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B7 - General Topic 2023 #27 (September / October)

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il y a 30 minutes, zone51 a dit :

Je parie qu'elle est une ex petite amie de Wolf ou quelque chose comme ça

Une ex petite amie , peut être, mais qui ne lui permet pas de la baiser comme il en aurait envie

le gars tourne la bouée dans la piscine pour mettre la chatte de la fille face à son regard

Rien que des malades qui font ce genre de choses 

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Well … for whoever is from the beginning watching RLC in case I am wrong.. But , I believe History was made today as we had the VERY FIRST EVER ( quoting from good friend Noldus “ ) STEREO BATE , with a big though originality . We witnessed the first ever Male /Female stereo masturbation , it goes back before Covid I think we has a masturbation show of 2 or more girls usually happening at the B4 penthouse . Here it is again , the Show Returns with something we haven’t seen 😂 .. I guess , all people , both genders invited 😎😆😂 … 


Obviously , the two are related in a way we can know ( for now ) and that’s why not proceeding with sex . A very BIG statement of Margo that she will try to “ wear the shoes of unique Ashley “ , let’s see how it will be .. and what more surprises we are going to get from Wolf , for sure he has confused everyone , from his dress code lifestyle , to the injections , to the sex he had with Sara , say whatever , the guy is interesting to watch as he is completely unpredictable .. Another one to hate I guess easily 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 .. OR .. Be jealous of course being surrounded easily from nice women , I still wonder if ever will see being the one managing Shantal .

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14 minutes ago, Troy said:

WTF was that? All of that flirting with each other, and they just masturbate. I was hoping for a little bit more action, from the Margo and "The Pink Skirt"

It's their looong "warming up" (or warming US up 😉 )


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24 minutes ago, Troy said:

WTF was that? All of that flirting with each other, and they just masturbate. I was hoping for a little bit more action, from the Margo and "The Pink Skirt"

It's a good start from Margo....hopefully better things to come 🤞

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