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B4 - General Topic 2023 #88 (December)

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15 minutes ago, wafercop said:

Hello everybody

What happened to night wolf ran around had most eyes to karma Ney became jealous and went to sleep. Wolf ran after Ney checking out what it was. He said he wants to sleep with karma. She asked him to go if he was not clean. Karma was then with Daytona when Wolf came so he went to Ney to sleep.

Why Karma did not sleep with Sara she explained pretty well today in her sound diary on her mobile phone their relationship is on another level. They do not need sexuality it is so much more is more about energy proximity community etc. There nothing is needed to seduce The other they know where they have each other but she likes the energy they get together also sexually and this is new to her this feeling.

Karma also says that she has enough time to send impulses to a certain person and he is starting to pay attention to me. She has already experienced this in different situations. It works really cool. "Could it be wolf she is referring to"

She also mentions a relationship that has ended did not reveal who she is referring to.


"Stop now and speculate karma is an adult and intelligent woman who knows what she wants and does nothing she doesn't want"

thank you for your interpretations of what was said!

i would think that it has to be wolf she is referring to here.  the problem i have with her and wolf is that he is nowhere near what she is looking for from everything that has been said about her in the forum.  i think karma will be making a big mistake if she lets wolf get to her sexually.  she's a big girl and appears to be in control, i just hope she gives it a lot of thought and she is careful.

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19 minutes ago, wafercop said:

Hello everybody

What happened to night wolf ran around had most eyes to karma Ney became jealous and went to sleep. Wolf ran after Ney checking out what it was. He said he wants to sleep with karma. She asked him to go if he was not clean. Karma was then with Daytona when Wolf came so he went to Ney to sleep.

Why Karma did not sleep with Sara she explained pretty well today in her sound diary on her mobile phone their relationship is on another level. They do not need sexuality it is so much more is more about energy proximity community etc. There nothing is needed to seduce The other they know where they have each other but she likes the energy they get together also sexually and this is new to her this feeling.

Karma also says that she has enough time to send impulses to a certain person and he is starting to pay attention to me. She has already experienced this in different situations. It works really cool. "Could it be wolf she is referring to"

She also mentions a relationship that has ended did not reveal who she is referring to.


"Stop now and speculate karma is an adult and intelligent woman who knows what she wants and does nothing she doesn't want"

The person where the relationship ended could perhaps be the one with the tantra guy and the other could possibly be wolf as she enjoys his affections

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14 minutes ago, northguy said:

Thx wafer, so useful.

The ended relationship could be Guru man.

It's possible, that Wolf is the target, but Ney

is really in the way, and Wolf has a very

different mindset than Karma, so if she want's to

change his behavior, she might underestimate the task.

good luck to her if that's what she's trying to do, i'm afraid she's going to lose if she thinks that.

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3 hours ago, Lasse said:

Max-imum 48 hours.

What does max do with the rest of his time at rlc, because as you can see he usually loses interest in the girls very quickly once he has fucked them, say, four times and then he only has sara and marilyn left unless a new girl moves in by then. Because as I just read karma seems to like wolf's closeness although I still doubt what wolf wants from her a real relationship or a sexual relationship like with margo

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1 hour ago, cylinderopuntia said:

Ich glaube auch,dass er nicht weiß was los ist, er findet sich nicht zurecht, und weiss nicht wo das nächste Zimmer ist. Er geht drei Schritte, dann muß er schon wieder auf sein Handy schauen, wo es weiter geht. Ich denke das ist sein Navi, weil nach zwei Schritten muß er schon wieder schauen. Ebenso ist es mit den Villen und er muß sich den Wecker stellen wenn er in den Pool geht sonst weiß er nicht wann die drei Minuten vorbei sind und er ganzen Tag im Pool wäre.

Er schaut wohl auf sein Handy weil er bestimmt ein RLC Account hat und so sehen kann wo sich die Mädels gerade aufhalten^^

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18 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

What does max do with the rest of his time at rlc, because as you can see he usually loses interest in the girls very quickly once he has fucked them, say, four times and then he only has sara and marilyn left unless a new girl moves in by then. Because as I just read karma seems to like wolf's closeness although I still doubt what wolf wants from her a real relationship or a sexual relationship like with margo

i believe that is all he wants from karma

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14 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

Ich habe die gleiche Angst, aber da sie alt genug ist, muss sie selbst entscheiden, wen sie will. Überlegen Sie einfach, wer die bessere Wahl wäre, der Tantra-Typ oder der Wolf, lol

Ja ich denke auch, sie will Wolf. Als sie sich duscht und in ihrem Zimmer wartete. Hat sie bestimmt auf Wolf gewartet, aber er war bei Ney. Sie hat längere Zeit gewartet, aber er kam nicht, dann ging sie in ihr Bett und nicht zu Sara.

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4 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

it's apparent that karma and wolf went off together, probably to talk about several things relating to the past couple of weeks.  the next days should shed a lot of light on their developing relationship.

They brought their backpacks as they usually do when they are about to shoop back about 1 hour with food

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