 22, 2023 13 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: This is sheer nonsense !! Read my article on the subject of international law and citizenship law again carefully. There are outcast stateless persons for whom NO state is responsible anymore. Genetics is completely irrelevant here. There are actually people from German countries who immigrated regularly to the USA after 1790, but this is not a majority. It is relevant--this is a continuation of the argument you made regarding " Americans should finally acknowledge the crimes of their ancestors and be humble." International or citizenship laws do not link ancestry--genetics does....... You, by bringing up law tried to change the subject and divert from your original statement in bold, which we have proven to be more than just Americans. but genealogical ancestors as well. Your argument that there are outcast stateless persons for whom no state is responsible anymore does not over ride genetics. For example, a man who fathered a child in Germany, but moves to America is still genetically linked to that child, and he is an ancestor of that child. If he commits a crime in America, she is still linked to that crime because she is his ancestor genetically. A good debater sticks to the original premise or theory and either is the protagonist and proves it or is rebutted by a better opponent who disproves his theory. In this case, you lost the debate. You just learned the part in red from my post above "The Germans come to North America" (or maybe you did not read it)
StarLight28 Posted June 22, 2023 Author Posted June 22, 2023 1 hour ago, happyone said: That is totally wrong--you have a lot to learn about American history--or your denial and mischaracterization or the downright attempt to rewrite history to your ideology is obscene. The highlighted red is soundly proved untrue by this accurate accounting of German influence in America The Germans Come to North America ANABAPTISTS.ORG Anabaptists | Germans Come to North America -- Migrants from Germany: Amish, Mennonites, Pietists, Swiss Brethren Ich habe diesen christlichen Beitrag gelesen. Der ist ohne Bedeutung für unseren Disput. Alle Daten beziehen sich auf 1600, 1700. Da gab es im Bereich des heutigen Deutschland nur Bayern Württemberger, Sachsen, Badener und so weiter - aber keine Deutschen. Deutschland wurde erst nach dem Krieg gegen Frankreich 1871 gegründet. Im Gegensatz zu England und Frankreich haben deutsche Länder sich nie in Amerika (als Kolonialmacht) engagiert. Sehr wohl sind aus deutschen Teilstaaten Menschen nach Amerika , besonders in den Osten, in großer Zahl ausgewandert - das ist doch unbestritten. Doch nicht unterstützt durch deutsche Länder. Verstehen Sie den Unterschied ?? Viele Menschen von deutschen Volks-Stämmen sind als friedliche Siedler Richtung Westen gezogen, teils auch als religiöse Clans. Ohne diese Menschen wäre USA heute lange nicht das was es heute ist. Engländer, Franzosen, Spanier wollten als Kolonialmächte agieren "Deutschländer" nie. Das war meine Aussage - und das ist geschichtlich korrekt. Einer der größten Probleme in Mitteleuropa waren nie deutsche Kleinstaaten, sondern Frankreich, das Länder im Westen regelmäßig überfallen und niedergebrannt hat. Spyer wurde 5 mal von Franzosen abgebrannt. Dann Napoleon-Kriege über ganz Europa hinweg mit viel Leid in deutschen Ländern. Erst kluge Diplomatie von Bismarck und der erste Sieg im Krieg gegen Frankreich führte dann zur Vereinigung deutscher Völker und zur Gründung vom Deutschen Reich. Mehr ?? Auch für das Deutsche Reich war "Amerika" immer uninteressant. Anmerkung: Meine Familien hat mit Amerika "genetisch" null zu tun- Also haben wir auch null Verantwortung für irgendwelche Verbrechen in Nordamerika. 1
StarLight28 Posted June 22, 2023 Author Posted June 22, 2023 "Titanic"-U-Boot gefunden: "Titan" in Trümmer! US-Küstenwache geht vom Tod der Besatzung aus | WWW.NEWS.DE Es sollte ein modernes Abenteuer sein, das jedoch in einer Tragödie endete: Das vermisste U-Boot, das mit "Titanic"-Fans zum berühmten...
Ridgerunner Posted June 22, 2023 Posted June 22, 2023 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: Looting Germany technologically and in terms of art was a wish of the USA long before the German troops invaded. Hence the secret massive support from England to provoke a declaration of war from Germany. 😁 Ridge, you still have a lot to learn. Nothing to learn from you. All you have to offer is German propaganda. 1
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