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B4 - General Topic 2023 #83 (December)

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11 minutes ago, amiya.ifrit013 said:

The fact that you seemingly see nothing wrong with Massimo's behaviour (as you seem to have stated several times) scares me, and I hope that I would never run into the likes of you on the streets of Dublin (or anywhere else for that matter).

Personally, I haven't had much issue with the guys that have been part of RLC, either in the villas or as part of the couples. A lot of them were clowns or idiots, but they weren't exactly dangerous. Regarding the villa alone, Thor was a crybaby, but he still seems to be going strong with Holly, Samson was a big lug with an IQ equal to the amount of fingers he had, Tim was a nonce but I didn't follow much of Tani so couldn't really say much about that, wasn't there for Miron, Dylan, knew Anthony was back but only know him from when he was with Lorraine, Lacrim was annoying but somewhat entertaining, Wolf, can be over the top and maybe to an extent pushing his luck a bit, but none of them really bothered me or made me think it can go wrong. The ones I mentioned, aside from Tim I think, put in effort to build some form of rapport with other tenants. So far I think Wolf has succeeded the most in that regard, at least in the Villa, and from his behaviour it seems he kind of has taken on a role of "protector" to a certain degree. 

I have no issue with the guys trying to get with the girls in general, at least the ones I have seen while I my sub was running. If Wolf were to hook up with Karma, nothing wrong with that in my eyes (I've mentioned that before), because we have seen him treat those he does hook up with, with a degree of affection and respect. 

That is far from the truth with Massimo. He can't build proper rapport with anybody, like at the parties, how often has he been seen actually socialising? From the times I looked, he was always either sitting in a corner or trying to grope someone. He's seemingly incapable of building any form of meaningful relationship and every single action is to serve himself. He displays narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, egocentric and abusive behaviour. Has zero respect towards the women and has no issue taking advantage of them. 

If anybody sees nothing wrong with that, especially the last part, then I genuinely feel sorry for the women that have passed through your lives. 

You've completely hit the nail on the head there

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6 minutes ago, amiya.ifrit013 said:

If Wolf were to hook up with Karma, nothing wrong with that in my eyes (I've mentioned that before), because we have seen him treat those he does hook up with, with a degree of affection and respect.

You do great posts Amiya, keep them coming.

I thought (a big mistake) that Karma was going to B7 to

have sex with Wolf, because he did a good job in the bath

with Karma, you know slowly.

When Karma didn't show up, I looked at what Wolf was doing,

and was shocked how empty their show was.

So I flipped on a Wolf-Karma thing, he's not for her at all.

But totally agree with you, he really acts nicely.

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14 minutes ago, amiya.ifrit013 said:

He displays narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, egocentric and abusive behaviour. Has zero respect towards the women and has no issue taking advantage of them.

Massimo for me is the same character as the Wall Street

guys who buy cocaine and women, and treat them

like things, way beneath themselves, old school machos.


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il y a 28 minutes, Xarvaz a dit :

a personal attack on my private life from a jealous person... I have a nice place for that

I'm sorry, where exactly am I personally attacking you or your private life?


"The fact that you seemingly see nothing wrong with Massimo's behaviour (as you seem to have stated several times)"

An observation, based on your various comments in regard to, in this case, Massimo's behaviour

"scares me,"

My personal feeling based on above observation which I am entitled to

"and I hope that I would never run into the likes of you on the streets of Dublin (or anywhere else for that matter)."

Again, my personal fear rationalised by your previous comments regarding Massimo's behaviour (although I think many women would not disagree with that fear)

"He displays narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, egocentric and abusive behaviour. Has zero respect towards the women and has no issue taking advantage of them. 
If anybody sees nothing wrong with that, especially the last part, then I genuinely feel sorry for the women that have passed through your lives."

A generalisation regarding people that don't see that that kind of behaviour is wrong. Maybe I could have used "their" instead of "your" as the second to last word.

But I would feel sorry for the women, and men for that matter, because nobody deserves to be subjected to such behaviour by anybody, man to woman or woman to man equally.

If you feel that you recognise yourself in his behaviour, and thus are under the impression that I am attacking your personality/behaviour and/or offended you, would the issue not lie within instead of with me?

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1 hour ago, northguy said:

So Guru man can't get Karma off.

But he really gets full credit for his efforts, very nice.

It's not really his fault, he isn't like Taylor.

Karma doesn't want to finish, because she could

easily tell the guy how to improve his technique,

or use her fingers, or use a dildo to come.

Karma of course has the right not to do that on cam,

but it is kind of strange, as she also never masturbates.

Did we ever seen Karma having an orgasm? Even with Sara

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