northguy Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 1 minute ago, sulzer25059 said: She clearly needs to talk it out with Sara, Agree, good post sulzer. But Karma is avoiding conflicts, and Sara doesn't seem to be able to use her brain, thought everybody likes her good spirits.
SMETANA Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 il y a une heure, sulzer25059 a dit : C'est le seul reproche que je ferai à Karma, elle ne prend pas assez de douche ni de bain. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, c'est peut-être un comportement normal pour elle, peut-être pas. Quelque chose que nous ne saurons jamais. Des circonstances atténuantes KARMA à n'a peut être si elle est d'origine ukrainienne ou russe ,loin des grands centres urbains. L'eau, on va la puiser dans le jardin, été comme hiver, pas d'eau courante , pas de salle de bain.On se lave à l'ancienne ,cuvette dans l'évier et réserve d'eau dans des seaux. Depuis sa tendre enfance,KARMA aurait appris à économiser le précieux liquide en espaçant son toilettage . ..
poncherello Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 The cat is the master of the house but he is extremely lucky: of all the tenants he is the only one who sleeps with Karma 1 1
poncherello Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 There's some news on the Sara/Karma story. At 1.20pm Karma had a long phone call with someone who I didn't understand who she was but she spoke in Russian anyway. Better to say that she didn't call but she sent a long voice message in which she complained about having been abandoned for two days with the arrival of her friends (she calls them a boy and a tall girl, perhaps she doesn't know that she is a project tenant). However during the message she underlined that she had been totally excluded perhaps because she doesn't meet all their behavioral and clothing parameters and she said of Sara that if she was interested she could send messages or photos to make her feel close. This is only the first part of the message in which he concludes that he has understood that their relationship is one-way. Maybe she was also talking about a plan to stop in Barcelona and open a "Prenatal" shop together. If anyone has anything to correct or add I'll be happy 1
poncherello Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 1 hour ago, wafercop said: Trascrizione del Diario sonoro di Karma Mac Whisper Pro e Google Traduttore Ancora di più, 2,5. Perché sono arrivati l'altro ieri e subito sera, appena me li hanno presentati, questo è un maschio e una femmina è alta . Ho sentito che in qualche modo guardano dall'Usaka, in linea di principio, dietro di loro, per davvero. Sentimenti toccanti. Ho sostenuto, nessuno mi ha chiesto niente, nessuno era interessato a me, ho solo scoperto qualcosa. E ho capito che questo è un gioco a un cancello, è proprio lo stesso livello di persone che non provano empatia verso gli altri. Per loro è importante solo il loro aspetto, che pensano quello che stanno facendo e che l'attenzione si concentri intorno a loro.< a i=7>Quindi storie così esplosive, emotive e non so nemmeno io. Perciò me ne sono andato velocemente da lì, e quella sera ho incontrato altre ragazze, cioè la mia genitori, con me, dall'altro, ci siamo divertiti, apprezzati, ci siamo semplicemente sdraiati sul letto, abbiamo circondato il cucciolo di gatto, abbiamo acceso le candeleIntorno, i sentieri sono stati smantellati, si rispondevano a vicenda& #39;hanno fatto domande, poi hanno chiamato al telefono anche un'altra ragazza, immagino che stesse già piangendo.Questa è la prima volta nella sua vita, quando si verifica una tale risonanza , e la sua situazione, così forte, ha risposto profondamente alle sue domande che era persino strano, sentivo che c'era davvero una sorta di energia Connetti molto forte, se ci credi profondamente, alloraFunziona perfettamente giusto.Per tutto il tempo, per due giorni e mezzo, non mi sono mai chiamato in questa azienda, anche se sembra che io sia vicino a Dasha, ma periodicamente abbiamo degli incroci, alcuni stanno accadendo, chiedo qualcosa, posso scrivere, chiedermeloButtare via qualcosa o una foto, ma per chiamare, guardare un film, partecipare a qualche azione o disegnare con loro, anche se originariamente era previsto per tre, non riceve un'offerta, forse capisce che questa Commissione di attestazione superiorenon riguarda affatto me, e qualcos'altro è interessante per me, e forse solo in qualche modo pensano che non arrivi a questo punto sotto tutti gli aspetti, ma al meglio, sai, ho avuto una giornata produttiva, ieri ho studiatoTutto il giorno con una ragazza, che anche lei abita in una villa vicina, ci siamo seduti nella stessa stanza, lei fa i suoi corsi, io sono mio e non siamo per niente distratti, cioè una concentrazione completa, è stato molto, molto bello. E alla fine, quando sono arrivato alle nove, già a cena, e mi sono riunito per andare a giocare, con