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Politics Boards # 3 (08/22/23)

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25 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Waffengewalt wird in den USA zum zunehmenden Problem. Wie sehr das auch Kinder betrifft, zeigt eine traurige Studie zu dem Thema.



A black thug broke into a woman’s house and if he were still alive, he’d probably do it again. But he’s dead. And his family is mad as hell and...

Here in MIAMI-DADE we have a stand your ground law, so all you scumbag, crack heads, rapist, criminals, better not commit any crimes or else you know what going to happened to your worthless ass

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7 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


My name's not Adolf, you little fucker.

What does TRUMP's official "criminal photo" have to do with 80 years of history in Germany?

The topic here is USA and a criminal US ex-president. Everything else is a distraction. Come to the topic Canadian-Cowboy !!



But it's okay for YOU to bring Mussolini into the conversation?

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7 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Mussolini was a right-wing moron and Italian - Trump is a liar and has long called himself a Swede - and DeSanti's family hails from Italy, the land of cowards. Still questions ??

Our world doesn't need a right radical stupid US Mussolini!!!


And we don't need a corrupt dictator named Joe Biden who uses the FBI and DOJ to attack his political rivals.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And we don't need a corrupt dictator named Joe Biden who uses the FBI and DOJ to attack his political rivals.


Laufende Wiederholungen machen diese Vorhaltungen nicht wahrer. Trump hat mehrfach gegen Gesetze verstoßen und wird angeklagt - das ist ein ganz normaler Vorgang in einem Rechtsstaat. Da ist jede "Verschwörungstheorie" unnötig.


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