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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #31


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3 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

How can provide information on Paul's family?  In reading all  the forum posts since the beginning I recal someone saying Paul's family does not like Leora.Is Paul still in touch with his family or did he throw them to the curb as the price of being with Leora?


They still think he's in the special place they place they put   him when he was a baby but them he met leora who was also in this special place for touching her self all the time as time went on by the time they were both aged 12 they decided  let's make some money he turned into a young rent boy for his master putin and leora became her father's blow job apprentice she still as alot to learn  anyway can't go on people are waiting to write alot more shit

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