SPYING 1 Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Sorry - und ich dachte dümmeres als Familie SPYING gibt es in den USA nicht mehr. Eigentlich wollte ich auf diese Replik verzichten, doch das kleine Arschloch von SPYING hört nicht auf. Nächste Tour zur Titanic ist für Dich reserviert !!! Dann haben Tiefseefische wenigstens etwas zu fressen - mehr kannst Du US-NAZI-Wichser in diesem Leben nicht erreichen. Being black in Nazi Germany WWW.BBC.COM A new film explores the little-known story of Germany's mixed-race population in the 1930s...
Ridgerunner Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 25 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: You keep talking about "American working class" over and over again. Great, I think that's good, but why are you supporting a (still) US billionaire who supports his rich clique, who donate to him and who doesn't care about "your working class" apart from propaganda. Its socialist subsidies have helped maximize big business profits - and the working class are still starving. Wake up Ridge - before it's too late with the fascist. You are the one who is blind to reality. Thanks to Donald Trump working class Americans now control the Republican Party. The Bushes and other establishment Republicans no longer have any real power in the party because they no longer have the support of Republican voters. The Democratic Party is now controlled and run by billionaire elitists and their puppet political hacks who now despise working class Americans.
StarLight28 Posted June 23, 2023 Author Posted June 23, 2023 16 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: And no one in this forum has more hatred in his heart for the USA and American citizens than you. Das ist völlig falsch. Du verstehst das nicht. Es gibt hier im Forum einige geistig behinderte Idioten, welche NAZI-Parolen verbreiten und nicht merken das sie sich immer selber anpinkeln. Um deren Resthirn anzuregen muß ich leider immer wieder einmal Schattenseiten der USA aufzeigen. So lange Du diese Idioten immer unterstützt wird das so bleiben. Ich hasse diese USA nicht, ich finde nur diese beleidigenden Dummköpfe ohne Verstand nur widerliche Scheisse. Du könntest das Trauerspiel mit beenden.
StarLight28 Posted June 23, 2023 Author Posted June 23, 2023 22 minutes ago, happyone said: I always wondered who cut his hair--🤣 SPYING hat ihm diese dumme blonde Perücke aufgesetzt.
StarLight28 Posted June 23, 2023 Author Posted June 23, 2023 15 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said: Being black in Nazi Germany WWW.BBC.COM A new film explores the little-known story of Germany's mixed-race population in the 1930s... Das ist typisches Material aus der Vernichtung von Indianern und afrikanischen Sklaven durch US-Kriminelle.
StarLight28 Posted June 23, 2023 Author Posted June 23, 2023 19 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: You are the one who is blind to reality. Thanks to Donald Trump working class Americans now control the Republican Party. The Bushes and other establishment Republicans no longer have any real power in the party because they no longer have the support of Republican voters. The Democratic Party is now controlled and run by billionaire elitists and their puppet political hacks who now despise working class Americans. DU bist ein NARR. Das ist Mißbrauch der "Arbeiterklasse". Damit soll diese Republikanische Partei nach rechts verschoben - nazifiziert werden damit der Faschist von Trump politisch freie Hand hat, ob gewählt oder nicht. US-Bürgerkrieg steht bevor. Schalte endlich Dein Gehirn ein bevor es zu spät ist.
Nicholas Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 8 hours ago, StarLight28 said: That's totally wrong. You do not understand this. There are some mentally handicapped idiots here in the forum who spread NAZI slogans and don't realize that they always pee on themselves. Unfortunately, in order to stimulate the rest of their brains, I have to point out the dark side of the USA again and again. As long as you always support these idiots, it will stay that way. I don't hate this USA, I just find these insulting fools with no brains just disgusting shit. You could end the tragedy with . 8 hours ago, StarLight28 said: You are a fool. This is abuse of the "working class". This is intended to shift this Republican party to the right - to be nazified so that Trump's fascist has a free hand politically, whether elected or not. US civil war is imminent. Finally turn on your brain before it's too late. Once again, you prove that you obviously do not actually know what the hell you try to make others believe. That is because you have proven time and time again that you are actually a poorly educated, but actually a rather indoctrinated worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut. You've been trying so hard to spread your disgruntled propagandist kraut bullshit for awhile now. You are likely old and know you don't have much time remaining to continue doing so, but your propagandist kind such as hitler, gobbels, goring, hess, along with the others that are waiting for you to join them in hell, so that you might be one more lost soul that might lessen the times of torment and agony that they experience when lucifer prods them in the ass with his fiery pitchfork every time they attempt to make any sound or move. He, along with they, are waiting on you as well in hopes that another condemned soul, might lessen their times of torment and agony you worthless excuse of humanity dishonest propagandist piece of shit kraut.
SPYING 1 Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 Nearly half of baby boomers have no retirement savings THEHILL.COM More than two-fifths of baby boomers are nearing retirement with no retirement savings. ...
StarLight28 Posted June 23, 2023 Author Posted June 23, 2023 MSN WWW.MSN.COM Damit nicht noch mehr ungewollte Idioten wie SPYING / Nicholas in USA geboren werden.
Nicholas Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: MSN WWW.MSN.COM So that no more unwanted idiots like SPYING / Nicholas are born in USA. Posting a pic of the most corrupt piece of shit puppet in American history shows how much of an ignorant piece of shit kraut propagandist you actually are. As I have said numerous times before, you are nothing more than a dishonest, lying assed gisgruntled kraut propagandist so nothing you post is actually believable you worthless excuse of humanity propagandist disgruntled kraut, although your kind such as lucifer, hitler, gobbels, goring, hess, and others are waiting on you and your kinds arrival in hell.
SPYING 1 Posted June 24, 2023 Posted June 24, 2023 New Research Shows Working Longer To Maximize Social Security Is ‘Not an Adequate Solution’ — Here’s Why FINANCE.YAHOO.COM Americans are often advised to work longer and hold off on claiming Social Security. It's a...
Ridgerunner Posted June 24, 2023 Posted June 24, 2023 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said: You are a fool. This is abuse of the "working class". This is intended to shift this Republican party to the right - to be nazified so that Trump's fascist has a free hand politically, whether elected or not. US civil war is imminent. Finally turn on your brain before it's too late. I live here and you don't, so I definitely understand better what is going on in the U.S. than you do. It is you who needs to cleanse his brain of the liberal progressive propaganda that it has been filled with so that you can better see what is really happening in the U.S. Joe Biden right now is operating more like a dictator than Trump ever even thought of. "Judas Joe" Biden has weaponized the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and other federal government agencies against his political and ideological opponents. THE 2024 ELECTION WILL AMOUNT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE VS THE CORRUPT WASHINGTON, D.C. ESTABLISHMENT SWAMP.
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