Vova, a volte giochiamo ai giochi del tifoso, ho ancora volato nello stesso modo in cui giochi tu , come se fossi cattivo.Certo che la tua vita cade, mi sembra divertente, a dire il vero. È così ridicolo per me che sia stato persino facile per questo sospirare, reagire, quello che vedo cosa sta succedendo con loro, e so che sto facendo, quello per cui mi sto battendo, cioè , anche quando guardiamo tutto Insieme un film, mi siedo al computer, insegno corsi, periodicamente guardo il film con un occhio, c'è un punto di attesa, per esempio, prepararmi fino a domani, oppure le persone che ho impegni, sono occupate, io vengo lì, mi siedo al computer E sto seduto, aspettando con le portate, con il mio studi, e io ancora, tu, cazzo, non importa quanto cazzo sei impegnato, Lyudomat, lei inizia a ribellarsi, ci sono buone maniere circostanti. Ecco. Una dissonanza così interessante mi porta affatto da queste immagini. Oggi progettiamo di organizzare una danza statica, come una volta volevo, una sorta di meditazione, condotta da parole, con danze, con si ferma, poi si rilassa e beve. Ed è molto bello che le persone sbagliate siano attratte da questo, cioè dalla separazione della società, che avviene in modo indipendente, e in modo così organico e corretto. Quindi in generale non ha senso rompersi in qualche modo e resistere per affrontare ciò che sta accadendo. È solo che coloro che sono interessati sono in uno direzione, chi non è interessato, vada in un'altra. Quindi, gli interessi sono formati da interessi. E sì, non sei abbastanza qui, ma senti, la tua assenza si fa sentire. Sorry, I didn't see the. your place, I'm really sorry
corvette08 Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 1 hour ago, wafercop said: Transcription of Karma's sound diary Mac whisper pro and google translat Even more, 2.5. Because they arrived the day before yesterday and immediately in the evening, as soon as they introduced me to them, this is a boy and a girl is tall. I felt that they somehow look from the Usaka, in principle, behind them, for real. Touching feelings. I stood for, no one asked anything, no one was interested in me, I only found out something. And I realized that this is a game of one gate, it is just the same level of people who do not experience other empathy to others. It is only important for them how they look that they think what they are doing, and so that attention is concentrated around them. Therefore, such explosive, emotional, and I don’t even know, cause stories. Therefore, I quickly left there, and I met other girls that evening, that is, my parents, with me, at my other, we had fun, valued, we just lay on the bed, surrounded the cat-cub, put the candles Around, the paths were dismantled, answered each other's questions, then they even called on the phone to another girl, I guessed her, she was already crying. This is for the first time in her life, when such a resonance occurred, and her situation, so strong, deeply answered her questions that it was even strange, I felt that there really was some kind of energy Connect very strong, if you believe it deeply, then It works right perfectly. For all the time, for two and a half day I have never called me to this company, although it seems like I am close to Dasha, but we have periodically have intersections, some are happening, I ask something, I can write, ask me Throw something away or a photo, but in order to call, watch a movie, either participate in some action, or draw with them, although it was originally planned for three, she does not receive an offer, maybe she understands that this Higher Attestation Commission not about me at all, and something else is interesting to me, and maybe just somehow they think that I do not come to this heap in all respects at all, but on their best, you know, I have a productive day, I studied yesterday All day with a girl, who also lives street in a neighboring villa, we just sat in the same room, she makes his courses, I am mine, and we are not distracted at all, that is, a complete concentration, it was very, very cool. And at the end, when I came at nine hours, already a dinner, and gathered to go to play, with Vova, we sometimes play the games of the fan, I still flew in the same way that you play, as if you were naughty. Of course, you sag your life, it sounds funny to me, to be honest. It’s so ridiculous to me that it was even smooth to it for this to somehow sigh, react, what I see what is happening with them, and I know that I am doing, which I am striving for, that is, even when we look at everything Together a film, I just sit down for a computer, I teach courses, periodically I look at the film with one eye, there is some point of waiting, for example, preparing until tomorrow, or the people who I have plans, they are busy, I come there, I sit down at the computer And I’m sitting, waiting with the courses, with my studies, and I still, you, fucking, no matter how