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where do they go

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ahora apartamento vacio , bajaron a comer al bar de la esquina , por no ensuciar la cocina , es bueno y barato y se vè limpio  , tienes 1º tres platos a elegir , 2º dos platos , pan vino y postre , 9,95 E  , cafe y copa y puro aparte .

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these girls are small VIP princesses, they have emerged in places "select". Cosmétics of their game and their dresses, make me think that they have good financial means ... personnaly, I do not see them eat a snack, but rather be clients "delicatessens" or connected breweries.

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these girls are small VIP princesses, they have emerged in places "select". Cosmétics of their game and their dresses, make me think that they have good financial means ... personnaly, I do not see them eat a snack, but rather be clients "delicatessens" or connected breweries.

Beaucoup plus simple... Elles cuisinent ! Quel plaisir de voir des filles manger autre chose que des plats préparés ou du McDo. De plus les plats sont assez raffinés, pas simplement de la grosse tambouille à base de patates.

More simple... They COOK !  :) What a joy to see girls eat something else than convenience food or McDo food. In addition, the dishes are quite sophisticated, not just the big grub from potatoes.

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