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Does Leora ever bathe?

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Three thoughts:

1) This thread was a sarcastic question to begin with  ;D;


2) Leora is with Paul. They have been together for quite some time. She is not with any one of us CamCaps peanut gallery goofballs, regardless of how big we think our dicks are, or how we proclaim that we know how to use them. There is a reason for her preferring Paul over us. This couple's dynamics are hugely complex (go ahead, argue with me about this), but much of who Paul is, is cloaked, and she has far more intellectual capability that she exhibits publicly on RLC.

3) I'm just tired of stumbling over rants against the RLC guys, I guess.  :-\

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Three thoughts:

1) This thread was a sarcastic question to begin with  ;D;


2) Leora is with Paul. They have been...

... and she has far more intellectual capability that she exhibits publicly on RLC.

3) I'm just tired of ...  :-\

Une chose est certaine, ses capacités intellectuelles sont excessivement bien cachées sur RLC.


One thing is certain, her "intellectual capability" are exceedingly well hidden on RLC.  ;D

Congratulations Doc.

Great idea HermanS to call our squirrel Doc Freud.  ;)

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Une chose est certaine, ses capacités intellectuelles sont excessivement bien cachées sur RLC.


One thing is certain, her "intellectual capability" are exceedingly well hidden on RLC.  ;D

Congratulations Doc.

Great idea HermanS to call our squirrel Doc Freud.  ;)

I actually preferred Jung. Freud was a bit of a pervert. Personally, I think psychology is a deranged satanic art, like the legal profession and  social "services."

Je préférais Jung. Freud était un peu pervers. Personnellement, je pense que la psychologie est un art satanique dérangé, comme la profession juridique et sociale «services».

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Une chose est certaine, ses capacités intellectuelles sont excessivement bien cachées sur RLC.


One thing is certain, her "intellectual capability" are exceedingly well hidden on RLC.  ;D

Congratulations Doc.

Great idea HermanS to call our squirrel Doc Freud.  ;)

I actually preferred Jung. Freud was a bit of a pervert. Personally, I think psychology is a deranged satanic art, like the legal profession and  social "services."

Je préférais Jung. Freud était un peu pervers. Personnellement, je pense que la psychologie est un art satanique dérangé, comme la profession juridique et sociale «services».

About Leora, you should read Françoise Dolto...  (children psy)  ;)

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About Leora, you should read Françoise Dolto...  (children psy)  ;)

Good idea. It would help me understand 90% of CamCaps posters, too!

Bonne idée. Il me aider à comprendre 90% de CamCaps affiches, trop!

"Bonne idée. Cela m'aiderait également à comprendre 90% de ceux qui postent sur Camcaps !"

      and reverse

"Good idea. This would also help me to understand 90% of those who post on Camcaps!"

When I tell you GogolTranslate is a shit...  ;)  :D  That said, your reflection is not meaningless.

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