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B4 - General Topic 2023 #84 (December)

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2 minutes ago, poncherello said:

It would be interesting to know what they said to each other two days ago at 2.08pm in the hall of the rooms when they met before Karma went out with Tantra. In this dialogue there are certainly many answers to our doubts, I was unable to understand due to too much background noise

Yes, you're right, but maybe they were looking for the spot so that we wouldn't hear what they said.

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4 minutes ago, Raddlesnake316 said:

Sì, hai ragione, ma forse cercavano il posto per non farci sentire quello che dicevano.

I don't think the meeting was agreed upon. Karrma was too busy with Tantra to organize herself and then she remembers that Tantra was coming down and when he heard them talking about her "he ran away". I thought he wanted to avoid Sara for something I don't know

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Karma has hung out at B1 overnite a few times, she could have other friends she does that with.

I wish I knew more about tantra boy because if Karma is still with him, how long can he be AWOL from your wife? Is he a good liar? Does he have a job?

The paradox of falling in love with a married person is you have fallen in love with someone who has proven he is willing to cheat and ultimately can't be trusted

As I said before I think people are goofing about this cult thing, Tantrics is not known to be a cult, though a cult could partake in Tantrics.

As far as a leader of a cult? That must be a goof, he certainly doesn't have the charismatic personality required for that.

Which brings me to our friend Max. Now he could lead a cult. He is a narcissistic egomaniac who knows how to disarm women and cares nothing about them. Bring on the cool-aid (Jonestown, Guyana refernce)

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The thing I would like to know is if Nadja was the person why Daytona returned to the villa alone last night and claimed Sara for herself (I don't mean sexually, because I don't think Nadja would have sex with a woman). Because the sex with her boyfriend is almost as boring as the sex with Karma and the Tantra guys

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17 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Non credo che l'incontro sia stato concordato. Karrma era troppo impegnata con il Tantra per organizzarsi e poi si ricorda che il Tantra stava scendendo e quando li sentì parlare di lei "scappò". Pensavo volesse evitare Sara per qualcosa che non so

The only one who can help us
  it's amiya.ifrit013 or maybe The guy from NordGuy who seems to me to understand Russian

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8 minutes ago, Raddlesnake316 said:

La cosa che vorrei sapere è se Nadja è stata la persona per cui Daytona è tornata alla villa da sola ieri sera e ha reclamato Sara per sé (non intendo sessualmente, perché non credo che Nadja farebbe sesso con una donna). Perché il sesso con il suo ragazzo è noioso quasi quanto il sesso con Karma e i ragazzi di Tantra

I've been saying it since I discovered that he's married and Karma knows it because she was the one who said it to Sara one morning: the almost exact words were these: "I'm living a wonderful story, we're caught up in feeling like a single entity but unfortunately then he he leaves and returns to his wife. He never writes and never calls. This is humiliating! These are Karma's words but I add something of mine: Karma is taken by Sara who has become her guide so the Trantra must have practiced plagiarism towards him for behaving like this. This is what I think and I repeat: Karma, give it a rest because you're getting hurt and clarify with Sara, with determination, otherwise you'll get hurt

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20 minutes ago, Raddlesnake316 said:

La fotocamera 3.5 non aveva rumore ma purtroppo abbastanza silenziosa ho già gli altoparlanti interni del portatile al 100%.

It feels better with the 3.18 cam, those who understand Russian do not need a translator. I only understood that Sara, after affectionate kisses and hugs, asked Karma where she was going and she replied "to Barcelona". Then I didn't understand anything anymore

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5 minutes ago, Lasse said:

Who knows for certain that Karmas guy is married? 

Who knows for certain that he is a sekt-leader?

Who knows for certain that they don't simply love each other?

I don't know if he is married or a cult leader, I just said because it was going around that he was probably married, whether she knew and whether the marriage was perhaps only on paper. That's why I don't want to say much about it without having background information, I don't want to badmouth anyone who doesn't deserve it

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