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B4 - General Topic 2024 #14 (January)

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4 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

forse è già finita semplicemente non lo sappiamo al 100% perché dopo aver mangiato la pasta del lupo e poi essere tornati alla loro villa hanno riso a crepapelle aziza karma e daytona

inoltre la conversazione intorno alle 09:00 forse il karma gli ha detto che era finita perché era in piedi sulle scale come un barboncino triste (come ho detto è pura speculazione da parte mia basata sui video)

I would also like to know the content of the speeches. I tried with all the cams but the too many background noises didn't allow me to translate anything. in these situations only those who know the language can understand

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36 minutes ago, Xarvaz said:

c'est encore une autre réponse stupide et inutile de ta part à mon égard, bienvenue dans le club des ignorés et je te conseille de faire la même chose avec moi... bye

et toi connard arrete de toujourS attaquer KARMA ?cett fille essaye de gagner sa vie en montrant son cul ,toi tu ne serais surement pas capable de le faire ,alors fout lui la paix

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Just now, Rattlesnake316 said:

you i'm off in 45min what happens after that i'll find out tomorrow

i'm off in 20 mins for the pregame show and predictions.  i'll check back to see if i missed anything after the game @ 3:30 until the next game comes on at 7:15

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1 minute ago, poncherello said:

You're right, I should comment on you but I gave up because you're not worth the time it would take up

I am glad you feel that way because I'd rather talk to a tin of 'unopened' Mutti Tomatoes than engage with you. I think you are secretly an admirer of Wolf and Massi being as you talk about them so much and pay for Premium on both sites to do just that, talk about the men lmfao. Btw I cannot wait for the day Karma leaves the project...you will be lost without her and Wolf. 

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11 minutes ago, Xarvaz said:

Eventually he will come but impotent as he is, he doesn't get any further than some stiff dancing and staring at his phone, I wonder what the role of his girlfriend is (?), he lies naked next to it, but other than that...

if you are referring to the girl that is visiting him at b7, i believe it's only to draw some interest to a rather meaningless villa.

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10 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

maybe it's already over we just don't know 100% because after they ate wolf's pasta and then went back to their villa they laughed out loud aziza karma and daytona

plus the conversation around 09:00 maybe karma told him it was over because he was standing on the stairs like a sad poodle (as I said pure speculation from me based on the videos)

language barriers are a bitch!

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6 minutes ago, poncherello said:

I would also like to know the content of the speeches. I tried with all the cams but the too many background noises didn't allow me to translate anything. in these situations only those who know the language can understand

the girls know this well

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8 minutes ago, poncherello said:

I would also like to know the content of the speeches. I tried with all the cams but the too many background noises didn't allow me to translate anything. in these situations only those who know the language can understand

well, if you think it's worth it, you can record the sound and then throw it through editing software where you remove the tracks with background noise and bring out the speech, I work with the MAC myself, but my Linux laptop also does this very well with free software, the translation programs then have a much easier time doing their work

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3 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

my alarm clock is ringing when you watch the game at 19:15 when the time difference is 8 hours

sounds like you need to get some sleep then, you are running out of time

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4 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

if you are referring to the girl that is visiting him at b7, i believe it's only to draw some interest to a rather meaningless villa.

I'm also afraid this is a future resident 🫤

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