dick you are engaged in it, Lyudomat, she begins to rebel, there are surrounding manners. Here. Such an interesting dissonance leads me at all from these visuals. Today we plan to arrange a static dance, as I once wanted, a type of meditation, conducted by words, with dancing, with stops, then to relax and drink. And it is very cool that the wrong people are attracted to this, that is, the separation of society, it independently occurs, and so organically, and correctly. So in general there is no sense in breaking somehow, and resist, to deal with what is happening. It’s just that those who are interested in are in one direction, who are not interested, go to another. Thus, interests are formed by interests. And yes, you are not enough here, but you feel, your absence is felt. ddhm, is that you? 3 1
Rattlesnake316 Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 29 minutes ago, poncherello said: There's some news on the Sara/Karma story. At 1.20pm Karma had a long phone call with someone who I didn't understand who she was but she spoke in Russian anyway. Better to say that she didn't call but she sent a long voice message in which she complained about having been abandoned for two days with the arrival of her friends (she calls them a boy and a tall girl, perhaps she doesn't know that she is a project tenant). However during the message she underlined that she had been totally excluded perhaps because she doesn't meet all their behavioral and clothing parameters and she said of Sara that if she was interested she could send messages or photos to make her feel close. This is only the first part of the message in which he concludes that he has understood that their relationship is one-way. Maybe she was also talking about a plan to stop in Barcelona and open a "Prenatal" shop together. If anyone has anything to correct or add I'll be happy Sara has completely changed my mind since the night with Massimo and that she's just using Karma which I don't understand when she gave the guy with the moustache and Karma a ring. I don't know if Karma still wears the ring and that she always ostracises people has been known since the first night with Karma. I don't think Sara will send Karma pictures or messages unless it's to her advantage, but luckily she now has Ney and her friend who like her the way she is. 1
Noodle Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 1 hour ago, SMETANA said: Des circonstances atténuantes KARMA à n'a peut être si elle est d'origine ukrainienne ou russe ,loin des grands centres urbains. L'eau, on va la puiser dans le jardin, été comme hiver, pas d'eau courante , pas de salle de bain.On se lave à l'ancienne ,cuvette dans l'évier et réserve d'eau dans des seaux. Depuis sa tendre enfance,KARMA aurait appris à économiser le précieux liquide en espaçant son toilettage . .. 🤦♂️
Noodle Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 7 minutes ago, Raddlesnake316 said: Sara has completely changed my mind since the night with Massimo and that she's just using Karma which I don't understand when she gave the guy with the moustache and Karma a ring. I don't know if Karma still wears the ring and that she always ostracises people has been known since the first night with Karma. I don't think Sara will send Karma pictures or messages unless it's to her advantage, but luckily she now has Ney and her friend who like her the way she is. 1
Gerald Knauft Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 9 minutes ago, Raddlesnake316 said: Sara hat meine Meinung seit der Nacht mit Massimo völlig geändert und dass sie nur Karma benutzt, was ich nicht verstehe, als sie den Kerl mit dem Schnurrbart und Karma anrief. Ich weiß nicht, ob Karma den Ring noch trägt und dass sie Menschen immer ausgrenzt, ist seit der ersten Nacht mit Karma bekannt. Ich glaube nicht, dass Sara Karma-Bilder oder -Nachrichten senden wird, es sei denn, es ist zu ihrem Vorteil, aber zum Glück hat sie jetzt Ney und ihre Freundin, die sie so mögen, wie sie ist. Ich wünsche mir sehr daß Karma stark bleibt und Saras herzloses und egoistisches Verhalten, das sie aus welchen Gründen auch immer an den Tag legt, nicht wieder ohne Folgen für Sara einfach hinnimmt und wieder ihre Nähe sucht. Aber leider sind Gefühle, positive wie negative, sehr resistent gegen Veränderungen. 2
cylinderopuntia Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 4 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said: Ich wünsche mir sehr, dass Karma stark bleibt und Saras herzloses und egoistisches Verhalten, das sie aus welchen Gründen auch immer an den Tag legt, nicht wieder ohne Folgen für Sara einfach hinnimmt und wieder ihre Nähe sucht. Aber leider sind Gefühle, positiv wie negativ, sehr resistent gegen Veränderungen. Wenn ich das Begrüßungsküsschen zwischen Sara und Karma heute Mittag in der Küche ansehe, fühlt sich Karma zu Sara hingezogen. 1 1
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