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B4 - General Topic 2023 #88 (December)

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6 minutes ago, Sulzer said:

Stiamo andando un po' oltre con questo adesso. È in B1 perché ha incontrato Ottavia in città ed è tornata in B1 con lei poiché aveva lasciato lì le sue cose dal giorno precedente quando aveva programmato di rimanere lì ma è tornata in B4 con tutti gli altri.

Mi sembrava che fosse molto stanca e con i piedi doloranti, decise di rilassarsi in un bagno e poi si addormentò sul divano. Ovviamente ha deciso di non provare a viaggiare e di dormire.

È davvero semplice: non ha paura di essere nella B4 a causa dei ragazzi. Le piace Lupo. Molto spesso va al B7 se lui e Ney sono lì per uscire. Lei ricambia i suoi abbracci e i suoi tocchi. Se non avesse voluto, glielo avrebbe detto. È una persona forte e sa cosa vuole e cosa no. 

Godiamoci il Karma mentre lei è qui perché verrà il momento in cui deciderà che è ora di andare avanti.

What you say is all true. I agree with it 100% but I have a doubt: has Lupo understood? I really do not think so

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5 minutes ago, Sulzer said:

It really is as simple as that she is not scared to be in B4 because of guys

Agree. The girls are grown ups, and they know they are working

in the sex industry. Even Massimo is not a rape guy,

so it's more like some are seeing women as weak in general.

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2 minutes ago, northguy said:

Essere d'accordo. Le ragazze sono adulte e sanno che lavorano

nell'industria del sesso. Anche Massimo non è uno stupratore,

quindi è più come se alcuni vedessero le donne come deboli in generale.

Never talked about rape or "heavy harassment", you can't deny that

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3 minutes ago, northguy said:

Oh, sì, l'ha fatto. Karma ha dormito con sicurezza con lui,

perché è lei a decidere se fare sesso o no, e lui lo sa.

If she is the one who decides then Lupo can calmly stay in B7 and wait without being as suffocating as he is doing. I'm not saying it, almost everyone who writes here says it.  However, it is clear that we see the same things differently so I prefer to close here by respecting your opinions and asking for respect for mine.

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15 minutes ago, Sulzer said:

We are going a little far with this now. She is in B1 because she met Octavia in the City and returned to B1 with her as she had left her belongings there from the previous day when she planned to stay there but returned to B4 with everyone else.

It looked to me like she was very tired along with sore feet decided to relax in a bath and then was falling asleep on the couch. She obviously made the decision to not try travel and sleep it off.

It really is as simple as that she is not scared to be in B4 because of guys. She likes Wolf. Quite often goes to B7 if he and Ney are there to hang out. She reciprocates his hugs and touches. If she didn't want it she would tell him. She is a strong person and knows what she wants and doesn't. 

Let's enjoy Karma while she is here as the time will come when she decides its time to move on.

Finally one who understands and not one of these conspirators

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Vor 12 Minuten sagte Northguy:

Zustimmen. Die Mädchen sind erwachsen und wissen, dass sie arbeiten

in der Sexindustrie. Selbst Massimo ist kein Vergewaltiger,

Es ist auch eher so, dass manche Frauen generell als schwach anzusehen sind.

Was verstehst du unter Vergewaltigung? Dann nennen wir es sexuelle Nötigung.

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