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Elli, Vladellia (2023) #6


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Elli on a “ having had too much “ without pleasure for myself , delivering a masturbation that seemed a lot like taking much of frustration off her shoulders . 

As was mentioned , she SHOULD NEVER BE DOUBTED , in my humble opinion , she had never made such an “ out of nowhere “ personal moment during the whole time she was sharing with Vencel . 

Elli is MUST SEE when she wants , THE FUTURE is hers ( and Vladellia knows .. ) 

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10 hours ago, ddhm said:

Elli über ein „zu viel gehabt“ ohne Vergnügen für mich selbst und eine Masturbation, die ihr viel Frust von den Schultern zu nehmen schien. 

Wie bereits erwähnt, SOLLTE man NIEMALS an ihr zweifeln. Meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach hatte sie während der gesamten Zeit, die sie mit Vencel verbrachte, noch nie so einen persönlichen Moment „aus dem Nichts“ erlebt. 

Elli ist EIN MUSS SEHEN, wenn sie will, DIE ZUKUNFT gehört ihr (und Vladellia weiß …) 

Ich sehe gerade, nun geht es aber los bei der Zukunft von RLC, Elli u. Vladellia haben auf ihrem Sofa die Plätze getauscht.😁😁

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Classic female position and alone in bed withoit Vladellia , low voice , playing with her hair and smilin quite often , the funny / goofy reactions when a person that a girl in interested ( romantically ) is at the other line of the phone . Let’s see when HE appears on cameras ( it could always of course be Vencel or Peater but the RLC police complaint of the PERSONAL / PRIVATE LIVES that the girls should follow according to the viewers and not what they LIKE AND WANT , so , RLC message against Vencel - and Peater - and they haven’t been seen since … because they were ruining the apartment with their presence - when it was at that time on which we could expect the Peater saga 😊😋😋 ) ..


Let’s find out soon Elli’s ( POSSIBLE ) new flirt . 

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