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Politics Boards # 3 (08/22/23)

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7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Your thoughts are so removed from reality that they are laughable.


Weil DU diese Gedanken nicht verstehst und nur von braun träumst - kein Wort zur Sache und zu Fakten. Typisch Ridge. Backen aufblasen, aber nur einen Furz lassen.  😁


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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:


Because YOU don't understand these thoughts and only dream of brown - no word on the matter and on facts. Typical Ridge. Bloat cheeks but only fart.  😁


And words that are totally detached from reality are all that you have.

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38 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

You want Trump convicted and sent to prison simply because you do not like him as a person, regardless of whether he has or has not committed a crime. That makes you no different than Justin Trudeau. :sad:


Eine Suggestiv-"Antwort" von einem "US-Flatus" ohne Verstand !!!


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37 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And words that are totally detached from reality are all that you have.


Sorry, Du verstehst keine Realität. "Trump-Furz" ist für Dich absolute Wahrheit. Du benennst Präsident Biden als "Judas Joe" - und das sei Dein Recht. Ok Du bist für mich ab sofort nur noch "FLATUS" (der Furz), da Du nur stinkende warme "Darmwinde" verbreitest und unfähig bist zur "Sache" zu reden. Bessere Dich FLATUS.   😁


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51 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Sorry, you don't understand reality. "Trump fart" is absolute truth to you. You call President Biden "Judas Joe" - and that is your right. Ok, from now on you're just "FLATUS" (the fart) for me, because you only spread stinking warm "intestinal wind" and are unable to talk about the "matter". Get better FLATUS.   😁


And your comments are so intellectual, right? LMAO

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Tot oder lebendig !   Für Hinweise 1 $    .

Wie sein Freund Putin. Für Hinweise 1 Million $


       More bullshit propagandism from none other than a sorry assed propandist kraut himself. Here's what most with any decency and common sense who lack any psychological issues such as yourself or anyone who believes in your propagandist bullshit thinks about any of your or anyone who may believe in your propaganda bullshit kraut....🖕! You might want to more concerned about your kraut country paying what it is supposed to be rather than only a fraction of it to be included in the Nato alliance you piece of shit propagandist kraut.

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