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B1 - General Topic 2023 #25 (December)

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Mi scusi. Qualcuno sa cosa sia quel minuscolo dispositivo accanto al telefono di Karma che ha messo sul lavandino? Lo usò durante la prima parte del bagno, prima di uscire per scendere. Forse potrebbe essere un controllo per un vibratore interno? Karma fa strani movimenti durante i primi minuti



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12 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Excuse me.  Does anyone know what that tiny device is next to Karma's phone that she put on the sink?  She used it during the first part of the bath, before leaving to go downstairs.  Maybe it could be a control for an internal vibrator?  Karma makes strange movements during the first few minutes



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no idea

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1 hour ago, FrankZabba said:

i think i see what is going on here with karma.  i believe this is the calm before the storm with her and wolf.  she is going to batch real good and get all smelly nice for the pig before retuning to the villa to be with him.  it just makes too much sense!

She's asleep on the couch...is he on his way to pick her up in the Pig Mobile...

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3 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

i hope she stays asleep there all night.  it's obvious she didn't get hardly any sleep with the pigs roaming hands this morning.

Public transport will be ending between 10pm and 11pm so she wont get back to B4 that way, its Taxi or the Wolf mobil

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3 minutes ago, Sulzer said:

Public transport will be ending between 10pm and 11pm so she wont get back to B4 that way, its Taxi or the Wolf mobil

we will see soon enough what she decides.  stay in b1 in peace or go to b4 to be pawed by lupo, the little annoying wolf.

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12 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

we will see soon enough what she decides.  stay in b1 in peace or go to b4 to be pawed by lupo, the little annoying wolf.

Judging by her reaction to been woken by Kelly returning just then I don't think she intended to fall asleep. 😆

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