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Harley, Zabava (2024) #1


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1 minute ago, moules said:

This guy resembles a guy known as top knot guy.  If it is the same guy, he is no stranger to RLC.  He previously has been in B-2, B-4, and B-7. that I know of.

She kissed him on the lips just now, but what that meant i don't know. 

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6 minutes ago, chogdad said:

Is it! 😂

fair play, i've never seen him before!

They have been together for probably 18 months now, he's known on the forum as Gypsy, the name he was given during Zabava's first stay in B1/B4, He's german and I believe currently back there working. He like Zabava is a dancer.

He spend most of his time criticising anything she does, if you noticed he was only just in the door when he said her new suitcase was crap. But she loves him :heart:

Edited by HotWivesRock
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13 minutes ago, chogdad said:

Für alle, die es hassen, dass Männer auftauchen, ist noch einer da, dieses Mal für Zabava.


Niemand will und kann den Mädchen ihre Freunde-Liebhaber verwehren. Das gab es auch früher schon.  Aber da blieben die Mädchen, außer  Leora , auch nicht nächtelang weg. Wenn Kritik an der Anwesenheit von Männern bei RLC und den  Mieterinnen geübt wird geht es um die ständige Anwesenheit in RLC , so als wären sie reguläre Mieter. Sie kennen bestimmt die unrühmlichen Beispiele aus der näheren Vergangenheit  ( bei Neytiri oder auch Ulyana und anderen ). Und es geht bei den männlichen Mietern auch immer um die menschlichen Qualitäten derselben. Was halten denn sie von Massimo oder Wolf in diesem Sinn ? Also: hier werden nicht Männer als solche gehaßt oder negativ beurteilt sondern deren Auftreten und den Auswirkungen auf die " Chemie " der Bewohnerinnen der Villen. 

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2 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said:

Nobody wants and can deny the girls their boyfriends-lovers. This happened before too. But the girls, apart from Leora, didn't stay away all night long. When criticism is made about the presence of men at RLC and the female tenants, it is about their constant presence in RLC, as if they were regular tenants. You probably know the inglorious examples from the recent past (Neytiri or Ulyana and others). And when it comes to male tenants, it's always about their human qualities. What do you think of Massimo or Wolf in this sense? So: here it is not men as such who are hated or judged negatively, but rather their appearance and the effects on the "chemistry" of the residents of the villas. 

To be honest, it was made as a joke post, because there has been a lot of negative stuff about guys tonight so i was saying "Look, here's just what you want - Another!". 

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